Our Mission Statement
To glorify God through loving one another, making disciples, serving community groups and growing spiritually.
懷恩堂歷史 Our History
基督教懷恩堂是一間蒙神賜恩、祝福的教會,她始於1979年5月13日。上帝感動何福田牧師帶領一批弟兄姊妹,借用西人教會(Crawford Avenue Baptist Church)開始聚會。
如今,堂址坐落在芝加哥城北 5200 Church Street,Skokie IL 60077。每主日上午9:30分和11:00時,我們分別有成人主日學和主日崇拜(國、粵語);同時有英語崇拜和英文主日學;每週三上午10:00點,有福樂之家長者團契(附設老年太極班);每週五晚上7:30的青少年團契也很活躍;另外禱告會、姊妹會,國語、粵語團契等等,適合各年齡層的朋友參加。
歡迎您到懷恩堂來一起聚會,認識《聖經》真理。查詢電話:847-583-8298﹒電郵:[email protected]
如今,堂址坐落在芝加哥城北 5200 Church Street,Skokie IL 60077。每主日上午9:30分和11:00時,我們分別有成人主日學和主日崇拜(國、粵語);同時有英語崇拜和英文主日學;每週三上午10:00點,有福樂之家長者團契(附設老年太極班);每週五晚上7:30的青少年團契也很活躍;另外禱告會、姊妹會,國語、粵語團契等等,適合各年齡層的朋友參加。
歡迎您到懷恩堂來一起聚會,認識《聖經》真理。查詢電話:847-583-8298﹒電郵:[email protected]
Our English Ministry Pastor

Johnny L. Wilson was licensed to the gospel ministry by Clark Avenue Southern Baptist Church of Santa Maria, California during his senior year of high school. Through the next few years, he was active in pulpit supply and weekend revivals while completing his B.A. in English on a speech-drama scholarship at California Baptist College (now University). He also served as a minister of music and youth during those years.
He was ordained by (then) Rollingwood Baptist Church of San Pablo, California when he was called as pastor in March, 1974, and completed his M.Div. (Master of Divinity) at Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary in 1975. While pastoring Temple Baptist Church in Sacramento, California, he contributed to teaching procedures for Youth Sunday School for the Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. He then moved to Louisville, Kentucky to complete his Master of Theology (Th.M.) degree (The Contribution of Tribal Organization to the Book of Numbers) at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in 1978 and his Doctor of Philosophy degree (A Rhetorical-Critical Analysis of the Balaam Oracles) at the same graduate school in 1981. He also completed graduate work in Roman History at the University of Kentucky as part of his Ph.D. requirements. While doing graduate work, he served interim pastorates in Indiana and Kentucky, contributed another quarter of Youth Sunday School material to the Sunday School Board, and led Bible conferences in Ohio and Indiana.
Upon completing his Ph.D., he returned to California where he pastored and taught both seminary extension courses (in Long Beach and in central Los Angeles), as well as taught Old Testament Hebrew and Old Testament Interpretation at the Southern California Center of Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary as an adjunct professor. Later, he served as an advisor and titular “president” of California Korean Baptist Theological Seminary, though that primarily meant teaching Old Testament Hebrew and Old Testament Interpretation via a translator.
Dr. Wilson has always pastored small churches, often on a part-time basis. For many years, he served on the editorial staff of Computer Gaming World magazine while serving as part-time or interim pastor. His career in game journalism continued for over a decade, though he wrote a workbook on Exodus for the Sunday School Board’s Bible Book Study Series and articles for both The Mercer Dictionary of the Bible and the original Holman Bible Dictionary during this period. At the magazine, he was promoted to editor, editor-in-chief, and Editorial Director before leaving his post in 1998 to assume the rank of Group Publisher for the Wizards of the Coast magazines (Amazing Stories, Dragon, Dungeon, Polyhedron, Star Wars Gamer, Star Wars Insider, and TopDeck).
While at Wizards of the Coast (a Hasbro company, and later, Paizo Publishing), he was invited to Belarus to teach Old Testament Theology to pastors and introduce them to Biblical Hebrew. He taught in Belarus twice (dependent upon translators). He has served on the Board of Directors for Turbine Entertainment Software and been the keynote speaker for several major conferences, including the Game Developers’ Conference and the Serious Games Summit. He is the co-author of High Score: An Illustrated History of Electronic Games, Rome on 640K a Day or Sid Meier’s Civilization (among others), and The SimCity Planning Commission Handbook and The SimEarth Bible, as well as contributor to The Developer’s Market Guide and Technical Editor on The Magic of Interactive Entertainment.
