我們教會的可愛可親的于先生前一陣子回天家了,大家都很懷念他老人家。謝謝陳先生的“我的好朋友于老鄉”和胡太的“懷念于維烈弟兄”的文章。Ginny 的“引以為鑑”談論到種族歧視的問题,米迦勒的“亞伯拉罕演義”分享迷信拜偶像的無知,Philip 的"戴安娜公主的悲劇收埸”聯想到傳道者的智慧,Lily 的“今夏的一些困惑”感觸地説到好友破碎的婚姻,亢寫了一篇“口中甜如蜜”。希望讀者們閲讀到不同内容的文章後能夠對神有更深入的認識。
我們教會的可愛可親的于先生前一陣子回天家了,大家都很懷念他老人家。謝謝陳先生的“我的好朋友于老鄉”和胡太的“懷念于維烈弟兄”的文章。Ginny 的“引以為鑑”談論到種族歧視的問题,米迦勒的“亞伯拉罕演義”分享迷信拜偶像的無知,Philip 的"戴安娜公主的悲劇收埸”聯想到傳道者的智慧,Lily 的“今夏的一些困惑”感觸地説到好友破碎的婚姻,亢寫了一篇“口中甜如蜜”。希望讀者們閲讀到不同内容的文章後能夠對神有更深入的認識。
他像一個在人生旅途中走過那很長的艱辛歲月,實在太疲倦了,需要回家好好休息和好好睡眠的樣子,也像是告訴主內的弟兄姐姊妹和那些教會裡他喜愛的小朋友,他需要到一個安靜的地方去休息, 告訴親人他先走了。
此刻我想到: 啊! 他真的走了,他的靈巳經回到天家了。我的心裡默想著,“于弟兄,你先走了,我們永遠懷念你,也要學習你對主的忠誠和愛, 學習你對人常存善良的心意。”
大家通過平時對聖經的學習,都知道基督徒有兩種生命。 一個是身體的生命,另一個是靈的生命。耶穌基督為我們捨身,死而復活,並且勝過死亡, 帶給我們復活和永生的盼望。其實聖經已經啟示我們說,麈土仍歸於地, 靈仍歸於賜靈的神 (傳12:7) 。「論到睡了的人,我們不願意弟兄們不知道,恐怕你們憂傷,像那些沒有指望的人一樣。我們若信耶穌死而復活了,那已經在耶穌裏睡了的人,神也必將他與耶穌一同帶來。」(帖前:4:13,14)
他像一個在人生旅途中走過那很長的艱辛歲月,實在太疲倦了,需要回家好好休息和好好睡眠的樣子,也像是告訴主內的弟兄姐姊妹和那些教會裡他喜愛的小朋友,他需要到一個安靜的地方去休息, 告訴親人他先走了。
此刻我想到: 啊! 他真的走了,他的靈巳經回到天家了。我的心裡默想著,“于弟兄,你先走了,我們永遠懷念你,也要學習你對主的忠誠和愛, 學習你對人常存善良的心意。”
大家通過平時對聖經的學習,都知道基督徒有兩種生命。 一個是身體的生命,另一個是靈的生命。耶穌基督為我們捨身,死而復活,並且勝過死亡, 帶給我們復活和永生的盼望。其實聖經已經啟示我們說,麈土仍歸於地, 靈仍歸於賜靈的神 (傳12:7) 。「論到睡了的人,我們不願意弟兄們不知道,恐怕你們憂傷,像那些沒有指望的人一樣。我們若信耶穌死而復活了,那已經在耶穌裏睡了的人,神也必將他與耶穌一同帶來。」(帖前:4:13,14)
德國人一般做事效率很高,組織能力很強,德國是一個非常先進的國家,特別是在博物館裡,指示牌非常清楚,跟巴黎的博物館不清不楚的指示牌相比,德國確勝一籌。在德國國家提供免費的醫療保險、教育(包括大學)、托兒院,當然這些福利都在工資上扣掉。 德國人每周工作35個小時,一般過了六個月的試用期後便可以享受每年一個月至六周的有薪假期,年底會有一個月的工資作為奬金。很多商店在周日是關門的,他們在工作和生活上比較平衡。徳國是一個典型的社會資本主義模式的國家,她比較注重社群文化,跟美國個人主義的文化有所不同。
德國有她值得叫人學習之處, 特別是對其他種族的尊重。前一陣子在美國維吉尼亞洲Charlottesville所發生的悲劇,大家都在電視或網上親眼看到。川普三次所説的話,其中的兩次內容引起媒體,他自己所在的共和黨內的一些成員,民主黨,以及群衆的不滿。前兩個周六在美國教會聽道時,牧師説川普提到「雙方都有錯」的說法顯然是不對的,因為這不是美國人的信念,對其他種族的仇恨是不合乎聖經真理的。去年我在大選後的一個星期感覺到「白人至上論」隨即高漲起來。事情發生在我家附近的CVS 排隊付錢時,在我前面排隊的白人告訴我, “你在美國,你要説英文,不然你回去你的‘F’國家。” 當時我正在跟一個中國人的鄰居用中文打招呼和聊天,便回他一句,“我不是跟你説話,沒有你的事。” 他盛勢欺人説,“不只是我一個人這樣想的,你不説英文便滾回你原來的國家,你是在美國。” 這樣我便跟他吵起來,後來經理(白人男士)出來干涉這事,告訴那人閉囗,不然請他立刻離開那店。我家的老大在川普當選後的第二天遭受兩個不同的白人在大學校園跟他説類同的話,叫他滾回他的老家,其中一個説他應該多謝白人讓他居留在美國。我們的孩子都是土生土長的美國人,按理不應該受到這種歧視。但自從川普上任後,本來持種族歧視觀點的人,都紛紛冒出來。以前那些人不敢公然開口,現在都放肆地叫非白人滾回老家去。「白人至上論」和 「新纳粹」的擁護者在美國重卷風雲,這跟德國有截然不同的風貌,美國是退後的,德國是往前的。
