感謝今期投稿的弟兄姐妹。黃記號的“內在真理是如何驗証的”分析了真理的定義,包括外在及內在真理的區別性,引述到作者個人確証的內在真理和對耶穌的認知。紅萍“感恩的分享”細説她怎樣遇見耶穌和歸入教會受洗,在靈命成長的過程中得着神的憐憫、看顧和帶領。米迦勒的“金牙邊”寫關於“出埃及記”裡造聖所的約櫃、陳設餅桌和香壇都鑲有金牙邊的意義。Wilson 牧師的“監視資本主義與‘ 全知及全在的問題 ’”引用網頁封鎖用戶了解的利弊,對比神的全知及全在乃是與我們有益的應許。黃醫生聽了BBC 電台的廣播後,以“生、老、病、死”為題的文章提出了好幾個問題讓讀者去思想。蒼靈的“江郞才盡?”分享藝術家創作源頭從哪而來和她在創作過程中的經歷。
感謝今期投稿的弟兄姐妹。黃記號的“內在真理是如何驗証的”分析了真理的定義,包括外在及內在真理的區別性,引述到作者個人確証的內在真理和對耶穌的認知。紅萍“感恩的分享”細説她怎樣遇見耶穌和歸入教會受洗,在靈命成長的過程中得着神的憐憫、看顧和帶領。米迦勒的“金牙邊”寫關於“出埃及記”裡造聖所的約櫃、陳設餅桌和香壇都鑲有金牙邊的意義。Wilson 牧師的“監視資本主義與‘ 全知及全在的問題 ’”引用網頁封鎖用戶了解的利弊,對比神的全知及全在乃是與我們有益的應許。黃醫生聽了BBC 電台的廣播後,以“生、老、病、死”為題的文章提出了好幾個問題讓讀者去思想。蒼靈的“江郞才盡?”分享藝術家創作源頭從哪而來和她在創作過程中的經歷。
黃醫生 2019年 11月17日晨
黃醫生 2019年 11月17日晨
今早我在BBC (英國廣播公司) 電台聽到幾則很有興趣的事,這讓我這個家庭科及老年科的醫生產生了很多聯想,不能不寫下來投于季刊。
第一個故事的主人翁生在Oslo,Norway,在7、8歲左右被發現患了一種肌肉衰退的病 (Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy),醫生告訴他父母他只能活到20多歲,肌肉會不斷地衰退至死。
他的父母想到一個方法去幫助他活得更快樂,這就是Video Games。 他身體行動不便,但在 War Craft的世界中他是一個英雄人物,結交了很多朋友,但很多這些人不知道他的真實人生,只有幾個人見過他的面,甚至有人和他談戀愛。到他25歲死亡(2014年),他父母在網上跟他的網友發佈以後,有很多網友才知道他的生平,也有很多人參加他的喪禮,分享他們的友情。
第二則廣播是有關長壽及退休的討論。 現在人的壽命越來越長,醫學科學家預計人類在不久的將來可以活到150歲,現在超過100歲的人已經很多,有些國家超過65歲的人已接近四分之一。 很多人及社會都要面對退休的問題。
美國在制定社安制度的當年,人的壽命大概是65歲,但今天平均壽命接近80歲,所以社安及其他退休金制度都面臨很大的問題,所以很多專家都建議將退休年齡推後。 那就意味著越來越多老年人要工作。 這又產生其他問題,例如一個中年的主管怎樣去管理一個比他年長很多又有經驗的員工呢? 他們又如何能好好相處及合作呢? 想工作不想退休的人有被聘的困難,對想退休卻不能的人又是另一種困難。
不錯,人的知識智慧可以令我們有更好的人生,甚至更長的壽命,但真能解決所有生老病死的問題嗎? 有人說"人定勝天",他們卻已經死去了。 佛家原本是要解決生老病死的問題,說 "四大皆空",只要不以為這些是問題,它們就不成為問題了嗎?真是這樣的嗎?
科學、醫學可以幫助我們勝過一些身體健康甚至壽命的問題,Video Games或其他的方法可以幫助我們勝過一些現實的問題,但也可能帶來一些新的問題,如社會老年化及退休制度的問題。 其他宗教及思想也可以幫助我們面對一些人生的問題,但人的思想及能力始終是有限的,只有超然的神的啟示及能力才真正能給我們所有問題的答案及解決方法。
基督教說是宗教也可以,但跟其他很多宗教不同 (除了猶太教及天主教是同源),因為是相信一位自我啟示的神,創造及拯救的主,超越我們的全能者。
Video Games或其他方法可以讓我們暫時離開現實,但只有神才能拯救我們離開肉身及現實的枷鎖,醫學及科技可以勝過一些疾病及讓我們活得更長,但只有神可以賜我們永生及給我們人生的最高意義。 大部份的人對工作及人生不滿意,不喜歡老化及病痛,但又不想死亡,因不知死後是否真是人死如燈滅,或是否有天堂地獄。
聖誕節快到了,這是為了紀念耶穌二千多年前降生在地上,紀元是以祂的誕生來劃分的 (雖然羅馬的計算差了幾年)。 祂改變了人類的歷史,也能改變你我的人生,你願意來認識祂,讓祂給你人生的真義及永遠完美的生命嗎?
第一個故事的主人翁生在Oslo,Norway,在7、8歲左右被發現患了一種肌肉衰退的病 (Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy),醫生告訴他父母他只能活到20多歲,肌肉會不斷地衰退至死。
他的父母想到一個方法去幫助他活得更快樂,這就是Video Games。 他身體行動不便,但在 War Craft的世界中他是一個英雄人物,結交了很多朋友,但很多這些人不知道他的真實人生,只有幾個人見過他的面,甚至有人和他談戀愛。到他25歲死亡(2014年),他父母在網上跟他的網友發佈以後,有很多網友才知道他的生平,也有很多人參加他的喪禮,分享他們的友情。
第二則廣播是有關長壽及退休的討論。 現在人的壽命越來越長,醫學科學家預計人類在不久的將來可以活到150歲,現在超過100歲的人已經很多,有些國家超過65歲的人已接近四分之一。 很多人及社會都要面對退休的問題。
美國在制定社安制度的當年,人的壽命大概是65歲,但今天平均壽命接近80歲,所以社安及其他退休金制度都面臨很大的問題,所以很多專家都建議將退休年齡推後。 那就意味著越來越多老年人要工作。 這又產生其他問題,例如一個中年的主管怎樣去管理一個比他年長很多又有經驗的員工呢? 他們又如何能好好相處及合作呢? 想工作不想退休的人有被聘的困難,對想退休卻不能的人又是另一種困難。
不錯,人的知識智慧可以令我們有更好的人生,甚至更長的壽命,但真能解決所有生老病死的問題嗎? 有人說"人定勝天",他們卻已經死去了。 佛家原本是要解決生老病死的問題,說 "四大皆空",只要不以為這些是問題,它們就不成為問題了嗎?真是這樣的嗎?
科學、醫學可以幫助我們勝過一些身體健康甚至壽命的問題,Video Games或其他的方法可以幫助我們勝過一些現實的問題,但也可能帶來一些新的問題,如社會老年化及退休制度的問題。 其他宗教及思想也可以幫助我們面對一些人生的問題,但人的思想及能力始終是有限的,只有超然的神的啟示及能力才真正能給我們所有問題的答案及解決方法。
基督教說是宗教也可以,但跟其他很多宗教不同 (除了猶太教及天主教是同源),因為是相信一位自我啟示的神,創造及拯救的主,超越我們的全能者。
Video Games或其他方法可以讓我們暫時離開現實,但只有神才能拯救我們離開肉身及現實的枷鎖,醫學及科技可以勝過一些疾病及讓我們活得更長,但只有神可以賜我們永生及給我們人生的最高意義。 大部份的人對工作及人生不滿意,不喜歡老化及病痛,但又不想死亡,因不知死後是否真是人死如燈滅,或是否有天堂地獄。
聖誕節快到了,這是為了紀念耶穌二千多年前降生在地上,紀元是以祂的誕生來劃分的 (雖然羅馬的計算差了幾年)。 祂改變了人類的歷史,也能改變你我的人生,你願意來認識祂,讓祂給你人生的真義及永遠完美的生命嗎?
