我們為文娟姐妹一家能及時在封城前離開武漢感恩,她的《與神同行的美好時光》分享了她們一家回國後安頓下來、兩個兒子慢慢長大、神在他們出武漢回老家的路上對她們一家的保守和帶領。切慕的《悔改向主》,在這病毒爆發後有很多的疑問。他祈禱求問神要答案,也得著神給他的回答。 Michelle 的《給懷恩堂的一封信》, 報上她的平安和回顧在芝加哥的四年生活,以及在找工作的壓力下如何仰望神的帶領並回到她們一家想去的地方。蒼靈的《誰與你我共渡苦難》,詳述苦難是人生命的一部份,既然不能免疫,那怎樣去面對它呢? Philip 的《<啟示錄> 真是說“一切說謊話的”都下地獄嗎? 》 分析對《啟示錄》21:8這句經文的理解,讓大家明白聖經的教導。 JoJo小弟的“How We Baked Christmas Cookies for Our Church” 寫下烤曲奇餅乾的過程,圖文並茂說明從開始到包裝完成。我們為年輕人對教會的付出感恩!最後是Wilson牧師的《尋求神的旨意》,文章系統性地告訴我們如何分辨神的旨意,也提出了一連串問題讓大家思考該如何去印證神的旨意。
我們為文娟姐妹一家能及時在封城前離開武漢感恩,她的《與神同行的美好時光》分享了她們一家回國後安頓下來、兩個兒子慢慢長大、神在他們出武漢回老家的路上對她們一家的保守和帶領。切慕的《悔改向主》,在這病毒爆發後有很多的疑問。他祈禱求問神要答案,也得著神給他的回答。 Michelle 的《給懷恩堂的一封信》, 報上她的平安和回顧在芝加哥的四年生活,以及在找工作的壓力下如何仰望神的帶領並回到她們一家想去的地方。蒼靈的《誰與你我共渡苦難》,詳述苦難是人生命的一部份,既然不能免疫,那怎樣去面對它呢? Philip 的《<啟示錄> 真是說“一切說謊話的”都下地獄嗎? 》 分析對《啟示錄》21:8這句經文的理解,讓大家明白聖經的教導。 JoJo小弟的“How We Baked Christmas Cookies for Our Church” 寫下烤曲奇餅乾的過程,圖文並茂說明從開始到包裝完成。我們為年輕人對教會的付出感恩!最後是Wilson牧師的《尋求神的旨意》,文章系統性地告訴我們如何分辨神的旨意,也提出了一連串問題讓大家思考該如何去印證神的旨意。
蒼靈 2/21/2020
蒼靈 2/21/2020
從人類的歷史和文化中,我們看到生、老、病、死、仇殺、戰爭、瘟疫、天災人禍和恐布份子帶來的患害。這個世界好像很黑暗,一代又一代地重演這些事件;太平盛世的日子總是不能永遠持續。很多人質問:“若這世界是有神的話,我不能相信這樣的神! 為什麼祂容許這麼多的苦難,又讓這麼多的人受害?” 尤其是這非常時期的冠狀病毒,很多人都在問為什麼?