在第二次世界大戰時,希特勒和納粹黨有組織地大肆屠殺猶太人和其他非猶太種族的人 (包括Poles, Roma, Slavs, Afro-Germans, disabled people等)。當時教會也成為纳粹黨的政治工具,唯獨一小群的牧者反對纳粹黨殘害猶太人,他們堅定相信這種行為不是出於上帝的心意和基督教的教義;他們暗中幫助猶太人逃亡,最後他們中的有些人被捕,有些人甚至被關進集中營,遭受槍決。徳國在1945 年戰敗後,致力改革,視過去的歷史為國恥,因此引以為鑑,竭力粉碎一切象徴纳粹黨的旗號、記念碑,帶有憎恨的言語或文章,粉碎鼓吹種族歧視的活動等。在德國任何與纳粹黨有關的東西都是不合法的。從外到內的改革是在1960後,首先是在教育上: 如何面對過去歷史;老一輩的德國人不想提起舊事,但新一代的年輕人願意面對不光彩的過去,免得重蹈覆轍。學校教材規定每一個學生都要去參觀集中營,讓他們明白前納粹黨之罪。現今在柏林及其他大城市,有不少紀念被屠殺的猶太人和其他受害者的碑。在博物館、旅遊區和書店,隨時可以看到指責希特勒和納粹黨的刋物。由此可見德國對其他種族比較尊重,能夠接納其他文化,非常國際化。在這方面,我很欣賞徳國,我不是説她的國民中完全沒有歧視其他種族,在某些地區的德國人對穆斯林和伊斯蘭教的新移民有所排擠。但因執政者嚴禁新納粹主義和種族仇恨,所以遊客或當地人做希特勒致敬的手勢是違法的,會受到罰款或入獄的懲罰。
種族歧視在哪裡都有,只是程度不同。有些華人對黑人和墨西哥人也有歧視。究竟歧視是否合乎聖經的教導?創世記1:27: “神就照著自己的形像造人,乃是照著祂的形像造男造女。” 我們是從一個種族而出,是亞當和夏娃的後代。约翰福音3:16: “神愛世人,甚至將祂的獨生子賜給他們,叫一切信祂的,不至滅亡,反得永生。”不論我們的膚色是白、黑、黃、紅或棕色,我們是神所愛的世人。聖經雖然沒有清楚記載不同的種族和膚色的根源;但從洪水滅世之後(創7-9章),挪亞和妻子及三兒子(閃、含和雅弗)和兒婦出方舟,他們的後裔都分散全地。創世記11 章1-9 節記載當時天下人的口音言語,都是一様的,但人要建造一座城和塔,塔頂通天,為要傳掦人的名,所以神在那里變亂他們的口音,他們因言語彼此不通,便停工並且分散到全地,那城名叫巴別(就是變亂的意思)。人們散居在各處後的語言、地理環境、水土、氣候和資源不一樣,可能經年累月後便在膚色和面容輪框上有所不同,但正常人的五官就是五官,人不可能有貓、狗的五官。2016 年丹麥一家旅遊機構製作了一個DNA 測驗錄像,叫做DNA Journey, 結果出入意外,許多人發現自己的祖先來自不同的種族,3成是這個血統,1成是那個血統等等。這個製作有一個重點,我們是一個族類,今天跟我們不同膚色的人的祖先,有可能也是我們的祖先,從聖經的角度看,我們都是始祖亞當夏娃及挪亞的後裔。若大家對這看法是共識,那我們對跟自己不一樣的人便會有所尊重。
"面對邪惡的沉默本身就是邪惡:神不會定我們無罪。不説話就是説話。不行動就是採取行動。Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act. "(作者不詳,可能是 Dietrich Bonhoeffer - 反纳粹黨的牧者,在集中營被處死)
曾經的失敗不是永遠的失敗,人若願意從過去的歷史中學習,不再重蹈覆轍,引以為鑑,積極地去改進不良因素,是可以往前邁進的。基督徒的生命也是如此,我們能否跌倒後再爬起來?關鍵在乎是否能承認:“我錯了,我願意做對的事。(I am wrong, I am going to make it right.) ” 雅各書4:17説:“人若知道行善,卻不去行,這就是他的罪了。”求主憐憫我們的國家,我們的元首和我們個人能勇敢地做該做的事。
德國人一般做事效率很高,組織能力很強,德國是一個非常先進的國家,特別是在博物館裡,指示牌非常清楚,跟巴黎的博物館不清不楚的指示牌相比,德國確勝一籌。在德國國家提供免費的醫療保險、教育(包括大學)、托兒院,當然這些福利都在工資上扣掉。 德國人每周工作35個小時,一般過了六個月的試用期後便可以享受每年一個月至六周的有薪假期,年底會有一個月的工資作為奬金。很多商店在周日是關門的,他們在工作和生活上比較平衡。徳國是一個典型的社會資本主義模式的國家,她比較注重社群文化,跟美國個人主義的文化有所不同。
德國有她值得叫人學習之處, 特別是對其他種族的尊重。前一陣子在美國維吉尼亞洲Charlottesville所發生的悲劇,大家都在電視或網上親眼看到。川普三次所説的話,其中的兩次內容引起媒體,他自己所在的共和黨內的一些成員,民主黨,以及群衆的不滿。前兩個周六在美國教會聽道時,牧師説川普提到「雙方都有錯」的說法顯然是不對的,因為這不是美國人的信念,對其他種族的仇恨是不合乎聖經真理的。去年我在大選後的一個星期感覺到「白人至上論」隨即高漲起來。事情發生在我家附近的CVS 排隊付錢時,在我前面排隊的白人告訴我, “你在美國,你要説英文,不然你回去你的‘F’國家。” 當時我正在跟一個中國人的鄰居用中文打招呼和聊天,便回他一句,“我不是跟你説話,沒有你的事。” 他盛勢欺人説,“不只是我一個人這樣想的,你不説英文便滾回你原來的國家,你是在美國。” 這樣我便跟他吵起來,後來經理(白人男士)出來干涉這事,告訴那人閉囗,不然請他立刻離開那店。我家的老大在川普當選後的第二天遭受兩個不同的白人在大學校園跟他説類同的話,叫他滾回他的老家,其中一個説他應該多謝白人讓他居留在美國。我們的孩子都是土生土長的美國人,按理不應該受到這種歧視。但自從川普上任後,本來持種族歧視觀點的人,都紛紛冒出來。以前那些人不敢公然開口,現在都放肆地叫非白人滾回老家去。「白人至上論」和 「新纳粹」的擁護者在美國重卷風雲,這跟德國有截然不同的風貌,美國是退後的,德國是往前的。