米迦勒 11/12/2019
米迦勒 11/12/2019
25:9 制 造 帳 幕 和 其 中 的 一 切 器 具 都 要 照 我 所 指 示 你 的 樣 式 。
25:10 要 用 皂 莢 木 作 一 櫃 , 長 二 肘 半 , 寬 一 肘 半 , 高 一 肘 半 。
25:11 要 裡 外 包 上 精 金 , 四 圍 鑲 上 金 牙 邊 。
25:23 要 用 皂 莢 木 作 一 張 桌 子 , 長 二 肘 , 寬 一 肘 , 高 一 肘 半 。
25:24 要 包 上 精 金 , 四 圍 鑲 上 金 牙 邊 。
25:25 桌 子 的 四 圍 各 作 一 掌 寬 的 橫 梁 , 橫 梁 上 鑲 著 金 牙 邊 。
30:1 你要用皂莢木作一座燒香的壇。
30:2 這壇要四方的,長一肘,寬一肘,高二肘,壇的四角要與壇接連一塊。
30:3 要用精金把壇的上面與壇的四圍,並壇的四角,包裹,又要在壇的四圍鑲上金牙邊。
金牙邊是什麼意義?金牙邊可以翻譯成冠冕。約櫃上的金牙邊是什麼意義?猶太人說這是聖所三大冠冕中最大的。因為約櫃裡裝的是石板,上面有主教導的話(torah), 所以約櫃的金牙邊象徵torah的冠冕, 桌子的金牙邊象徵君王的冠冕,香壇的金牙邊象徵祭司的冠冕。後兩個都是男性遺傳的,一個給了大衛家族,一個給了亞倫家族,但torah的冠冕“人皆可及”。另外原文中只有約櫃的金牙邊用到鑲 上(alav)的“上”字,表示這個冠冕超越了其他。這個alav還有“戴在他頭上”的意思,表示是後天努力而不是出生家庭的結果。以色列歷史上有皈依的外邦人也成了torah的領袖,被認為是比不爭氣的祭司還優先。
This work is a derivative of “Torah Commentary by Rabbi Bachya ben Asher”, trans. Eliyahu Munk, 1998.
used under •CC-BY•
另外, 說到torah的冠冕最大, 我發現真是這樣,因為像徵torah的約櫃上面的周長是2x(2.5+1.5)肘=8肘長,因為一肘是6掌, 所以共48掌長,這也應該就是約櫃上面四周鑲的金牙邊的長度。但是像徵祭司的香壇上面的金牙邊的周長是2x(1+1)×6=24掌長。祭司和24很有關係,祭司有24種利益(例如頭生子的救贖銀),祭司有24班次。象徵君王的桌子上面的金牙邊的周長是2x(2+1)×6=36掌長。所以確實周長48掌的torah的冠冕最大。這也許是對應於這些數字,
猶太人說torah的冠冕需要48個優點, 祭司的冠冕需要24個優點,君王的冠冕需要30個優點
(這裡我不理解為什麼不是36個,這也可能和桌 子 的 四 圍 各 作 一 掌 寬 的 橫 梁有關。)
Torah的冠冕需要哪48 個優點呢?
1 學習,2 聆聽,3 演說,4 內心理解, 內心的智慧,5 尊敬,6 敬畏,7謙卑,8 喜樂,9 純正,10 服侍賢哲,11 關心朋友,12 學生的辯論,13 澄清,14 經文,15 行為準則,16 減少商務,17 減少世俗職業,18 減少肉體的愉悅,19 減少睡眠,20 減少廢話,21 減少傻笑,22 耐心, 23 慷慨,24 對聖賢的信任,25 對苦難的接受, 26 認識自己的定位,27 樂於自己的份額,28 為自己的話語豎起籬笆,29 不自大,30 討人喜歡,31 對造物主的愛,32 對被造物的愛,33 對正義的愛, 對正直的愛,34 對責備的愛, 35遠離榮譽,36 在學習中不傲慢,37 不樂於作規定,38 與朋友同負重擔, 39 從好的可能性來判斷他,40 安放給他真理,41 安放給他平安,42 認真研究, 43詢問和回應, 44傾聽和補充, 45 學以教和學以行,46 使老師更明智,47 專注於教導,48 以說者的名義說一件事;因為你知道,有人以那個說了話的人的名義說了些話,就把救贖帶給了世界,這就像經上說的那樣(以斯帖2:22):“以斯帖奉末底改的名,報告於王。”
(父老章節 6:6 Sefaria社區翻譯)
Pirkei Avot 6:6 Sefaria Community Translation https://www.sefaria.org/Pirkei_Avot.6.6?lang=bi www.sefaria.org•CC0
據我長期的觀察,基督徒值得好好地學習上面這些的優點;特別是39, 在不明真相時對同伴要想好的可能性,而不是想他肯定是別有用心的或是在報復我。還有48,. 現在的科學界已經很注意引用文獻了,工業界也注意知識產權了,中國也在跟進。而這個好習慣猶太人早就在學習聖經時已經養成了。
25:9 制 造 帳 幕 和 其 中 的 一 切 器 具 都 要 照 我 所 指 示 你 的 樣 式 。
25:10 要 用 皂 莢 木 作 一 櫃 , 長 二 肘 半 , 寬 一 肘 半 , 高 一 肘 半 。
25:11 要 裡 外 包 上 精 金 , 四 圍 鑲 上 金 牙 邊 。
25:23 要 用 皂 莢 木 作 一 張 桌 子 , 長 二 肘 , 寬 一 肘 , 高 一 肘 半 。
25:24 要 包 上 精 金 , 四 圍 鑲 上 金 牙 邊 。
25:25 桌 子 的 四 圍 各 作 一 掌 寬 的 橫 梁 , 橫 梁 上 鑲 著 金 牙 邊 。
30:1 你要用皂莢木作一座燒香的壇。
30:2 這壇要四方的,長一肘,寬一肘,高二肘,壇的四角要與壇接連一塊。
30:3 要用精金把壇的上面與壇的四圍,並壇的四角,包裹,又要在壇的四圍鑲上金牙邊。
金牙邊是什麼意義?金牙邊可以翻譯成冠冕。約櫃上的金牙邊是什麼意義?猶太人說這是聖所三大冠冕中最大的。因為約櫃裡裝的是石板,上面有主教導的話(torah), 所以約櫃的金牙邊象徵torah的冠冕, 桌子的金牙邊象徵君王的冠冕,香壇的金牙邊象徵祭司的冠冕。後兩個都是男性遺傳的,一個給了大衛家族,一個給了亞倫家族,但torah的冠冕“人皆可及”。另外原文中只有約櫃的金牙邊用到鑲 上(alav)的“上”字,表示這個冠冕超越了其他。這個alav還有“戴在他頭上”的意思,表示是後天努力而不是出生家庭的結果。以色列歷史上有皈依的外邦人也成了torah的領袖,被認為是比不爭氣的祭司還優先。
This work is a derivative of “Torah Commentary by Rabbi Bachya ben Asher”, trans. Eliyahu Munk, 1998.
used under •CC-BY•
另外, 說到torah的冠冕最大, 我發現真是這樣,因為像徵torah的約櫃上面的周長是2x(2.5+1.5)肘=8肘長,因為一肘是6掌, 所以共48掌長,這也應該就是約櫃上面四周鑲的金牙邊的長度。但是像徵祭司的香壇上面的金牙邊的周長是2x(1+1)×6=24掌長。祭司和24很有關係,祭司有24種利益(例如頭生子的救贖銀),祭司有24班次。象徵君王的桌子上面的金牙邊的周長是2x(2+1)×6=36掌長。所以確實周長48掌的torah的冠冕最大。這也許是對應於這些數字,
猶太人說torah的冠冕需要48個優點, 祭司的冠冕需要24個優點,君王的冠冕需要30個優點
(這裡我不理解為什麼不是36個,這也可能和桌 子 的 四 圍 各 作 一 掌 寬 的 橫 梁有關。)
Torah的冠冕需要哪48 個優點呢?