Upon leaving Paizo Publishing, he embarked on self-publishing a series of books called the Wytte Media Bible series, bringing multimedia and biblical scholarship together. He published volumes on Amos, Jonah, Philippians, and 1, 2, 3 John during this period, as well as leading Bible Conferences in California, Georgia, and Oklahoma based on those publications. Since then, he has taught groups of pastors in Georgia and Illinois, as well as served churches in Atlanta (Northwest Baptist), Chicago (True North Christian Fellowship, the English Ministry of Full Gospel Chicago Church), and Skokie (English Ministry of Grace Chinese Christian Church). While at True North, he taught in India (graduation ceremony pictured on this page). Until most recently, he was teaching as an adjunct professor at DePaul University in interdisciplinary courses such as Ethics in Games and Cinema and Philosophy of Film. Now, his writing and teaching ministry is most directly at Grace Chinese Christian Church of Skokie.
He was ordained by (then) Rollingwood Baptist Church of San Pablo, California when he was called as pastor in March, 1974, and completed his M.Div. (Master of Divinity) at Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary in 1975. While pastoring Temple Baptist Church in Sacramento, California, he contributed to teaching procedures for Youth Sunday School for the Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. He then moved to Louisville, Kentucky to complete his Master of Theology (Th.M.) degree (The Contribution of Tribal Organization to the Book of Numbers) at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in 1978 and his Doctor of Philosophy degree (A Rhetorical-Critical Analysis of the Balaam Oracles) at the same graduate school in 1981. He also completed graduate work in Roman History at the University of Kentucky as part of his Ph.D. requirements. While doing graduate work, he served interim pastorates in Indiana and Kentucky, contributed another quarter of Youth Sunday School material to the Sunday School Board, and led Bible conferences in Ohio and Indiana.
Upon completing his Ph.D., he returned to California where he pastored and taught both seminary extension courses (in Long Beach and in central Los Angeles), as well as taught Old Testament Hebrew and Old Testament Interpretation at the Southern California Center of Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary as an adjunct professor. Later, he served as an advisor and titular “president” of California Korean Baptist Theological Seminary, though that primarily meant teaching Old Testament Hebrew and Old Testament Interpretation via a translator.
Dr. Wilson has always pastored small churches, often on a part-time basis. For many years, he served on the editorial staff of Computer Gaming World magazine while serving as part-time or interim pastor. His career in game journalism continued for over a decade, though he wrote a workbook on Exodus for the Sunday School Board’s Bible Book Study Series and articles for both The Mercer Dictionary of the Bible and the original Holman Bible Dictionary during this period. At the magazine, he was promoted to editor, editor-in-chief, and Editorial Director before leaving his post in 1998 to assume the rank of Group Publisher for the Wizards of the Coast magazines (Amazing Stories, Dragon, Dungeon, Polyhedron, Star Wars Gamer, Star Wars Insider, and TopDeck).
While at Wizards of the Coast (a Hasbro company, and later, Paizo Publishing), he was invited to Belarus to teach Old Testament Theology to pastors and introduce them to Biblical Hebrew. He taught in Belarus twice (dependent upon translators). He has served on the Board of Directors for Turbine Entertainment Software and been the keynote speaker for several major conferences, including the Game Developers’ Conference and the Serious Games Summit. He is the co-author of High Score: An Illustrated History of Electronic Games, Rome on 640K a Day or Sid Meier’s Civilization (among others), and The SimCity Planning Commission Handbook and The SimEarth Bible, as well as contributor to The Developer’s Market Guide and Technical Editor on The Magic of Interactive Entertainment.
Upon leaving Paizo Publishing, he embarked on self-publishing a series of books called the Wytte Media Bible series, bringing multimedia and biblical scholarship together. He published volumes on Amos, Jonah, Philippians, and 1, 2, 3 John during this period, as well as leading Bible Conferences in California, Georgia, and Oklahoma based on those publications. Since then, he has taught groups of pastors in Georgia and Illinois, as well as served churches in Atlanta (Northwest Baptist), Chicago (True North Christian Fellowship, the English Ministry of Full Gospel Chicago Church), and Skokie (English Ministry of Grace Chinese Christian Church). While at True North, he taught in India (graduation ceremony pictured on this page). Until most recently, he was teaching as an adjunct professor at DePaul University in interdisciplinary courses such as Ethics in Games and Cinema and Philosophy of Film. Now, his writing and teaching ministry is most directly at Grace Chinese Christian Church of Skokie.