在第二次世界大戰時,希特勒和納粹黨有組織地大肆屠殺猶太人和其他非猶太種族的人 (包括Poles, Roma, Slavs, Afro-Germans, disabled people等)。當時教會也成為纳粹黨的政治工具,唯獨一小群的牧者反對纳粹黨殘害猶太人,他們堅定相信這種行為不是出於上帝的心意和基督教的教義;他們暗中幫助猶太人逃亡,最後他們中的有些人被捕,有些人甚至被關進集中營,遭受槍決。徳國在1945 年戰敗後,致力改革,視過去的歷史為國恥,因此引以為鑑,竭力粉碎一切象徴纳粹黨的旗號、記念碑,帶有憎恨的言語或文章,粉碎鼓吹種族歧視的活動等。在德國任何與纳粹黨有關的東西都是不合法的。從外到內的改革是在1960後,首先是在教育上: 如何面對過去歷史;老一輩的德國人不想提起舊事,但新一代的年輕人願意面對不光彩的過去,免得重蹈覆轍。學校教材規定每一個學生都要去參觀集中營,讓他們明白前納粹黨之罪。現今在柏林及其他大城市,有不少紀念被屠殺的猶太人和其他受害者的碑。在博物館、旅遊區和書店,隨時可以看到指責希特勒和納粹黨的刋物。由此可見德國對其他種族比較尊重,能夠接納其他文化,非常國際化。在這方面,我很欣賞徳國,我不是説她的國民中完全沒有歧視其他種族,在某些地區的德國人對穆斯林和伊斯蘭教的新移民有所排擠。但因執政者嚴禁新納粹主義和種族仇恨,所以遊客或當地人做希特勒致敬的手勢是違法的,會受到罰款或入獄的懲罰。
種族歧視在哪裡都有,只是程度不同。有些華人對黑人和墨西哥人也有歧視。究竟歧視是否合乎聖經的教導?創世記1:27: “神就照著自己的形像造人,乃是照著祂的形像造男造女。” 我們是從一個種族而出,是亞當和夏娃的後代。约翰福音3:16: “神愛世人,甚至將祂的獨生子賜給他們,叫一切信祂的,不至滅亡,反得永生。”不論我們的膚色是白、黑、黃、紅或棕色,我們是神所愛的世人。聖經雖然沒有清楚記載不同的種族和膚色的根源;但從洪水滅世之後(創7-9章),挪亞和妻子及三兒子(閃、含和雅弗)和兒婦出方舟,他們的後裔都分散全地。創世記11 章1-9 節記載當時天下人的口音言語,都是一様的,但人要建造一座城和塔,塔頂通天,為要傳掦人的名,所以神在那里變亂他們的口音,他們因言語彼此不通,便停工並且分散到全地,那城名叫巴別(就是變亂的意思)。人們散居在各處後的語言、地理環境、水土、氣候和資源不一樣,可能經年累月後便在膚色和面容輪框上有所不同,但正常人的五官就是五官,人不可能有貓、狗的五官。2016 年丹麥一家旅遊機構製作了一個DNA 測驗錄像,叫做DNA Journey, 結果出入意外,許多人發現自己的祖先來自不同的種族,3成是這個血統,1成是那個血統等等。這個製作有一個重點,我們是一個族類,今天跟我們不同膚色的人的祖先,有可能也是我們的祖先,從聖經的角度看,我們都是始祖亞當夏娃及挪亞的後裔。若大家對這看法是共識,那我們對跟自己不一樣的人便會有所尊重。
"面對邪惡的沉默本身就是邪惡:神不會定我們無罪。不説話就是説話。不行動就是採取行動。Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act. "(作者不詳,可能是 Dietrich Bonhoeffer - 反纳粹黨的牧者,在集中營被處死)
曾經的失敗不是永遠的失敗,人若願意從過去的歷史中學習,不再重蹈覆轍,引以為鑑,積極地去改進不良因素,是可以往前邁進的。基督徒的生命也是如此,我們能否跌倒後再爬起來?關鍵在乎是否能承認:“我錯了,我願意做對的事。(I am wrong, I am going to make it right.) ” 雅各書4:17説:“人若知道行善,卻不去行,這就是他的罪了。”求主憐憫我們的國家,我們的元首和我們個人能勇敢地做該做的事。
8/31/2017 黃家慶
8/31/2017 黃家慶
今天早上我在BBC(英國廣播公司) 電台上聽到紀念戴安娜公主死亡二十週年的節目說,這是好像神話故事的悲劇收場。
我們很多人都記得戴安娜公主原本是貴族, 嫁進皇家後才成為公主。她很美麗及非常受歡迎, 但她的盛名卻引致她的死亡。 她的司機酒後駕車, 又因很多記者在電單車上追著她的車子, 以致失事。
她的好友們說她覺得很孤單, 因為很多她愛的人都離開她, 而她週圍的人很多是想佔她的便宜, 正如那些記者都是想拍到她的照片而得到錢。她在希臘的一些偏遠的海島上渡假, 希望避開那些記者們, 但他們乘直昇機或船來找到她。
你對自己及你的兒女有些怎樣的夢想呢? 若你的夢想成真, 是不是就真正很美好呢? 財富及名聲會帶來真正的快樂嗎?