1 學習,2 聆聽,3 演說,4 內心理解, 內心的智慧,5 尊敬,6 敬畏,7謙卑,8 喜樂,9 純正,10 服侍賢哲,11 關心朋友,12 學生的辯論,13 澄清,14 經文,15 行為準則,16 減少商務,17 減少世俗職業,18 減少肉體的愉悅,19 減少睡眠,20 減少廢話,21 減少傻笑,22 耐心, 23 慷慨,24 對聖賢的信任,25 對苦難的接受, 26 認識自己的定位,27 樂於自己的份額,28 為自己的話語豎起籬笆,29 不自大,30 討人喜歡,31 對造物主的愛,32 對被造物的愛,33 對正義的愛, 對正直的愛,34 對責備的愛, 35遠離榮譽,36 在學習中不傲慢,37 不樂於作規定,38 與朋友同負重擔, 39 從好的可能性來判斷他,40 安放給他真理,41 安放給他平安,42 認真研究, 43詢問和回應, 44傾聽和補充, 45 學以教和學以行,46 使老師更明智,47 專注於教導,48 以說者的名義說一件事;因為你知道,有人以那個說了話的人的名義說了些話,就把救贖帶給了世界,這就像經上說的那樣(以斯帖2:22):“以斯帖奉末底改的名,報告於王。”
(父老章節 6:6 Sefaria社區翻譯)
Pirkei Avot 6:6 Sefaria Community Translation https://www.sefaria.org/Pirkei_Avot.6.6?lang=bi www.sefaria.org•CC0
據我長期的觀察,基督徒值得好好地學習上面這些的優點;特別是39, 在不明真相時對同伴要想好的可能性,而不是想他肯定是別有用心的或是在報復我。還有48,. 現在的科學界已經很注意引用文獻了,工業界也注意知識產權了,中國也在跟進。而這個好習慣猶太人早就在學習聖經時已經養成了。
“什麼是真理”的問題一直讓人迷惑,宗教家和科學家都說自己講的是真理,到底誰對誰錯?答案是:都對。 20世紀的邏輯哲學學派理清了這裡面的關係,認為真理分外在(External Truth)與內在(Internal Truth),兩者中間有一條不可逾越的鴻溝,互不印證,這也就是說,你不能用外在真理的方法來論證內在真理,反之亦然。這說法徹底解開了困惑了人類幾千年來的謎思和對此的爭執。
先解釋一下什麼是“真理”。真理就是在任何時空下都不變的事實,因此也一定是“宇宙真理”。真理就是“真相”,兩者全等,英文把它叫做Truth ,也就是“事實”。它可以是事實的真相,也可以是理論的真相(兩者其實是二而一的,理論只是事實的概念化)。真相的一個特點是:唯一(就是“不變”)。這也就是我們常說的“真理只有一個”。舉個淺顯的例子,比如你現在向外面拍張照,這齣來的真相內容就是“一”,不會有其它。如果你下一秒再拍一張,那麼這是下一秒的“一”,已經與上一秒在時間和空間(地球自轉角度)上的“一”有所不同了。而這些照片,其內容是恆久,不變的,這也就是“一”與“不變”的道理。上述的例子,只是對“經驗真理”(又稱“事實真理”) 有效;至於“邏輯真理”(又稱“理論真理”),人們則較容易理解。
不管是外在真理還是內在真理, 其“唯一”與“不變”的性質是一樣的,這就是確定一事是真理的前提。先說外在真理。外在真理又稱外延(Extensional )真理,指的是認知真理,可以通過客觀的方法和量化的方式測出,是大小學府裡在傳授的各種已確證有普遍性的知識,如物理、化學、心理學、社會學等。 *必須注意的是,不是所有在學府里傳授的知識都具有普遍性,在專制極權的地方,由於政治野心,獨斷取代了科學民主論證,會出現強迫教導許多沒有普遍性的知識,如中國高校裡“西方經濟學”之類的學科(這個錯誤是經濟理論本身就是具有普遍性的,不管在哪裡都適用,這麼說就破壞了“不變的一”,而出現了“多”,就像說“中國物理學”一樣荒謬)。
外在真理的獲取靠的是兩種方法:演繹法和歸納法(Deduction & Induction)。演繹法論證分析先天性的真理,如數學、代數等相關學問和邏輯學,簡稱數理邏輯。所謂先天性,也叫“先驗” (a priori),指的是這道理在人類的存在之前或之後,它都會一直永恆性地存在。這套方法所依賴的哲學,叫做“唯理論”,也稱“理性主義”(Rationalism)。歸納法論證綜合後天性的真理,數理邏輯之外的所有學問都是。所謂後天性,也叫“後驗” (posterior),指的是人類靠感官知覺來獲得的真理,如“烏鴉是黑的”、“今天會下雨”這樣的命題,我們無法從演繹法獲得,只能靠眼睛來判斷,並用證實或證偽法獲得。這套方法所依賴的哲學,叫做“經驗論”,也稱“經驗主義(Empiricism)。歸納法的具體演算,是近現代才出現的,經典作是“穆勒五法”。總的來說,外在真理的驗證與確證(verification & confirmation)是在一定條件下可在不同時空不斷重複獲得的,不會有例外,若出現例外就排除該事是真理。動物界顯示,在非洲有些烏鴉不是黑的,所以“烏鴉是黑的” 就不該是真理。
內在真理就與外在真理完全不一樣。所謂內在真理,指的是非認知真理,是個人通過各種非理性的修行修煉、深強度反省之後得出來的對另一個時空物理世界的認識,具體體現在宗教、藝術、文學和道德實踐領域裡,基本上帶有一層超現實的神秘色彩。這是因為人類認識到有一個超越人類理智和感官能力所能理解的世界之後所出現的對另一不可知世界的探測。這時候,真理的普遍性出現在個體化的體驗上而不是集體的體驗上,是個人內在的特殊性世界而不是外在,既不是先驗也不是後驗,我們稱之為“超驗” (transcendental) 。比如李白的不朽名句“黃河之水天上來”、“白髮三千丈”,常人無法理解,科學家也無法分析,但這正是李白個人在精神世界超乎尋常的體驗和他理解世界的獨特之處。這種現象,在各種藝術領域裡層出不窮,這些人也被人稱為是“天才”,是非常人。藝術的出現也為我們開啟了一扇窺探另一個神秘世界的想像之窗。藝術家的想像力,造就了我們今天紛繁多姿的文明,包括物資與精神的文明。
真理體現在宗教世界上,也是如此。個人通過內在的修行開啟了他對神秘宇宙的特殊認識。通過特殊,我們因此認識到普遍性真理。佛教把這些修行叫做“法門”,基督教則叫做“天啟”。為了便於不懂哲學的讀者理解,筆者要在這裡簡單地用例子解釋一下什麼是普遍與特殊的關係與意義。比如說“教堂”,指的是所有的教堂,具有普遍性;但如果說“基督教懷恩堂”,指的是芝加哥地區特定的某個教堂,這就是特殊性。假設某人從不知什麼是教堂,但是有天他參與了懷恩堂的活動,那麼他就大致上可以理解“ 教堂”究竟是什麼東西,這就是從特殊性可以推論出普遍性的道理。
上面的這個說法也在最新的科學研究中得到證實。天文學的成像技術和醫療成像術在數據蒐集和分析上大同小異,兩個領域的研究人員驚異地發現兩者極其相似,就連遇到的困難都一樣。由此他們成立了一個叫做“從細胞到星系”(cells to galaxies) 的項目研究,希望找到兩者間的橋樑,使得從“小宇宙”的研究中能解開“大宇宙”之謎,反之亦然。
不過,內在真理也並不完全是不可驗證的,只不過它的驗證方法也是個人化的 。這裡舉一個較多人知道的電影內容來說明:成龍主演的電影《奇蹟》。成龍在電影中飾演一個無意中當上黑社會的老大哥,而他能成為黑老大是因他在偶然機會中發善心買了賣花女(歸亞蕾飾)的一株玫瑰花,這導致他的命運起了大轉變,在經過多次買玫瑰花的特殊經驗後,玫瑰花成了成龍的救命稻草,買花成了他行動前不可或缺的要求。故事的最後情節是成龍發動一切力量完成了歸亞蕾一個自卑且虛榮的願望。影片認為這戲由始至終其實都是神的力量,所以取名《奇蹟》。
無神論者中尤其是19世紀末哲學家羅素對於宗教這種個人經驗的驗證方式非常反感,他認為宗教家本身負有舉證宗教經驗真實性的責任,而不是外人。他用類比概念設計出一個假設,並以此證明宗教家們的“胡說”。這個論證便是有名的“羅素茶壺”(Russell's teapot),或稱“飛天茶壺”(Celestial Teapot) 。
先解釋一下什麼是“真理”。真理就是在任何時空下都不變的事實,因此也一定是“宇宙真理”。真理就是“真相”,兩者全等,英文把它叫做Truth ,也就是“事實”。它可以是事實的真相,也可以是理論的真相(兩者其實是二而一的,理論只是事實的概念化)。真相的一個特點是:唯一(就是“不變”)。這也就是我們常說的“真理只有一個”。舉個淺顯的例子,比如你現在向外面拍張照,這齣來的真相內容就是“一”,不會有其它。如果你下一秒再拍一張,那麼這是下一秒的“一”,已經與上一秒在時間和空間(地球自轉角度)上的“一”有所不同了。而這些照片,其內容是恆久,不變的,這也就是“一”與“不變”的道理。上述的例子,只是對“經驗真理”(又稱“事實真理”) 有效;至於“邏輯真理”(又稱“理論真理”),人們則較容易理解。
不管是外在真理還是內在真理, 其“唯一”與“不變”的性質是一樣的,這就是確定一事是真理的前提。先說外在真理。外在真理又稱外延(Extensional )真理,指的是認知真理,可以通過客觀的方法和量化的方式測出,是大小學府裡在傳授的各種已確證有普遍性的知識,如物理、化學、心理學、社會學等。 *必須注意的是,不是所有在學府里傳授的知識都具有普遍性,在專制極權的地方,由於政治野心,獨斷取代了科學民主論證,會出現強迫教導許多沒有普遍性的知識,如中國高校裡“西方經濟學”之類的學科(這個錯誤是經濟理論本身就是具有普遍性的,不管在哪裡都適用,這麼說就破壞了“不變的一”,而出現了“多”,就像說“中國物理學”一樣荒謬)。