在此我謙虛地承認我沒有答案,此文是從我個人所經歷過的苦難,結合聖經中對苦難的看法和從CS Lewis 《痛苦的問題》一書綜合後跟大家的分享。我盼望能讓讀者看到一條出路。
1996 我老大出生那年,我面對人生最大的一幕悲劇,從懷孕至生產,要面對前夫有外遇的打擊!人家說孕婦一般會增加體重,可是,懷孕期間有二次體檢我的體重不增反減,導致醫生有點擔心,吩咐我一定要多吃......。那段日子,見面的前教會的姐妹們都跟我說:“你瘦了,臉兒尖得好厲害!別的姐妹懷孕臉圓圓,你卻越來越廋!” 我聽了也知道事情不妙,跟我很親的好姐妹勸我說:吃不下也得為肚裡的孩子吃!我哭了,太明白吃之無味的感覺,東西進了口但嘗不到味道。我為什麼這般痛苦?心如刀割般的痛! CS Lewis說: “精神痛苦不像肉體的痛苦般顯明,但它更普遍和更難以承受。很多時候,為掩蓋精神上的痛苦,說'我牙齒疼痛'比說'我的心碎了' 容易得多。” 我明白什麼叫有口難言,內心的衝擊不能言喻。我問神為什麼?為什麼悲劇臨到我身上,特別是在我懷孕的期間!別人的犯罪,我卻成為受害者,那是否不公平? CS Lewis 說:“ 試排除自然秩序和自由意志的存在所帶來的痛苦,你會發現自已經排除了生命的本質。”。面對苦難可以有不同的回應,確定了苦難是不能免疫的,別人選擇要傷害我,我也選擇了怎樣面對:接受它和緊緊抓著我的主我的神。當年讀經,每一句彷彿都是神在向我說話,祂是如此實在地與我走過這一幕悲劇。當中我也有磨難的日子,情緒掉下到谷底,但身邊的祈禱夥伴總是給我打氣加油,使得苦難的受害者仍能在神的恩典下抬起頭來。
“耶和華是我的岩石, 我的山寨, 我的救主, 我的神, 我的磐石, 我所投靠的。 他是我的盾牌, 是拯救我的角, 是我的高台。(《詩篇》 18 :2)”
第三種苦難,也就是非自己的犯罪或別人的犯罪而遭受到的苦難,例如聖經中的約伯無原無故慘遭浩劫的故事。 《約伯記》第一章6節撒但登場了,約伯成為受害者。在42章的經文裡描述約伯面對苦難的心路歷程。 (在此我不多說《約伯記》,請看2018年12月的季刊)。我推薦讀者親自去讀一遍這卷經書,但在讀之前我提議大家要有思想準備。若你認為人生無苦難,生活是泡沫,你可能現在不適合讀《約伯記》,因為你會對神的慈愛有所懷疑! “ 若我們對愛的含義理解不清,並以人為中心看待事物,那麼我們無法解決人類的苦難與神愛的存在性所產生的矛盾。人不是世界的中心,神不是為人類而存在,人也不是為自己而存在。因為祢創造了萬物,並且萬物是因祢的旨意被創造而有的。” CS Lewis 寫道。在我們能看見的世界之上,有看不見的靈界層面,一切的天災、瘟疫、地震和海嘯等是我們沒法理解的,人也不能參透神的作為。從Sars 到冠狀病毒, 又一次的歷史重演,比上次更迅速爆發。
“已 有 的 事 後 必 再 有 ; 已 行 的 事 後 必 再 行 。 日 光 之 下 並 無 新 事 。(《傳道書》1:9)”
“世人哪!耶和華已指示你何為善。他向你所要的是什麼呢?只要你行公義,好憐憫,存謙卑的心,與你的神同行。(《彌迦書》6:8 )”
願《帖撒羅尼迦後書》3:16 安慰正在抗擊疫毒的中國同胞:願 賜 平 安 的 主 隨 時 隨 事 親 自 給 你 們 平 安 ! 願 主 常 與 你 們 眾 人 同 在 !
從人類的歷史和文化中,我們看到生、老、病、死、仇殺、戰爭、瘟疫、天災人禍和恐布份子帶來的患害。這個世界好像很黑暗,一代又一代地重演這些事件;太平盛世的日子總是不能永遠持續。很多人質問:“若這世界是有神的話,我不能相信這樣的神! 為什麼祂容許這麼多的苦難,又讓這麼多的人受害?” 尤其是這非常時期的冠狀病毒,很多人都在問為什麼?