偉大的所羅門王寫了著名的傳道書(舊約聖經), 他重複地說, “虛空的虛空,虛空的虛空,凡事都是虛空。人一切的勞碌,就是他在日光之下的勞碌,有什麼益處呢?”(一: 2,3). 他是世上最富有和最有智慧的人, 他要得的都得到了, 但他在嚐盡一切, 又查究一切之後, 他這樣寫, “凡事都是虛空。”我們要作什麼, 我們要得什麼呢? 他說甚至人的智慧“也是虛空。”(二: 15) 他又說, “我所以恨惡生命,因為在日光之下所行的事,我都以為煩惱,都是虛空,都是捕風。”(二: 17)
他的結論及忠告是, “你趁著年幼,衰敗的日子尚未來到,就是你所說,我毫無喜樂的那些年日未曾臨近之先,當紀念造你的主。”(十二: 1). “這些事都已聽見了,總意就是敬畏神,謹守他的誡命,這是人所當盡的本分,因為人所作的事,連一切隱藏的事,無論是善是惡,神都必審問。”(十二: 13,14)
我們很多人都記得戴安娜公主原本是貴族, 嫁進皇家後才成為公主。她很美麗及非常受歡迎, 但她的盛名卻引致她的死亡。 她的司機酒後駕車, 又因很多記者在電單車上追著她的車子, 以致失事。
她的好友們說她覺得很孤單, 因為很多她愛的人都離開她, 而她週圍的人很多是想佔她的便宜, 正如那些記者都是想拍到她的照片而得到錢。她在希臘的一些偏遠的海島上渡假, 希望避開那些記者們, 但他們乘直昇機或船來找到她。
你對自己及你的兒女有些怎樣的夢想呢? 若你的夢想成真, 是不是就真正很美好呢? 財富及名聲會帶來真正的快樂嗎?
偉大的所羅門王寫了著名的傳道書(舊約聖經), 他重複地說, “虛空的虛空,虛空的虛空,凡事都是虛空。人一切的勞碌,就是他在日光之下的勞碌,有什麼益處呢?”(一: 2,3). 他是世上最富有和最有智慧的人, 他要得的都得到了, 但他在嚐盡一切, 又查究一切之後, 他這樣寫, “凡事都是虛空。”我們要作什麼, 我們要得什麼呢? 他說甚至人的智慧“也是虛空。”(二: 15) 他又說, “我所以恨惡生命,因為在日光之下所行的事,我都以為煩惱,都是虛空,都是捕風。”(二: 17)
他的結論及忠告是, “你趁著年幼,衰敗的日子尚未來到,就是你所說,我毫無喜樂的那些年日未曾臨近之先,當紀念造你的主。”(十二: 1). “這些事都已聽見了,總意就是敬畏神,謹守他的誡命,這是人所當盡的本分,因為人所作的事,連一切隱藏的事,無論是善是惡,神都必審問。”(十二: 13,14)
我學會了聆聽,真正的用心聆聽,去體會別人內心真實的感受。常常我被反問,你說說我該怎麼辦? !換做以前,我會直截了當地說,你應該如何如何。可是現在,如果我一時之間找不到合適的話語去安慰或者回答,我就會咬著嘴唇,在心裡默默禱告,求神賜我耐心來承受負能量的抱怨和牢騷,求神賜我敏銳的心來感受朋友的痛,也求神賜我智慧來幫助我的朋友走出困境。我也會求神賜給苦毒的人能有一顆饒恕的心,唯有先饒恕別人的過犯,才能有能力去愛周遭不可愛的人。
我學會了聆聽,真正的用心聆聽,去體會別人內心真實的感受。常常我被反問,你說說我該怎麼辦? !換做以前,我會直截了當地說,你應該如何如何。可是現在,如果我一時之間找不到合適的話語去安慰或者回答,我就會咬著嘴唇,在心裡默默禱告,求神賜我耐心來承受負能量的抱怨和牢騷,求神賜我敏銳的心來感受朋友的痛,也求神賜我智慧來幫助我的朋友走出困境。我也會求神賜給苦毒的人能有一顆饒恕的心,唯有先饒恕別人的過犯,才能有能力去愛周遭不可愛的人。
亞伯拉罕演義 (反迷信篇)
(米迦勒 8,16,2017 )
(米迦勒 8,16,2017 )
亞伯蘭的爸爸開偶像店,生意興隆,但是少年亞伯蘭反迷信,有一天他乘爸爸外出時,把店裡的偶像都砸碎了。他爸爸回家追問是怎麼回事,亞伯蘭說那些偶像發生了激烈的爭吵, 互相打起架來,最終同歸於盡了。他爸爸說,這些偶像既不能說又不能動,怎麼會吵嘴打架呢?亞伯蘭說,既然他們 既不能說又不能動,連小孩都不如,那你們幹啥還拜他們呢?
亞伯蘭後來在99歲時,萬有之因的全能者與他立約,他被改名為亞伯拉罕,是多國之父的意思(參創17章) 。幾千年的歷史證明,這個新名字的確是名符其實的。亞伯拉罕的肉身和思想的後代,有基督教,猶太教和伊斯蘭教,這些人已佔人類總數的一大半,其中更有很多出眾的人物,如科學家愛因斯坦(猶太人),牛頓(基督徒),思想家馬克思,斯賓諾沙,富翁扎克伯格,演藝圈的斯皮爾斯伯格,Seinfeld,宗教領袖摩西,穆罕默德,等等。
亞伯拉罕好客,75歲時(參創12章)把家搬到了亞非歐三洲交界的交通要地,在那裡支搭帳篷,招待來往的國際客人,並向他們傳播對真正萬有之因(獨一真神)的純正信仰。亞伯拉罕和他的太太撒拉用美好的食物飲料招待客人們。每當客人們吃喝飽足感謝他們時,亞伯拉罕就堅持說,其實我們都應該“baruch sheachalnu mishelo, uvtuvo hayinu ”("稱頌那一位,我們從他那兒得食,並因他的美善而存活。”) ("Blessed be the One, from what is His we have eaten, and by His goodness we live.") (這一句很簡單的話, 至今猶太人飯後謝飯還用,特別是方便用來教導小孩子們。)
有一天迎來的客人照常受到盛情款待,歇息之時,亞伯拉罕赫然發現這客人竟還在拜偶像!對於亞伯拉罕來說,有人竟然對人手所造的木偶感恩,認為這些偶像可以使風調雨順莊稼豐收能以做麵包,認為這些偶像可以使牛羊產奶能以供人喝,認為這些偶像可以使男人有腳力能放羊,有手會砌烘爐,認為這些偶像可以使女人有智慧會發麵烘烤做食物,認為這些偶像可以使主人客人都有味覺有好胃口能享受美食......亞伯拉罕感到這樣的迷信簡直是極其可笑的事!難道人看不出這些木偶自己有口不能吃,有腳不能行,有眼不能看嗎? !這簡直是對真正萬有之因的一種侮辱!