外在真理的獲取靠的是兩種方法:演繹法和歸納法(Deduction & Induction)。演繹法論證分析先天性的真理,如數學、代數等相關學問和邏輯學,簡稱數理邏輯。所謂先天性,也叫“先驗” (a priori),指的是這道理在人類的存在之前或之後,它都會一直永恆性地存在。這套方法所依賴的哲學,叫做“唯理論”,也稱“理性主義”(Rationalism)。歸納法論證綜合後天性的真理,數理邏輯之外的所有學問都是。所謂後天性,也叫“後驗” (posterior),指的是人類靠感官知覺來獲得的真理,如“烏鴉是黑的”、“今天會下雨”這樣的命題,我們無法從演繹法獲得,只能靠眼睛來判斷,並用證實或證偽法獲得。這套方法所依賴的哲學,叫做“經驗論”,也稱“經驗主義(Empiricism)。歸納法的具體演算,是近現代才出現的,經典作是“穆勒五法”。總的來說,外在真理的驗證與確證(verification & confirmation)是在一定條件下可在不同時空不斷重複獲得的,不會有例外,若出現例外就排除該事是真理。動物界顯示,在非洲有些烏鴉不是黑的,所以“烏鴉是黑的” 就不該是真理。
內在真理就與外在真理完全不一樣。所謂內在真理,指的是非認知真理,是個人通過各種非理性的修行修煉、深強度反省之後得出來的對另一個時空物理世界的認識,具體體現在宗教、藝術、文學和道德實踐領域裡,基本上帶有一層超現實的神秘色彩。這是因為人類認識到有一個超越人類理智和感官能力所能理解的世界之後所出現的對另一不可知世界的探測。這時候,真理的普遍性出現在個體化的體驗上而不是集體的體驗上,是個人內在的特殊性世界而不是外在,既不是先驗也不是後驗,我們稱之為“超驗” (transcendental) 。比如李白的不朽名句“黃河之水天上來”、“白髮三千丈”,常人無法理解,科學家也無法分析,但這正是李白個人在精神世界超乎尋常的體驗和他理解世界的獨特之處。這種現象,在各種藝術領域裡層出不窮,這些人也被人稱為是“天才”,是非常人。藝術的出現也為我們開啟了一扇窺探另一個神秘世界的想像之窗。藝術家的想像力,造就了我們今天紛繁多姿的文明,包括物資與精神的文明。
真理體現在宗教世界上,也是如此。個人通過內在的修行開啟了他對神秘宇宙的特殊認識。通過特殊,我們因此認識到普遍性真理。佛教把這些修行叫做“法門”,基督教則叫做“天啟”。為了便於不懂哲學的讀者理解,筆者要在這裡簡單地用例子解釋一下什麼是普遍與特殊的關係與意義。比如說“教堂”,指的是所有的教堂,具有普遍性;但如果說“基督教懷恩堂”,指的是芝加哥地區特定的某個教堂,這就是特殊性。假設某人從不知什麼是教堂,但是有天他參與了懷恩堂的活動,那麼他就大致上可以理解“ 教堂”究竟是什麼東西,這就是從特殊性可以推論出普遍性的道理。
上面的這個說法也在最新的科學研究中得到證實。天文學的成像技術和醫療成像術在數據蒐集和分析上大同小異,兩個領域的研究人員驚異地發現兩者極其相似,就連遇到的困難都一樣。由此他們成立了一個叫做“從細胞到星系”(cells to galaxies) 的項目研究,希望找到兩者間的橋樑,使得從“小宇宙”的研究中能解開“大宇宙”之謎,反之亦然。
不過,內在真理也並不完全是不可驗證的,只不過它的驗證方法也是個人化的 。這裡舉一個較多人知道的電影內容來說明:成龍主演的電影《奇蹟》。成龍在電影中飾演一個無意中當上黑社會的老大哥,而他能成為黑老大是因他在偶然機會中發善心買了賣花女(歸亞蕾飾)的一株玫瑰花,這導致他的命運起了大轉變,在經過多次買玫瑰花的特殊經驗後,玫瑰花成了成龍的救命稻草,買花成了他行動前不可或缺的要求。故事的最後情節是成龍發動一切力量完成了歸亞蕾一個自卑且虛榮的願望。影片認為這戲由始至終其實都是神的力量,所以取名《奇蹟》。
無神論者中尤其是19世紀末哲學家羅素對於宗教這種個人經驗的驗證方式非常反感,他認為宗教家本身負有舉證宗教經驗真實性的責任,而不是外人。他用類比概念設計出一個假設,並以此證明宗教家們的“胡說”。這個論證便是有名的“羅素茶壺”(Russell's teapot),或稱“飛天茶壺”(Celestial Teapot) 。
羅素在《神存在嗎? 》一文中寫到,如果他聲稱,有一個茶壺在地球和火星之間圍繞著太陽轉,茶壺很小,無法被任何望遠鏡察覺。由於外人無法證明茶壺的存在,所以茶壺是存在的。這也就是說,他指望別人相信茶壺存在的理由,竟是沒有人能證明這茶壺聲明是錯的。羅素認為這顯然是荒謬透頂的。
在羅素的論證之後,還有兩個類似的著名論證。一個是“隱形粉紅獨角獸”(Invisible Pink Unicorn) ,另一個是“飛天麵條妖”(Flying Spaghetti Monster)。其論證方式比羅素更進一步,從教義的出現擴大到宗教的戲仿形式。囿於篇幅,這裡就略而不談。有興趣的讀者可以自行查找了解。
神秘主義一般英文譯為Mysticism,也有譯為Occultism(或Occult Science), 表示人與神或某種超自然力量結合為一的各種形式與體驗。它確信並強調兩點:一,現實中存在著形而上力量及不可思議的神奇事件;二,這種力量或事件透過人為方式使人得以體驗。 Mysticism中的my清楚表明是個人自身體驗,字源是myein,意思是“閉目”,表示依靠感官獲得的外在真理並不牢靠,而主張閉上肉身的眼睛,睜開心靈之眼,使思緒不受外在世界的紛擾所干擾影響,從而返回內心的本真,在靜觀沉思或痴迷的心理狀態中進入神之路並與之相結合。宗教信徒為何總是閉目祈禱、靜坐,其理在此。
另一個譯法Occultism則是來自拉丁文,有“隱藏、隱秘、隱蔽”之意,也就是認為自然界存在著隱蔽的力量,若能透視這力量就能將之加以利用。研究這個“隱蔽力量”的內容也就形成了“隱蔽的學識”(occult science)。在中國,古人將這一切的超自然力量歸結為與神的本體有關,所以叫做“神秘”,今人則在對應西人的相關學說後,把這些說法叫做“神秘主義”。
綜觀上述,內外在真理呈現出兩個不同的世界,其驗證方法也南轅北轍,大相徑庭。了解這個道理就不會自以為是地越界論證,胡亂攻擊,因為雙方的存在和論證都有其合理性和獨特性,彼此的互補也推動了人類的文明。英文有句成語叫作 The best of both worlds,中文譯為“兩全其美”,我看放在這裡最貼切不過了。
在羅素的論證之後,還有兩個類似的著名論證。一個是“隱形粉紅獨角獸”(Invisible Pink Unicorn) ,另一個是“飛天麵條妖”(Flying Spaghetti Monster)。其論證方式比羅素更進一步,從教義的出現擴大到宗教的戲仿形式。囿於篇幅,這裡就略而不談。有興趣的讀者可以自行查找了解。
神秘主義一般英文譯為Mysticism,也有譯為Occultism(或Occult Science), 表示人與神或某種超自然力量結合為一的各種形式與體驗。它確信並強調兩點:一,現實中存在著形而上力量及不可思議的神奇事件;二,這種力量或事件透過人為方式使人得以體驗。 Mysticism中的my清楚表明是個人自身體驗,字源是myein,意思是“閉目”,表示依靠感官獲得的外在真理並不牢靠,而主張閉上肉身的眼睛,睜開心靈之眼,使思緒不受外在世界的紛擾所干擾影響,從而返回內心的本真,在靜觀沉思或痴迷的心理狀態中進入神之路並與之相結合。宗教信徒為何總是閉目祈禱、靜坐,其理在此。
另一個譯法Occultism則是來自拉丁文,有“隱藏、隱秘、隱蔽”之意,也就是認為自然界存在著隱蔽的力量,若能透視這力量就能將之加以利用。研究這個“隱蔽力量”的內容也就形成了“隱蔽的學識”(occult science)。在中國,古人將這一切的超自然力量歸結為與神的本體有關,所以叫做“神秘”,今人則在對應西人的相關學說後,把這些說法叫做“神秘主義”。
綜觀上述,內外在真理呈現出兩個不同的世界,其驗證方法也南轅北轍,大相徑庭。了解這個道理就不會自以為是地越界論證,胡亂攻擊,因為雙方的存在和論證都有其合理性和獨特性,彼此的互補也推動了人類的文明。英文有句成語叫作 The best of both worlds,中文譯為“兩全其美”,我看放在這裡最貼切不過了。
紅萍 11/2019
紅萍 11/2019
我叫紅萍,是陳海平的太太,也是Sean、Ryan和Jean的媽媽。 2012年我來美國UIC上學,那年是我第一次有機會接觸到團契和教會。每次參加聚會,都感覺很開心很快樂。那裡不僅有各樣的美食和交流,關鍵看著那裡的同學又是唱啊,跳啊地感謝讚美主,真的感到他們能夠從心靈深處散發出滿滿的喜樂和平安。而當時的我,心裡卻滿是焦慮、憂愁和無助。我很感謝神那一年讓我遇見耶穌。
雖然我覺得團契和教會很好,那里人友善又真誠,我也很多次被打動,但卻遲遲不敢跨出那一步。我想我還是不夠了解,我想我還是做得不夠好,我想萬一我又反悔了怎麼辦……我想......我就一直在猶豫著張望著。奇妙的是,神真的很愛我,每每快要偏行己路的時候,神都把我拉了回來。 2017年的1月29號(中國的春節),因著受感動,我在常去的Oakbrook Community Church 受洗了,成為一名基督徒。
有好幾次,可能我也是產後抑鬱了,一點事情就會流淚大哭。感覺在困難面前,我真是多麼的渺小,多麼的軟弱無力,又是那麼的無助。我向神哭訴,我好無助……有一次夜裡我哭得稀里嘩啦的,感覺把孩子們都嚇壞了,好自責。很感動的是,早上天剛亮的時候,兩個兒子就過來抱著我,6歲的老大還對我說:“你昨晚哭的時候,我就在被子裡為你禱告。” 感謝神給我這麼懂事可愛的孩子們!也感謝神對他們的看顧和帶領!