在此我謙虛地承認我沒有答案,此文是從我個人所經歷過的苦難,結合聖經中對苦難的看法和從CS Lewis 《痛苦的問題》一書綜合後跟大家的分享。我盼望能讓讀者看到一條出路。
1996 我老大出生那年,我面對人生最大的一幕悲劇,從懷孕至生產,要面對前夫有外遇的打擊!人家說孕婦一般會增加體重,可是,懷孕期間有二次體檢我的體重不增反減,導致醫生有點擔心,吩咐我一定要多吃......。那段日子,見面的前教會的姐妹們都跟我說:“你瘦了,臉兒尖得好厲害!別的姐妹懷孕臉圓圓,你卻越來越廋!” 我聽了也知道事情不妙,跟我很親的好姐妹勸我說:吃不下也得為肚裡的孩子吃!我哭了,太明白吃之無味的感覺,東西進了口但嘗不到味道。我為什麼這般痛苦?心如刀割般的痛! CS Lewis說: “精神痛苦不像肉體的痛苦般顯明,但它更普遍和更難以承受。很多時候,為掩蓋精神上的痛苦,說'我牙齒疼痛'比說'我的心碎了' 容易得多。” 我明白什麼叫有口難言,內心的衝擊不能言喻。我問神為什麼?為什麼悲劇臨到我身上,特別是在我懷孕的期間!別人的犯罪,我卻成為受害者,那是否不公平? CS Lewis 說:“ 試排除自然秩序和自由意志的存在所帶來的痛苦,你會發現自已經排除了生命的本質。”。面對苦難可以有不同的回應,確定了苦難是不能免疫的,別人選擇要傷害我,我也選擇了怎樣面對:接受它和緊緊抓著我的主我的神。當年讀經,每一句彷彿都是神在向我說話,祂是如此實在地與我走過這一幕悲劇。當中我也有磨難的日子,情緒掉下到谷底,但身邊的祈禱夥伴總是給我打氣加油,使得苦難的受害者仍能在神的恩典下抬起頭來。
“耶和華是我的岩石, 我的山寨, 我的救主, 我的神, 我的磐石, 我所投靠的。 他是我的盾牌, 是拯救我的角, 是我的高台。(《詩篇》 18 :2)”
第三種苦難,也就是非自己的犯罪或別人的犯罪而遭受到的苦難,例如聖經中的約伯無原無故慘遭浩劫的故事。 《約伯記》第一章6節撒但登場了,約伯成為受害者。在42章的經文裡描述約伯面對苦難的心路歷程。 (在此我不多說《約伯記》,請看2018年12月的季刊)。我推薦讀者親自去讀一遍這卷經書,但在讀之前我提議大家要有思想準備。若你認為人生無苦難,生活是泡沫,你可能現在不適合讀《約伯記》,因為你會對神的慈愛有所懷疑! “ 若我們對愛的含義理解不清,並以人為中心看待事物,那麼我們無法解決人類的苦難與神愛的存在性所產生的矛盾。人不是世界的中心,神不是為人類而存在,人也不是為自己而存在。因為祢創造了萬物,並且萬物是因祢的旨意被創造而有的。” CS Lewis 寫道。在我們能看見的世界之上,有看不見的靈界層面,一切的天災、瘟疫、地震和海嘯等是我們沒法理解的,人也不能參透神的作為。從Sars 到冠狀病毒, 又一次的歷史重演,比上次更迅速爆發。
“已 有 的 事 後 必 再 有 ; 已 行 的 事 後 必 再 行 。 日 光 之 下 並 無 新 事 。(《傳道書》1:9)”
“世人哪!耶和華已指示你何為善。他向你所要的是什麼呢?只要你行公義,好憐憫,存謙卑的心,與你的神同行。(《彌迦書》6:8 )”
願《帖撒羅尼迦後書》3:16 安慰正在抗擊疫毒的中國同胞:願 賜 平 安 的 主 隨 時 隨 事 親 自 給 你 們 平 安 ! 願 主 常 與 你 們 眾 人 同 在 !