亞伯蘭的爸爸開偶像店,生意興隆,但是少年亞伯蘭反迷信,有一天他乘爸爸外出時,把店裡的偶像都砸碎了。他爸爸回家追問是怎麼回事,亞伯蘭說那些偶像發生了激烈的爭吵, 互相打起架來,最終同歸於盡了。他爸爸說,這些偶像既不能說又不能動,怎麼會吵嘴打架呢?亞伯蘭說,既然他們 既不能說又不能動,連小孩都不如,那你們幹啥還拜他們呢?
亞伯蘭後來在99歲時,萬有之因的全能者與他立約,他被改名為亞伯拉罕,是多國之父的意思(參創17章) 。幾千年的歷史證明,這個新名字的確是名符其實的。亞伯拉罕的肉身和思想的後代,有基督教,猶太教和伊斯蘭教,這些人已佔人類總數的一大半,其中更有很多出眾的人物,如科學家愛因斯坦(猶太人),牛頓(基督徒),思想家馬克思,斯賓諾沙,富翁扎克伯格,演藝圈的斯皮爾斯伯格,Seinfeld,宗教領袖摩西,穆罕默德,等等。
亞伯拉罕好客,75歲時(參創12章)把家搬到了亞非歐三洲交界的交通要地,在那裡支搭帳篷,招待來往的國際客人,並向他們傳播對真正萬有之因(獨一真神)的純正信仰。亞伯拉罕和他的太太撒拉用美好的食物飲料招待客人們。每當客人們吃喝飽足感謝他們時,亞伯拉罕就堅持說,其實我們都應該“baruch sheachalnu mishelo, uvtuvo hayinu ”("稱頌那一位,我們從他那兒得食,並因他的美善而存活。”) ("Blessed be the One, from what is His we have eaten, and by His goodness we live.") (這一句很簡單的話, 至今猶太人飯後謝飯還用,特別是方便用來教導小孩子們。)
有一天迎來的客人照常受到盛情款待,歇息之時,亞伯拉罕赫然發現這客人竟還在拜偶像!對於亞伯拉罕來說,有人竟然對人手所造的木偶感恩,認為這些偶像可以使風調雨順莊稼豐收能以做麵包,認為這些偶像可以使牛羊產奶能以供人喝,認為這些偶像可以使男人有腳力能放羊,有手會砌烘爐,認為這些偶像可以使女人有智慧會發麵烘烤做食物,認為這些偶像可以使主人客人都有味覺有好胃口能享受美食......亞伯拉罕感到這樣的迷信簡直是極其可笑的事!難道人看不出這些木偶自己有口不能吃,有腳不能行,有眼不能看嗎? !這簡直是對真正萬有之因的一種侮辱!
事隔五百多年,到了新約時期,基督徒被迫害,使徒約翰被放逐到拔摩海島,神給他異像,天使給他一小書卷,他吃了,便覺口中甜如蜜;但肚子發苦” (啓10:10),因神將要在末期,施行公義,嚴厲審判世人,災難要臨到大地,他得到的安慰,是在未期神會眷顧猶太人,主耶穌會快來。
時過一千九百年,作為後學人士,我為以西結書預言猶大平原的枯骨能活動起來而高興,在第二次世界大戰後,以色列終於在1948年復國。但在戰爭期間,德國希特勒政權為搶劫猶太人家產(和政治因素),在德國境內和歐洲各地,無所不用其極,殺戮六百萬猶太人,(以色列人口在1967年只有2.745百萬, 2016年人口達8.547百萬),我想到這裡,心中納悶,未能在聖經找到這方面的提示,知道隱秘的事是屬於我們的神(申29:29)。我們中國人說惡有惡報,什麼時候去報?誰去報?誰曉得?
在聖經中神警告列國,當祂對猶太人稍微惱怒,興起別國管教祂的子民時,祂卻不容忍別國使用殘酷手段。祂會追討這國無理流人血的罪(亞1:15 -17)。看近代世界歷史,聯合國在1947年通過準許猶太人復國,至今已有70年(以色列在1948年立國)。第二次大戰後,德國經濟發展甚速,在1960-70年間,需用大量勞工,聘僱從波蘭、希臘、土耳其等國的勞工,而土耳其工人(回教)更可攜同家屬居住在德國,因回教徒生養繁多,三十多年,德國本土回教徒已增至三百萬人。在這期間,德國人口增長緩慢。近幾年,中東戰亂,湧到德國和歐洲的回教國難民可能已達二百萬(聽說,有六十萬到了德國後,其餘的分散到周圍鄰國),據德國官方估計,二、三十年後,傳統白人會成少數民族,常見的面孔將是黑頭髮的了。
我要說的,是巧合的70,舊約時期猶太人亡國70年後回歸故土。第二次世界大戰時期,德國消滅國內猶太人,事過70年,填補人口空缺的大多是從回教國來的人民,這包括從非州每天從海道來的。而回教徒更要在歐洲實行伊斯裡蘭教法(Sheria law),歐洲各國的國界將變成有形無實。寫到這處,我潛意識中那種武俠小說裡的報復思維升起,猶太人伸了冤,我口裡甜了一陣子,將來如何,我只能說,世事如棋局局新,但眼見回教已從中東,漫廷到廣大非州和亞州,在歐州生根,現向北美進軍,想到這一切,我肚子發悶起來。
事隔五百多年,到了新約時期,基督徒被迫害,使徒約翰被放逐到拔摩海島,神給他異像,天使給他一小書卷,他吃了,便覺口中甜如蜜;但肚子發苦” (啓10:10),因神將要在末期,施行公義,嚴厲審判世人,災難要臨到大地,他得到的安慰,是在未期神會眷顧猶太人,主耶穌會快來。
時過一千九百年,作為後學人士,我為以西結書預言猶大平原的枯骨能活動起來而高興,在第二次世界大戰後,以色列終於在1948年復國。但在戰爭期間,德國希特勒政權為搶劫猶太人家產(和政治因素),在德國境內和歐洲各地,無所不用其極,殺戮六百萬猶太人,(以色列人口在1967年只有2.745百萬, 2016年人口達8.547百萬),我想到這裡,心中納悶,未能在聖經找到這方面的提示,知道隱秘的事是屬於我們的神(申29:29)。我們中國人說惡有惡報,什麼時候去報?誰去報?誰曉得?