感謝神的應許,祂讓我有生命的盼望。 “主所應許我們的就是永生”(約翰一書 2:25)。 “神愛世人,甚至將他的獨生子賜給他們 ,叫一切信他的,不致滅亡,反得永生”(約翰福音 3:16) 。有永生的盼望是多麼美好幸福的事啊,讓我從心裡就覺得突然有力量有動力。因著盼望,逆境中我們也能學習到感恩;因著盼望,可以在愛裡學習到饒恕的功課;因著盼望,可以趕走內心的苦毒,迎來讚美和喜樂。
雖然我覺得團契和教會很好,那里人友善又真誠,我也很多次被打動,但卻遲遲不敢跨出那一步。我想我還是不夠了解,我想我還是做得不夠好,我想萬一我又反悔了怎麼辦……我想......我就一直在猶豫著張望著。奇妙的是,神真的很愛我,每每快要偏行己路的時候,神都把我拉了回來。 2017年的1月29號(中國的春節),因著受感動,我在常去的Oakbrook Community Church 受洗了,成為一名基督徒。
有好幾次,可能我也是產後抑鬱了,一點事情就會流淚大哭。感覺在困難面前,我真是多麼的渺小,多麼的軟弱無力,又是那麼的無助。我向神哭訴,我好無助……有一次夜裡我哭得稀里嘩啦的,感覺把孩子們都嚇壞了,好自責。很感動的是,早上天剛亮的時候,兩個兒子就過來抱著我,6歲的老大還對我說:“你昨晚哭的時候,我就在被子裡為你禱告。” 感謝神給我這麼懂事可愛的孩子們!也感謝神對他們的看顧和帶領!
感謝神的應許,祂讓我有生命的盼望。 “主所應許我們的就是永生”(約翰一書 2:25)。 “神愛世人,甚至將他的獨生子賜給他們 ,叫一切信他的,不致滅亡,反得永生”(約翰福音 3:16) 。有永生的盼望是多麼美好幸福的事啊,讓我從心裡就覺得突然有力量有動力。因著盼望,逆境中我們也能學習到感恩;因著盼望,可以在愛裡學習到饒恕的功課;因著盼望,可以趕走內心的苦毒,迎來讚美和喜樂。
蒼靈 12/11/2019
蒼靈 12/11/2019
讓我們先了解創作一詞的定義:是直接產生文學、藝術和科學作品的智力活動。英文是“create”, 跟創世記1:1 “起初,神創造天地(God created) ” 是一樣的意思。“神照自己的形象造人,乃是照神的形象造男造女。(創1:27)” 這一節的經文提了三次“造” (created) , 神乃是創造主,因此創造或創作的源頭是從神而來的。
廣義來説,每一個人都有創作的能力。雖然有些人説自己沒有藝術細胞;但神按著自己的形象造我們,骨子裡我們或多或少都有這個基因。例如喜歡下㕑的女士們,在上菜前加點葱花或紅蘿蔔絲添上顏色;先生們上班前挑選領帶或襯衫等, 其實都是不自覺地運用了創作力。
狭義而言,一群經常刻意運用智力去創作或創造而產生藝術作品的人被稱為藝術家。搞藝術的人經常是要擺上時間去鍛練自己的技能,並有清晰的目標去創作,使作品能带出藝術家要分享的信息。出埃及記35:35, “耶和華使他們的心滿有智慧,能做各樣的工,無論是雕刻的工,巧匠的工,用籃色,紫色,朱紅色線和細麻繡花的工並機匠的工,他們都能做,也能想出奇巧的工。” 經文提到耶和華使他們的心滿有智慧 ...... 想出奇巧的工。其實每一次我打開電腦寫文章之前,我都祈禱神給我智慧要寫什麼。我也叫查經小組的姐妹為我代求。很多時候我已經有些概念和主題,但具體地寫成一篇脈絡清晰的文章,還是需要花上時間和心思的。在創作舞蹈上也是一樣。
十二月是我最忙碌的时候,因為有很多在其他教會的演出。加上教課,跟學生的彩排並出席她們的演出,我很自然便將自己團隊編舞那項目推到在彩排前一兩天才開始動工。有些時候,在時間壓力下,我也會編出不錯的作品!我想不是我特別有恩賜,乃是因為我長年累月的舞蹈訓練,經常去看演出,上網看其他人的舞蹈作品,閒時也接觸不同的媒體 - 包括音樂、油畫、電影、看書等去開擴自己的藝術領域。到需要用上時,自己平時所積累的原素都可以發揮出來。一支五分多鐘的舞蹈要花上幾小時或一個星期的編排,並且要時間去排練;一小時的舞劇要花上好幾個月的編排和彩排才能出作品。所以在創作背後不是那麽瀟灑,是需要努力和擺上的,不是隨便交行貨。偶然也會有靈感,讓人即時編出一個新的舞蹈!我曾經有過這樣的經歷。多年前在上海時,我關自己在排練室,絞盡腦汁都出不了動作,唯有交託給神去編祂的舞蹈。“與神共舞”那一篇文章詳述了整個創作過程和經歷,我只有讚歎!讚歎!讚歎!神啊!袮真偉大!
創作的靈感是要不斷地更新的。多年前我編了一支雙人舞“Breath of Heaven” (天堂的氣息),今回聖誕節我再將這支舞放在節目裡,再加上其他兩個新的舞蹈。我可以用過去的思路去編排“天堂的氣息“,但聖靈給我看到不同視覺的影像,跟以前的版本完全不同。正如我們有時候讀到同一段經文,五年前讀時跟現在讀會有不同的領受,因為我們當時的經歷和境况跟現在不一樣。我們不能一直活在過去,要靠着神的大能往前邁進。神的話能在我們心裡歷久彌新!
在從新編“天堂的氣息” 這支舞的過程中,我學會順服(submission)。。順服跟創作是不相違的。創作有時候給人一種錯覺是不受束縛和自由發揮,隨心所欲想做就去做;不受紀律和順服的限制。限制跟束縛不一樣,你開車時見到紅燈便停下來,你可以選擇不守交通規則,但要承擔後果; 輕則會被罰款或重至引起交通意外而坐牢,結果反而受到束縛。人在限制裡反而有自由!我構思這新版本時在推自己去突破,舞蹈員跟我彩排後説好有創意 - 古代的馬利亞和現代的馬利亞,但觀衆有可能不會明白。那天回家想一下,也察覺到我跟她跳時找不到共鳴。我順服神的創作大能,聖靈給我的影像和動作不改,但在安排角色上作了調整,第二天彩排時,我倆都同感一靈,配合得非常好。感謝主讓我放下自己,讓祂去調整我的作品。剛過的周六演出,觀衆中有些人感動到流淚。
我認為基督徒藝術家創作時要有正確的心態,使這些作品能提升觀衆的視野,看到神的美善和公義,both vertical & horizontal (垂直和水平)。
Vertical 是往上的,透過我們的作品看到神,若是太抽象,大部份人都看不懂的話,大家便没有共鳴。Horizontal 是平面的,讓觀衆能夠經歷藝術作品對他/她們的影響而作出回應。藝術家不能閉門造車,要考慮到對觀衆有所交待。
剛過的周日結束了整個星期的演出,我終於有時間執筆寫這篇文章,但我卻不能集中精神組織我的思路,有江郎才盡的感覺。因那件事跑回來敲我的心門,像結一般在煩擾我,讓我覺得很無奈,很難過,很納悶。我甚至想改寫另一個主題,舒發一下我的心聲。感謝我的主我的神,當我在家播放另一首周六剛跳過的舞蹈曲目All is Well (一切是美善),去跳舞敬拜讚美神時,我頓然得著釋放!第一節的歌詞:
All is Well
All is Well
Angels and men rejoice
For tonight, darkness fell
Into the dawn of love’s light
Sing Ale, Sing Alleluia.