在聖經中神警告列國,當祂對猶太人稍微惱怒,興起別國管教祂的子民時,祂卻不容忍別國使用殘酷手段。祂會追討這國無理流人血的罪(亞1:15 -17)。看近代世界歷史,聯合國在1947年通過準許猶太人復國,至今已有70年(以色列在1948年立國)。第二次大戰後,德國經濟發展甚速,在1960-70年間,需用大量勞工,聘僱從波蘭、希臘、土耳其等國的勞工,而土耳其工人(回教)更可攜同家屬居住在德國,因回教徒生養繁多,三十多年,德國本土回教徒已增至三百萬人。在這期間,德國人口增長緩慢。近幾年,中東戰亂,湧到德國和歐洲的回教國難民可能已達二百萬(聽說,有六十萬到了德國後,其餘的分散到周圍鄰國),據德國官方估計,二、三十年後,傳統白人會成少數民族,常見的面孔將是黑頭髮的了。
我要說的,是巧合的70,舊約時期猶太人亡國70年後回歸故土。第二次世界大戰時期,德國消滅國內猶太人,事過70年,填補人口空缺的大多是從回教國來的人民,這包括從非州每天從海道來的。而回教徒更要在歐洲實行伊斯裡蘭教法(Sheria law),歐洲各國的國界將變成有形無實。寫到這處,我潛意識中那種武俠小說裡的報復思維升起,猶太人伸了冤,我口裡甜了一陣子,將來如何,我只能說,世事如棋局局新,但眼見回教已從中東,漫廷到廣大非州和亞州,在歐州生根,現向北美進軍,想到這一切,我肚子發悶起來。
Learn from Past Failure
This summer I had an opportunity to perform in Germany; therefore I combined my family vacation with work. We went sightseeing in Paris for a few days and then spent a week in Berlin. Philip and our two sons then went back to America while I did my work in Hannover for eleven days.
Paris is beautiful at night and is truly a romantic city. However, I like Berlin and Hannover, especially the culture of Germany. A few times as we were looking for directions in the subway, people came to us and asked if we needed help. In Germany, all the subway stations have no gate, this is a honor system that people will purchase their tickets. Occasionally, the under-covered staff may check the passengers' ticket; if they get caught, they have to pay a heavy fine. Most of the people in Germany will not cheat for a free ride.
Most Germans are quite efficient and organized; they have high performance with less working hours. The country is quite advanced in many ways; particularly the museums' directions and signs are very clear, unlike the Paris museums' that are so confusing! Germany offers free health care, university education and child care. These benefits are supported by deduction from the employees' paycheck. They work 35 hours weekly, and receive one month to six weeks paid vacation annually after a 6 month probation period. Towards the year end, employees get one month bonus pay. A lot of stores close on Sundays. Germans try to balance their life and work. They are a typical model of social capitalism. They live more as a community, unlike Americans who live more as individuals .
Although Germany passed the same sex marriage law last June , she is a bit slow compared with her European neighbors that had passed similar laws since 2001. Almost half of the European countries support same sex marriage and we would see the world moving further and further away from the teaching of the scripture.
However, German still has something that we can learn, particularly the respect of people from other races. A few weeks ago we all saw from the television and online news the tragedy in Charlottesville, Virginia. Trump's two out of his three comments were criticized by the media, some of his Republic party's members, the Democrats, two former presidents and people. Two weeks ago when we attended Harvest Bible Chapel's Saturday service, Pastor McDonald said on the pulpit that Trump's comments on "both sides" were totally wrong. He remarked that this is not American, racial hatred is not biblical. Last year shortly after Trump was elected, I experienced the "White supremacy" rising power. The incident happened in CVS nearby my home, while I was waiting in the line to pay, the man in front of me said, "You are in America, you need to speak English, otherwise you go back to your 'F' country." I was talking to my Chinese neighbor in Chinese while waiting in line. Then I said to him, "I am not talking to you, that is none of your business." He burst out and raised his voice, "I am not the only one that think like this. If you do not speak English, then you GO BACK to your own country. You are in America now." We started to quarrel in the store, the store manager stepped in and told him to shut up. The manger,a white man, warned him that he had to leave immediately if he did not stop. My college son Gershom also received similar comments the next day after Trump was elected in campus. Two different white people told him to go back to his own country; one said that he should be grateful that white people let him stay in here. Both of my sons were born and raised in here and neither of them should receive this kind of racist talk. Since Trump was elected, those closet racists feel empowered and step out openly. In the past those words were not acceptable and now they have a green light to say them out: "Go back to your country!" White Supremacy and neo-Nazis are making their way back in America. This is in contrast to Germany; Germany has moved forward and America is moving backwards.
During the WWII, Hitler and his Nazi regime systematically conducted massacre of the Jews and other non-Jews (including Poles, Roma, Slavs, Afro-Germans, disabled people, etc). The churches in Germany also collaborated with the Nazis as political tools. There were a few pastors that resisted Nazi's evil acts on the Jews; they believed firmly that is not consistent with God's teaching and Christianity. Some helped the Jews to escape and ended up being tortured, sent to concentration camps and were executed. After Germany was defeated in 1945, she learnt a lesson. The country is shameful for her history and commits to reform by not repeating the same mistake. Therefore, any Hitler or Nazi symbols, flags, monuments, hate speech and articles, racist speech and comments or activities are illegal and forbidden. The reformation was internalized after 1960 with education breakthrough by implementing the new curriculum to study their history; all students MUST visit the concentration camps to understand the evil of the Nazis and what they did to the Jews and others. The young generation has no problem to confront their past history, but the older generation simply want to forget their ugly past. Today in all the big cities in Germany, you can see lots of memorials, monuments, and museums to remember those victims under the Nazi regime. The condemnation of Hitler and Nazi on articles, documents and books are widely available in tourist areas, bookstores, etc. Germany is quite sensitive to other races, they respect others who are different from them, Berlin & Hannover are very international and diverse cities. I am not saying there is no racial discrimination in Germany; the locals told me there are some places in Germany that resist Muslims and Islamic immigrants. However, the government legislated that any neo-Nazi gesture, speech and activity or racial hatred are illegal. People or tourist who do a Hitler salute will be fined or put in prison.