讓我們先了解創作一詞的定義:是直接產生文學、藝術和科學作品的智力活動。英文是“create”, 跟創世記1:1 “起初,神創造天地(God created) ” 是一樣的意思。“神照自己的形象造人,乃是照神的形象造男造女。(創1:27)” 這一節的經文提了三次“造” (created) , 神乃是創造主,因此創造或創作的源頭是從神而來的。
廣義來説,每一個人都有創作的能力。雖然有些人説自己沒有藝術細胞;但神按著自己的形象造我們,骨子裡我們或多或少都有這個基因。例如喜歡下㕑的女士們,在上菜前加點葱花或紅蘿蔔絲添上顏色;先生們上班前挑選領帶或襯衫等, 其實都是不自覺地運用了創作力。
狭義而言,一群經常刻意運用智力去創作或創造而產生藝術作品的人被稱為藝術家。搞藝術的人經常是要擺上時間去鍛練自己的技能,並有清晰的目標去創作,使作品能带出藝術家要分享的信息。出埃及記35:35, “耶和華使他們的心滿有智慧,能做各樣的工,無論是雕刻的工,巧匠的工,用籃色,紫色,朱紅色線和細麻繡花的工並機匠的工,他們都能做,也能想出奇巧的工。” 經文提到耶和華使他們的心滿有智慧 ...... 想出奇巧的工。其實每一次我打開電腦寫文章之前,我都祈禱神給我智慧要寫什麼。我也叫查經小組的姐妹為我代求。很多時候我已經有些概念和主題,但具體地寫成一篇脈絡清晰的文章,還是需要花上時間和心思的。在創作舞蹈上也是一樣。
十二月是我最忙碌的时候,因為有很多在其他教會的演出。加上教課,跟學生的彩排並出席她們的演出,我很自然便將自己團隊編舞那項目推到在彩排前一兩天才開始動工。有些時候,在時間壓力下,我也會編出不錯的作品!我想不是我特別有恩賜,乃是因為我長年累月的舞蹈訓練,經常去看演出,上網看其他人的舞蹈作品,閒時也接觸不同的媒體 - 包括音樂、油畫、電影、看書等去開擴自己的藝術領域。到需要用上時,自己平時所積累的原素都可以發揮出來。一支五分多鐘的舞蹈要花上幾小時或一個星期的編排,並且要時間去排練;一小時的舞劇要花上好幾個月的編排和彩排才能出作品。所以在創作背後不是那麽瀟灑,是需要努力和擺上的,不是隨便交行貨。偶然也會有靈感,讓人即時編出一個新的舞蹈!我曾經有過這樣的經歷。多年前在上海時,我關自己在排練室,絞盡腦汁都出不了動作,唯有交託給神去編祂的舞蹈。“與神共舞”那一篇文章詳述了整個創作過程和經歷,我只有讚歎!讚歎!讚歎!神啊!袮真偉大!
創作的靈感是要不斷地更新的。多年前我編了一支雙人舞“Breath of Heaven” (天堂的氣息),今回聖誕節我再將這支舞放在節目裡,再加上其他兩個新的舞蹈。我可以用過去的思路去編排“天堂的氣息“,但聖靈給我看到不同視覺的影像,跟以前的版本完全不同。正如我們有時候讀到同一段經文,五年前讀時跟現在讀會有不同的領受,因為我們當時的經歷和境况跟現在不一樣。我們不能一直活在過去,要靠着神的大能往前邁進。神的話能在我們心裡歷久彌新!
在從新編“天堂的氣息” 這支舞的過程中,我學會順服(submission)。。順服跟創作是不相違的。創作有時候給人一種錯覺是不受束縛和自由發揮,隨心所欲想做就去做;不受紀律和順服的限制。限制跟束縛不一樣,你開車時見到紅燈便停下來,你可以選擇不守交通規則,但要承擔後果; 輕則會被罰款或重至引起交通意外而坐牢,結果反而受到束縛。人在限制裡反而有自由!我構思這新版本時在推自己去突破,舞蹈員跟我彩排後説好有創意 - 古代的馬利亞和現代的馬利亞,但觀衆有可能不會明白。那天回家想一下,也察覺到我跟她跳時找不到共鳴。我順服神的創作大能,聖靈給我的影像和動作不改,但在安排角色上作了調整,第二天彩排時,我倆都同感一靈,配合得非常好。感謝主讓我放下自己,讓祂去調整我的作品。剛過的周六演出,觀衆中有些人感動到流淚。
我認為基督徒藝術家創作時要有正確的心態,使這些作品能提升觀衆的視野,看到神的美善和公義,both vertical & horizontal (垂直和水平)。
Vertical 是往上的,透過我們的作品看到神,若是太抽象,大部份人都看不懂的話,大家便没有共鳴。Horizontal 是平面的,讓觀衆能夠經歷藝術作品對他/她們的影響而作出回應。藝術家不能閉門造車,要考慮到對觀衆有所交待。
剛過的周日結束了整個星期的演出,我終於有時間執筆寫這篇文章,但我卻不能集中精神組織我的思路,有江郎才盡的感覺。因那件事跑回來敲我的心門,像結一般在煩擾我,讓我覺得很無奈,很難過,很納悶。我甚至想改寫另一個主題,舒發一下我的心聲。感謝我的主我的神,當我在家播放另一首周六剛跳過的舞蹈曲目All is Well (一切是美善),去跳舞敬拜讚美神時,我頓然得著釋放!第一節的歌詞:
All is Well
All is Well
Angels and men rejoice
For tonight, darkness fell
Into the dawn of love’s light
Sing Ale, Sing Alleluia.
Surveillance Capitalism and the “Omni-Problem”
Dr. Johnny L. Wilson
Dr. Johnny L. Wilson
Surveillance Capitalism is all around the modern consumer of digital information. For years, I have posted reviews of books I’ve read (even the escape reading I do) on goodreads.com so that I’ll have written notes “in the cloud” in case I want to use a quotation or an idea at a later point in my writing. Theoretically, this is a convenience because I can use my phone, my ancient iPad, or any school computer at work to access information on books I’ve read. And I have! It’s even nice that other people can “benefit” (or groan) from my reviews or start a dialogue (some of my reviews of biblical studies or theological works have even initiated dialogues with non-believers).
The annoying part is that as soon as I post a review, I get an email from the website saying, “You’ve just finished reading Wytte Media Bible: Philippians by Johnny L. Wilson. Here’s where to go next.” This is followed by a recommendation for a similar book. The problem is that I like to choose what I want to read and I very rarely want to read a deep theological work right after I’ve finished one or even a science-fiction or fantasy novel immediately following another one. And even if I did want to read a similar book immediately, the suggested authors might not be authors I respect. They might simply happen to have entitled the book similarly to the one I just finished. So, those helpful recommendations are rarely helpful.
The “Omni-Problem”
After this paragraph, I’ll describe some abuses of our information or unwanted consequences of the “free stuff” we consume on the Internet, but most of you are probably wondering how this relates to our Christian lives. At the time of writing this article, I had just finished preaching a sermon on Psalm 139 where the psalmist asserts that there is no place to flee or hide from God, that God knows what he will say before he’s even thought of it, that God surrounds him in any direction he tries to go, and more. I pointed out in that message that this omnipresence (the concept that God is everywhere) and omnipotence should not be threatening to us, but should be a promise that God is aware of what we’re going through, that God is involved in what we’re going through, and that God wants to guide us to the best in what we’re going through. But some people are threatened by God being everywhere and God knowing everything. Some people, even believers, see this as invasive and frightening.
So, let me share the good news of omnipresence, omniscience, and omnipotence (God can do anything and everything God wills) by contrasting it with the situation in the world today and how near-omnipresence and near-omniscience from constant data collection assisted by machine learning is abused in the surveillance culture. Pardon me as I offer some concrete examples. In 2018, a group of union members in West Virginia went on strike largely as a result of a wellness program called Go365. They were told that it was to help them stay healthier and to get better medical care, as well as gaining value for good behavior. In reality, the program which used Fitbit to measure steps taken per day and Sleep Number beds to measure the hours they slept, as well as other medical information, fined them $25 for not earning 3,000 points per year and increased their cost of health insurance. What promised to help proved to be a cost.
Our Scary-Smart Future
Indeed, Shoshana Zuboff, a fascinating author I heard interviewed on a podcast called EconTalk, quotes one Silicon Valley executive as planning toward the time when, “We can know if you shouldn’t be driving, and we can just shut your car down…we tell the TV to shut off and make you get some sleep, or the chair to start shaking because you shouldn’t be sitting so long.” But, even though the safety-oriented car, the parental television, and the gyrating “coach” chair are intended for our benefit, their purposes can go wrong. What if the car shuts down three exits from the motel where you have pre-paid your lodging for the night? What if you fell asleep in front of the television while some inconsequential programming was going on and now, the nanny television shuts down when there is an important news event going on that you needed to view? What if you need to pull an “all-nighter” and work through your normal sleeping hours like I did many times in graduate school? We can do that once in a while without hurting our health. Yet, these annoying intrusions into our lives may well hold us back when (I’m pretty sure it’s not “if”) technology does this.
The reason Zuboff and others call this surveillance “capitalism” is because these parental devices and machine-learning routines are being built to be monetized. Just like your printer tells you that you are low on toner long before it’s out of toner so that you’ll change the cartridge or order more toner before you need to do so, that smart car will have you buying new tires, changing the oil, refilling the gas tank (or recharging the battery), or stopping at roadside businesses sooner than necessary. You’re not sleepy when the television or smart screen commands you to go get some sleep and shuts down? You might need to order some melatonin or buy a new mattress. There is an insidious profit motivation beneath such supposed benefits for humanity.
It’s somewhat frightening when those monitors provided to you with the promise of saving you money on health or car insurance end up costing you more in the end when they reveal your real eating and driving habits. In a similar way, the Bible’s emphasis on God who is always there and knows you inside-out can be frightening if you picture God as monitoring you for the purpose of “lowering the boom” and punishing you. In terms of the “surveillance” analogy, God isn’t a “red light camera” hoping to give us tickets for trying to push through in the last second of a yellow light.
Our Holy Mentor
A better analogy might be a hitting or pitching coach that videos every aspect of our stroke or motion to help us find the weak points and hit or pitch better. Indeed, that’s what “paraclete,” the term translated as “Comforter” in so many translations of John 14 where Jesus promises the Holy Spirit, really means the one who “kaleo” calls out “para” beside (“para” + “kaleo”). It was used in classical Greek to describe: a) the pep talks given by military leaders before a battle (according to Xenophon and Polybius, also Aeschylus, The Persians, 380 ); b) the summons of a witness to a law court (Xenophon and Thucydides) or a patient to a physician (Epictetus); c) an advocate in a legal situation, d) the prayers/petitions to the gods (including texts from the ca. 1st century Greek healing center at Epidaurus where Wailam and I visited the excavation in Greece, pictured below); and e) the comfort of someone ill or grieving (Phalaris’ compilation of Greek letters from the era).
The annoying part is that as soon as I post a review, I get an email from the website saying, “You’ve just finished reading Wytte Media Bible: Philippians by Johnny L. Wilson. Here’s where to go next.” This is followed by a recommendation for a similar book. The problem is that I like to choose what I want to read and I very rarely want to read a deep theological work right after I’ve finished one or even a science-fiction or fantasy novel immediately following another one. And even if I did want to read a similar book immediately, the suggested authors might not be authors I respect. They might simply happen to have entitled the book similarly to the one I just finished. So, those helpful recommendations are rarely helpful.
The “Omni-Problem”
After this paragraph, I’ll describe some abuses of our information or unwanted consequences of the “free stuff” we consume on the Internet, but most of you are probably wondering how this relates to our Christian lives. At the time of writing this article, I had just finished preaching a sermon on Psalm 139 where the psalmist asserts that there is no place to flee or hide from God, that God knows what he will say before he’s even thought of it, that God surrounds him in any direction he tries to go, and more. I pointed out in that message that this omnipresence (the concept that God is everywhere) and omnipotence should not be threatening to us, but should be a promise that God is aware of what we’re going through, that God is involved in what we’re going through, and that God wants to guide us to the best in what we’re going through. But some people are threatened by God being everywhere and God knowing everything. Some people, even believers, see this as invasive and frightening.
So, let me share the good news of omnipresence, omniscience, and omnipotence (God can do anything and everything God wills) by contrasting it with the situation in the world today and how near-omnipresence and near-omniscience from constant data collection assisted by machine learning is abused in the surveillance culture. Pardon me as I offer some concrete examples. In 2018, a group of union members in West Virginia went on strike largely as a result of a wellness program called Go365. They were told that it was to help them stay healthier and to get better medical care, as well as gaining value for good behavior. In reality, the program which used Fitbit to measure steps taken per day and Sleep Number beds to measure the hours they slept, as well as other medical information, fined them $25 for not earning 3,000 points per year and increased their cost of health insurance. What promised to help proved to be a cost.
Our Scary-Smart Future
Indeed, Shoshana Zuboff, a fascinating author I heard interviewed on a podcast called EconTalk, quotes one Silicon Valley executive as planning toward the time when, “We can know if you shouldn’t be driving, and we can just shut your car down…we tell the TV to shut off and make you get some sleep, or the chair to start shaking because you shouldn’t be sitting so long.” But, even though the safety-oriented car, the parental television, and the gyrating “coach” chair are intended for our benefit, their purposes can go wrong. What if the car shuts down three exits from the motel where you have pre-paid your lodging for the night? What if you fell asleep in front of the television while some inconsequential programming was going on and now, the nanny television shuts down when there is an important news event going on that you needed to view? What if you need to pull an “all-nighter” and work through your normal sleeping hours like I did many times in graduate school? We can do that once in a while without hurting our health. Yet, these annoying intrusions into our lives may well hold us back when (I’m pretty sure it’s not “if”) technology does this.
The reason Zuboff and others call this surveillance “capitalism” is because these parental devices and machine-learning routines are being built to be monetized. Just like your printer tells you that you are low on toner long before it’s out of toner so that you’ll change the cartridge or order more toner before you need to do so, that smart car will have you buying new tires, changing the oil, refilling the gas tank (or recharging the battery), or stopping at roadside businesses sooner than necessary. You’re not sleepy when the television or smart screen commands you to go get some sleep and shuts down? You might need to order some melatonin or buy a new mattress. There is an insidious profit motivation beneath such supposed benefits for humanity.
It’s somewhat frightening when those monitors provided to you with the promise of saving you money on health or car insurance end up costing you more in the end when they reveal your real eating and driving habits. In a similar way, the Bible’s emphasis on God who is always there and knows you inside-out can be frightening if you picture God as monitoring you for the purpose of “lowering the boom” and punishing you. In terms of the “surveillance” analogy, God isn’t a “red light camera” hoping to give us tickets for trying to push through in the last second of a yellow light.
Our Holy Mentor
A better analogy might be a hitting or pitching coach that videos every aspect of our stroke or motion to help us find the weak points and hit or pitch better. Indeed, that’s what “paraclete,” the term translated as “Comforter” in so many translations of John 14 where Jesus promises the Holy Spirit, really means the one who “kaleo” calls out “para” beside (“para” + “kaleo”). It was used in classical Greek to describe: a) the pep talks given by military leaders before a battle (according to Xenophon and Polybius, also Aeschylus, The Persians, 380 ); b) the summons of a witness to a law court (Xenophon and Thucydides) or a patient to a physician (Epictetus); c) an advocate in a legal situation, d) the prayers/petitions to the gods (including texts from the ca. 1st century Greek healing center at Epidaurus where Wailam and I visited the excavation in Greece, pictured below); and e) the comfort of someone ill or grieving (Phalaris’ compilation of Greek letters from the era).
Healing Center of Asklepios at Epidaurus
To be sure, the verb behind the name can also mean “to call one out” in the sense of correcting, admonishing, but all of these ideas come together in the word Jesus used for the Holy Spirit and give us a solid picture of WHY God is always “present” and what that means for God’s people. To admonish? That would be what the apostle was talking about in Romans 8:13-17 or another apostle implied in I Peter 1:2. To encourage? The presence of the Holy Spirit which provides overflowing joy in Romans 15:13 (“May God of hope fill you up with all joy and peace so you may overflow with hope by means of the power of the Holy Spirit.” –my translation) just before speaking about how the apostle needed their help because he was hindered (Romans 15:22) and progressing toward his trip to Jerusalem (Romans 15:25). In fact, in Philippians 2:1-2 there is a combination of comfort in Christ, consolation, mercy, and fellowship of the Spirit (“1) If there is (as we know there is), therefore, any comfort in Christ, if any consolation of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any viscerally-felt mercy, 2) bring my joy to completion in order that you may consider the same thing, have the same love, have the same feelings, …”—my translation). Indeed, the very word used for “comfort” in Philippians 2:1 is “paraclesus” built from the same roots mentioned above for “paraclete,” the word for the Holy Spirit.
Since the Holy Spirit is a description of one perspective on the triune God and the promised indwelling of God as being present in our lives, God is even more with us everywhere and knows even more clearly everything about us than the psalmist who wrote Psalm 139 could have been aware. (Note: I believe Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are co-eternal, always have been three-in-one whereas some people, including theologians, see the use of the term person or member as being separate by definition, I am using the term perspective to imply different ways of looking at the three-in-one. Yet, even “perspective” is inadequate because it depersonalizes the essence of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit too much.)
We will return to the role of the Holy Spirit in believers and in the church as a whole, but I feel constrained to address one more part of the issue critics make of God being everywhere, knowing everything, and being able to do anything. Some have suggested that this makes God distant and unaffected by what happens to us and the decisions we make. That this is not true can easily be seen in terms of God reacting to human actions. My presumption is that God knew in advance what the human actions would be just as God had already determined what the best action would be and what God would do when, inevitably, humans failed and when, by virtue of God’s very personality, God would transform the conditions into which humans get themselves.
Old Testament Examples
To express this idea of God reacting to human activities and conditions, the Old Testament used the verb pronounced “nah-koom.” Unfortunately, the most common translation is “repented” as in God changing His mind where the root idea is really feeling something profoundly, being hurt deeply, and acting accordingly. (Note: All the following are my translations from the Hebrew.) The appropriate action may be to let off steam to ease one’s hurt as in the last part of Ezekiel 5:13 “…so I will comfort Myself when my rage is completed and they shall know that I, Yahweh, have spoken in my [demand for] exclusivity (“zeal”).” But more often it is used as in Genesis 6:6 in saying, “And Yahweh felt profound hurt BECAUSE He had made humanity upon the earth and He Himself experienced pain in His heart.”; in Jeremiah 18:8 where God says, “And that nation of which I spoke turns from its evil then I will have deep feelings concerning the evil I had accounted to accomplish upon it.”; in Amos 7:3 after Amos appeals to God for forgiveness, “And Yahweh had profound feelings concerning this. ‘It shall not happen,’ says Yahweh.”; or Jonah 3:10 after Ninevah’s repentance, “And God saw their actions because they turned from their evil way and so, God had profound feeling concerning the evil He said He would do to them and, as a result, He didn’t do it.” as examples.
In fact, in Isaiah 63:9, after the prophet has presented a poem about bad endings and in the midst of a prophecy about judgment, we read that God Himself was affected by the judgment. “In all of their being tied up in knots [“straits,” “distress”], He was tied up in knots; and, as a result, the angel of His presence rescued them. In His love and in His mercy, He redeemed (or “avenged”) them; He lifted them up and CARRIED them [like a burden] all the days of antiquity [for as far back as you can see].” When God’s people hurt, God hurts. When God’s people feel limited, God participates in their frustration. His love, His mercy, His redemption, and His proactive protection and care for them is all there because of God’s presence. Now, that doesn’t sound like the threat of surveillance, does it?