Racial discrimination exists anywhere, it is just a matter of degree (or intensity). Among our Chinese people, some discriminate against blacks and Mexicans. What exactly does the scripture say about racial discrimination? In Genesis 1:27: "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." Therefore, we all are from one race and descended from Adam & Eve. In John 3:16: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. " Whether you are white, red, black, brown or yellow, you are the people that God loves that He gave his son to save the world. The scripture did not mention why people have different skin colors and racial features. After the flood (Genesis 7-9), Noah, his wife and three sons (Shem, Hem & Japheth) and their wives came out from the ark, and from them came the people who were scattered all over the earth (Genesis 9:19). Genesis 11:1-9 recorded: the whole world had one language and a common speech. However, they wanted to build a city with a tower that would reach to the heavens, so that they could make a name for themselves. There God confused their languages, so that they would not communicate and stopped building the city which was called Babel (a confused noise/voice).They started to scatter over all the earth. Due to theirin different geographical environment, soil and water, resources, weather and speaking different languages for an extensive period of time, people look different in skin color and facial features. However, human features are still human, we do not have facial features like a dog or a cat. In 2016, a Danish travel agent produced a film on DNA testing on a group of diverse people called DNA Journey. The test results were surprisingly profound. Many discovered theirare from all over the places, thirty percent this and 10 percent that ... The key message of this film - we all belong to one race: human. Today we may face someone from a different race that perhaps shares the same ancestor that we have. From apoint of view, we all come from one ancestry - Adam and Eve and Noah. If we all understand this, we will respect people who are from different races.
The scripture said no one isbecause sin is in our hearts. When we are proud of our race, there is nothing wrong. But if we think our race is superior to others we look down on them. We react by distancing ourselves from them,against them, and to the extreme fuming up hate and violence against them. These prejudice, pride and self-righteousness corrode our community and country and only cause division. Christians should have a stand when we see unrighteousness,of the under-privileged and victimization of the innocents. Are we going to numb ourselves?
"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act. (unknown author, may be Dietrich Bonhoeffer - A pastor who was against the Nazis and was executed in the concentration camp.)
Failure once does not mean failure forever; if we are willing to learn from our history and learn not to repeat the same mistake, and are eager to change, we can move forward. Christian lives are just like this; can we climb up after a fall? Thequestion is our willingness to admit, "I am wrong, I am going to make it right." James 4:17 said, "Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins. " We pray that God have mercy on our country, our leaders and us that we have the courage to do what is right.
Paris is beautiful at night and is truly a romantic city. However, I like Berlin and Hannover, especially the culture of Germany. A few times as we were looking for directions in the subway, people came to us and asked if we needed help. In Germany, all the subway stations have no gate, this is a honor system that people will purchase their tickets. Occasionally, the under-covered staff may check the passengers' ticket; if they get caught, they have to pay a heavy fine. Most of the people in Germany will not cheat for a free ride.
Most Germans are quite efficient and organized; they have high performance with less working hours. The country is quite advanced in many ways; particularly the museums' directions and signs are very clear, unlike the Paris museums' that are so confusing! Germany offers free health care, university education and child care. These benefits are supported by deduction from the employees' paycheck. They work 35 hours weekly, and receive one month to six weeks paid vacation annually after a 6 month probation period. Towards the year end, employees get one month bonus pay. A lot of stores close on Sundays. Germans try to balance their life and work. They are a typical model of social capitalism. They live more as a community, unlike Americans who live more as individuals .
Although Germany passed the same sex marriage law last June , she is a bit slow compared with her European neighbors that had passed similar laws since 2001. Almost half of the European countries support same sex marriage and we would see the world moving further and further away from the teaching of the scripture.
However, German still has something that we can learn, particularly the respect of people from other races. A few weeks ago we all saw from the television and online news the tragedy in Charlottesville, Virginia. Trump's two out of his three comments were criticized by the media, some of his Republic party's members, the Democrats, two former presidents and people. Two weeks ago when we attended Harvest Bible Chapel's Saturday service, Pastor McDonald said on the pulpit that Trump's comments on "both sides" were totally wrong. He remarked that this is not American, racial hatred is not biblical. Last year shortly after Trump was elected, I experienced the "White supremacy" rising power. The incident happened in CVS nearby my home, while I was waiting in the line to pay, the man in front of me said, "You are in America, you need to speak English, otherwise you go back to your 'F' country." I was talking to my Chinese neighbor in Chinese while waiting in line. Then I said to him, "I am not talking to you, that is none of your business." He burst out and raised his voice, "I am not the only one that think like this. If you do not speak English, then you GO BACK to your own country. You are in America now." We started to quarrel in the store, the store manager stepped in and told him to shut up. The manger,a white man, warned him that he had to leave immediately if he did not stop. My college son Gershom also received similar comments the next day after Trump was elected in campus. Two different white people told him to go back to his own country; one said that he should be grateful that white people let him stay in here. Both of my sons were born and raised in here and neither of them should receive this kind of racist talk. Since Trump was elected, those closet racists feel empowered and step out openly. In the past those words were not acceptable and now they have a green light to say them out: "Go back to your country!" White Supremacy and neo-Nazis are making their way back in America. This is in contrast to Germany; Germany has moved forward and America is moving backwards.