New Testament Time
So, let’s get back to the New Testament and the Holy Spirit. Not only did Jesus promise the coming of the Holy Spirit to comfort (John 14), reveal the Truth (John 15:26), convict of sin (John 16:8), and provide guidance (John 16:13), but there is a pattern which refers to the “koinonia” of the Spirit in the New Testament. I have transliterated the Greek word here to make a point. Most lay-persons and most translations limit their understanding of “koinonia” to the idea of fellowship, but it is more than that. In the ancient Greek world, “koinonia” could refer to a contractual relationship (including marriage), a partnership, or a group sharing something in common (a guild, a church, or a political faction). For example, in the benediction of II Corinthians 13:13 “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ [Who saves you], the love of God [Who sent your Savior], and the partnership of the Holy Spirit[Who brings you into an intimate and abiding relationship with God Who is Three-in-One and also causes us to participate in what God is doing by means of His indwelling presence within us]” we see how God’s Three-in-One presence works in our lives all the time.
By writing “partnership” I do NOT mean that we ever become equal to God or become a vital part of God, but only that God of grace allows us to work with Him by means of His grace and presence. We are, essentially, minority partners in the gospel enterprise. We are apprentice collaborators in God’s creativity. So, God’s constant availability shouldn’t be a threat; it should be a promise.
And Your Point?
God’s presence everywhere and especially God’s indwelling presence as the Holy Spirit shouldn’t make us uncomfortable. It should assure us that God knows all the circumstances surrounding the pressures we feel, the frustrations we are experiencing, and the threats we are facing. Even when God punishes us for our own good, it isn’t God saying, “Gotcha’!” or relishing our pain. Rather, the biblical idea suggests that God hurts with us—even when our problems are our own doing.
Perhaps, even more importantly, God’s presence through the Holy Spirit means we have accessibility to advice, comfort, encouragement, help, inspiration, and strength at any moment. And since Galatians 5 tells us that the results of living with and by the constant presence of the Holy Spirit brings love, joy, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, think of the constant blessings accessible to us.
How do we obey the command to “Rejoice always” in Philippians 4:4? We allow ourselves to be raised up by Holy Spirit fruit (joy). In the same way, how do we “pray always” as per I Thessalonians 5:17? We listen to the loving, caring “voice” of the Holy Spirit within us. How could we possibly “be thankful in all circumstances” (I Thessalonians 5:18)? It is only as the Holy Spirit gives us the power to be thankful.
Surveillance Capitalism vs. the “Omni-Promise”
Think about it! God’s presence allows us to be junior partners/apprentice creators with God. God’s presence means that God “has our back” in the sense of watching out for us. To return to our first illustration, neither Siri, Alexa, Google, Facebook, or the cookies on your favorite site have your best interests at heart. By occasionally pleasing you, they intend to exploit you. That’s surveillance capitalism! But God isn’t there to exploit you. God is everywhere to help you rejoice, be thankful, and accomplish His will (what is best for us) in all things. And when we don’t live up to His game plan, the “Paraclete,” the divine coach alongside (actually within) us is there to help us regain our swing.
Since the Holy Spirit is a description of one perspective on the triune God and the promised indwelling of God as being present in our lives, God is even more with us everywhere and knows even more clearly everything about us than the psalmist who wrote Psalm 139 could have been aware. (Note: I believe Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are co-eternal, always have been three-in-one whereas some people, including theologians, see the use of the term person or member as being separate by definition, I am using the term perspective to imply different ways of looking at the three-in-one. Yet, even “perspective” is inadequate because it depersonalizes the essence of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit too much.)
We will return to the role of the Holy Spirit in believers and in the church as a whole, but I feel constrained to address one more part of the issue critics make of God being everywhere, knowing everything, and being able to do anything. Some have suggested that this makes God distant and unaffected by what happens to us and the decisions we make. That this is not true can easily be seen in terms of God reacting to human actions. My presumption is that God knew in advance what the human actions would be just as God had already determined what the best action would be and what God would do when, inevitably, humans failed and when, by virtue of God’s very personality, God would transform the conditions into which humans get themselves.
Old Testament Examples
To express this idea of God reacting to human activities and conditions, the Old Testament used the verb pronounced “nah-koom.” Unfortunately, the most common translation is “repented” as in God changing His mind where the root idea is really feeling something profoundly, being hurt deeply, and acting accordingly. (Note: All the following are my translations from the Hebrew.) The appropriate action may be to let off steam to ease one’s hurt as in the last part of Ezekiel 5:13 “…so I will comfort Myself when my rage is completed and they shall know that I, Yahweh, have spoken in my [demand for] exclusivity (“zeal”).” But more often it is used as in Genesis 6:6 in saying, “And Yahweh felt profound hurt BECAUSE He had made humanity upon the earth and He Himself experienced pain in His heart.”; in Jeremiah 18:8 where God says, “And that nation of which I spoke turns from its evil then I will have deep feelings concerning the evil I had accounted to accomplish upon it.”; in Amos 7:3 after Amos appeals to God for forgiveness, “And Yahweh had profound feelings concerning this. ‘It shall not happen,’ says Yahweh.”; or Jonah 3:10 after Ninevah’s repentance, “And God saw their actions because they turned from their evil way and so, God had profound feeling concerning the evil He said He would do to them and, as a result, He didn’t do it.” as examples.
In fact, in Isaiah 63:9, after the prophet has presented a poem about bad endings and in the midst of a prophecy about judgment, we read that God Himself was affected by the judgment. “In all of their being tied up in knots [“straits,” “distress”], He was tied up in knots; and, as a result, the angel of His presence rescued them. In His love and in His mercy, He redeemed (or “avenged”) them; He lifted them up and CARRIED them [like a burden] all the days of antiquity [for as far back as you can see].” When God’s people hurt, God hurts. When God’s people feel limited, God participates in their frustration. His love, His mercy, His redemption, and His proactive protection and care for them is all there because of God’s presence. Now, that doesn’t sound like the threat of surveillance, does it?
New Testament Time
So, let’s get back to the New Testament and the Holy Spirit. Not only did Jesus promise the coming of the Holy Spirit to comfort (John 14), reveal the Truth (John 15:26), convict of sin (John 16:8), and provide guidance (John 16:13), but there is a pattern which refers to the “koinonia” of the Spirit in the New Testament. I have transliterated the Greek word here to make a point. Most lay-persons and most translations limit their understanding of “koinonia” to the idea of fellowship, but it is more than that. In the ancient Greek world, “koinonia” could refer to a contractual relationship (including marriage), a partnership, or a group sharing something in common (a guild, a church, or a political faction). For example, in the benediction of II Corinthians 13:13 “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ [Who saves you], the love of God [Who sent your Savior], and the partnership of the Holy Spirit[Who brings you into an intimate and abiding relationship with God Who is Three-in-One and also causes us to participate in what God is doing by means of His indwelling presence within us]” we see how God’s Three-in-One presence works in our lives all the time.
By writing “partnership” I do NOT mean that we ever become equal to God or become a vital part of God, but only that God of grace allows us to work with Him by means of His grace and presence. We are, essentially, minority partners in the gospel enterprise. We are apprentice collaborators in God’s creativity. So, God’s constant availability shouldn’t be a threat; it should be a promise.
And Your Point?
God’s presence everywhere and especially God’s indwelling presence as the Holy Spirit shouldn’t make us uncomfortable. It should assure us that God knows all the circumstances surrounding the pressures we feel, the frustrations we are experiencing, and the threats we are facing. Even when God punishes us for our own good, it isn’t God saying, “Gotcha’!” or relishing our pain. Rather, the biblical idea suggests that God hurts with us—even when our problems are our own doing.
Perhaps, even more importantly, God’s presence through the Holy Spirit means we have accessibility to advice, comfort, encouragement, help, inspiration, and strength at any moment. And since Galatians 5 tells us that the results of living with and by the constant presence of the Holy Spirit brings love, joy, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, think of the constant blessings accessible to us.
How do we obey the command to “Rejoice always” in Philippians 4:4? We allow ourselves to be raised up by Holy Spirit fruit (joy). In the same way, how do we “pray always” as per I Thessalonians 5:17? We listen to the loving, caring “voice” of the Holy Spirit within us. How could we possibly “be thankful in all circumstances” (I Thessalonians 5:18)? It is only as the Holy Spirit gives us the power to be thankful.
Surveillance Capitalism vs. the “Omni-Promise”
Think about it! God’s presence allows us to be junior partners/apprentice creators with God. God’s presence means that God “has our back” in the sense of watching out for us. To return to our first illustration, neither Siri, Alexa, Google, Facebook, or the cookies on your favorite site have your best interests at heart. By occasionally pleasing you, they intend to exploit you. That’s surveillance capitalism! But God isn’t there to exploit you. God is everywhere to help you rejoice, be thankful, and accomplish His will (what is best for us) in all things. And when we don’t live up to His game plan, the “Paraclete,” the divine coach alongside (actually within) us is there to help us regain our swing.