During the WWII, Hitler and his Nazi regime systematically conducted massacre of the Jews and other non-Jews (including Poles, Roma, Slavs, Afro-Germans, disabled people, etc). The churches in Germany also collaborated with the Nazis as political tools. There were a few pastors that resisted Nazi's evil acts on the Jews; they believed firmly that is not consistent with God's teaching and Christianity. Some helped the Jews to escape and ended up being tortured, sent to concentration camps and were executed. After Germany was defeated in 1945, she learnt a lesson. The country is shameful for her history and commits to reform by not repeating the same mistake. Therefore, any Hitler or Nazi symbols, flags, monuments, hate speech and articles, racist speech and comments or activities are illegal and forbidden. The reformation was internalized after 1960 with education breakthrough by implementing the new curriculum to study their history; all students MUST visit the concentration camps to understand the evil of the Nazis and what they did to the Jews and others. The young generation has no problem to confront their past history, but the older generation simply want to forget their ugly past. Today in all the big cities in Germany, you can see lots of memorials, monuments, and museums to remember those victims under the Nazi regime. The condemnation of Hitler and Nazi on articles, documents and books are widely available in tourist areas, bookstores, etc. Germany is quite sensitive to other races, they respect others who are different from them, Berlin & Hannover are very international and diverse cities. I am not saying there is no racial discrimination in Germany; the locals told me there are some places in Germany that resist Muslims and Islamic immigrants. However, the government legislated that any neo-Nazi gesture, speech and activity or racial hatred are illegal. People or tourist who do a Hitler salute will be fined or put in prison.
Racial discrimination exists anywhere, it is just a matter of degree (or intensity). Among our Chinese people, some discriminate against blacks and Mexicans. What exactly does the scripture say about racial discrimination? In Genesis 1:27: "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." Therefore, we all are from one race and descended from Adam & Eve. In John 3:16: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. " Whether you are white, red, black, brown or yellow, you are the people that God loves that He gave his son to save the world. The scripture did not mention why people have different skin colors and racial features. After the flood (Genesis 7-9), Noah, his wife and three sons (Shem, Hem & Japheth) and their wives came out from the ark, and from them came the people who were scattered all over the earth (Genesis 9:19). Genesis 11:1-9 recorded: the whole world had one language and a common speech. However, they wanted to build a city with a tower that would reach to the heavens, so that they could make a name for themselves. There God confused their languages, so that they would not communicate and stopped building the city which was called Babel (a confused noise/voice).They started to scatter over all the earth. Due to theirin different geographical environment, soil and water, resources, weather and speaking different languages for an extensive period of time, people look different in skin color and facial features. However, human features are still human, we do not have facial features like a dog or a cat. In 2016, a Danish travel agent produced a film on DNA testing on a group of diverse people called DNA Journey. The test results were surprisingly profound. Many discovered theirare from all over the places, thirty percent this and 10 percent that ... The key message of this film - we all belong to one race: human. Today we may face someone from a different race that perhaps shares the same ancestor that we have. From apoint of view, we all come from one ancestry - Adam and Eve and Noah. If we all understand this, we will respect people who are from different races.
The scripture said no one isbecause sin is in our hearts. When we are proud of our race, there is nothing wrong. But if we think our race is superior to others we look down on them. We react by distancing ourselves from them,against them, and to the extreme fuming up hate and violence against them. These prejudice, pride and self-righteousness corrode our community and country and only cause division. Christians should have a stand when we see unrighteousness,of the under-privileged and victimization of the innocents. Are we going to numb ourselves?
"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act. (unknown author, may be Dietrich Bonhoeffer - A pastor who was against the Nazis and was executed in the concentration camp.)
Failure once does not mean failure forever; if we are willing to learn from our history and learn not to repeat the same mistake, and are eager to change, we can move forward. Christian lives are just like this; can we climb up after a fall? Thequestion is our willingness to admit, "I am wrong, I am going to make it right." James 4:17 said, "Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins. " We pray that God have mercy on our country, our leaders and us that we have the courage to do what is right.
Princess Diana's Tragic Ending
8/31/2017 Philip Wong
8/31/2017 Philip Wong
This morning I heard on the BBC (British Broadcasting Company) radio program on the 20th Anniversary of Princess Diana's death. It was called a Fairy Tale that had a tragic ending.
Many of us may still remember Princess Diana as a noble woman that became a princess by getting married to the prince. She was beautiful and so popular that her fame contributed to her death. Her driver, who was somewhat drunk crashed the car because many reporters were chasing the car on motorcycles.
Her good friends said that she felt very lonely as she was growing up as many people she loved including her parents left her. Many people that surrounded her were trying to take advantage of her, like the reporters that tried to make money by getting pictures of her. She was trying to get away from reporters on some remote Greek islands for a vacation but they came on helicopters and boats.
What are your dreams for yourself and your children? Will they be really that good even if they become true? Will wealth and fame bring real happiness?
The great King Solomon wrote the famous old testament Ecclesiastes and repeatedly said, “Vanity of vanities,...... all is vanity.profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun? ”(1:2,3) He was the richest and wisest man on earth and had everything he wanted but that was what he wrote after he tried and studied everything—— “All is vanity. ”What are we doing and trying to get? He said even human wisdom “also is vanity”(2:15) and said,“Therefore I hated life...... all is vanity. ”(2:17)
His conclusion and advice was, “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them. ”(12:1) “ Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil. ”(2:13,14)
Many of us may still remember Princess Diana as a noble woman that became a princess by getting married to the prince. She was beautiful and so popular that her fame contributed to her death. Her driver, who was somewhat drunk crashed the car because many reporters were chasing the car on motorcycles.
Her good friends said that she felt very lonely as she was growing up as many people she loved including her parents left her. Many people that surrounded her were trying to take advantage of her, like the reporters that tried to make money by getting pictures of her. She was trying to get away from reporters on some remote Greek islands for a vacation but they came on helicopters and boats.
What are your dreams for yourself and your children? Will they be really that good even if they become true? Will wealth and fame bring real happiness?
The great King Solomon wrote the famous old testament Ecclesiastes and repeatedly said, “Vanity of vanities,...... all is vanity.profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun? ”(1:2,3) He was the richest and wisest man on earth and had everything he wanted but that was what he wrote after he tried and studied everything—— “All is vanity. ”What are we doing and trying to get? He said even human wisdom “also is vanity”(2:15) and said,“Therefore I hated life...... all is vanity. ”(2:17)
His conclusion and advice was, “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them. ”(12:1) “ Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil. ”(2:13,14)