Michelle L
Michelle L
一些熟悉我們的朋友們都知道,我們原來8年前在新西蘭讀書。畢業後,璐珈工作的原因,在西北大學找到了博後的位置,於是我們一家人提起行李,帶著剛出生兩個半月的以樂,一起搬到了Evanston。記得那是感恩節前的幾天,我們剛下飛機的第二天就是一場暴風雪,我和璐珈一起拖著大行李,帶著小BABY,沒有駕照,沒有車,在大雪天非常困難。當時,我和璐珈就特別傷感。因為離開了新西蘭原來的教會,來到一個舉目無親的地方,感覺特別無助,最好能馬上找到一個教會,但因為沒有認識的朋友,所以對我們來說很難。但非常感恩,我們的神,無論何時何地,從不撇下我們任何一個。 “你的日子如何,你的力量也必如何。”也是靠著神的帶領,藉著每週一的姐妹小組查經班,認識了Ginny姐,然後來到了懷恩堂,找到了在美國的屬靈“新家”。
多麼奇妙啊!世界那麼大,璐珈的新工作是在惠靈頓,就是新西蘭的首都。這次我們又要回到新西蘭去了。出新西蘭時,我們帶著兩個月的以樂出來,這次回去我們要多帶一個6個半月的以安回去。 (以樂+以安,就是喜樂平安!)帶著“喜樂平安”回到我們一直想去的地方了,何等奇妙!
一些熟悉我們的朋友們都知道,我們原來8年前在新西蘭讀書。畢業後,璐珈工作的原因,在西北大學找到了博後的位置,於是我們一家人提起行李,帶著剛出生兩個半月的以樂,一起搬到了Evanston。記得那是感恩節前的幾天,我們剛下飛機的第二天就是一場暴風雪,我和璐珈一起拖著大行李,帶著小BABY,沒有駕照,沒有車,在大雪天非常困難。當時,我和璐珈就特別傷感。因為離開了新西蘭原來的教會,來到一個舉目無親的地方,感覺特別無助,最好能馬上找到一個教會,但因為沒有認識的朋友,所以對我們來說很難。但非常感恩,我們的神,無論何時何地,從不撇下我們任何一個。 “你的日子如何,你的力量也必如何。”也是靠著神的帶領,藉著每週一的姐妹小組查經班,認識了Ginny姐,然後來到了懷恩堂,找到了在美國的屬靈“新家”。
多麼奇妙啊!世界那麼大,璐珈的新工作是在惠靈頓,就是新西蘭的首都。這次我們又要回到新西蘭去了。出新西蘭時,我們帶著兩個月的以樂出來,這次回去我們要多帶一個6個半月的以安回去。 (以樂+以安,就是喜樂平安!)帶著“喜樂平安”回到我們一直想去的地方了,何等奇妙!
身處抗疫一線,深知疫情對於整個社會的打擊是何等的慘烈。 1月23日之後整個城市被按下了暫停鍵,平日里路上車水馬龍、人來人往,現在道路空曠,異常寧靜。整個城市處在一種恐怖的氛圍之中,電影中的場面在此刻變成了現實。在病毒強大的攻勢面前,武漢市這個有著豐富醫療資源的城市,居然到了面臨崩潰的地步。多少家庭因醫院病床的緊張而得不到及時的治療,最後在家等待死亡的來臨,我們可以想像那種等待死亡來臨而沒有任何幫助的絕望。很多家庭家破人亡,有一個小女孩的母親因被感染最後去世,在殯葬車拖走她母親的那一刻,她無法見到自己母親的最後一面,只能追在車子後面失聲痛哭地叫著媽媽、媽媽。還有湖北電影製片廠一家慘遭滅門的慘劇。
《聖經》中說:你們聽見打仗和擾亂的事,不要驚惶;因為這些事必須先有,只是末期不能立時就到。 ”當時,耶穌對他們說:“民要攻打民,國要攻打國;地要大大震動,多處必有飢荒、瘟疫,又有可怕的異象和大神蹟從天上顯現。 (路加福音21:9-11)
身處抗疫一線,深知疫情對於整個社會的打擊是何等的慘烈。 1月23日之後整個城市被按下了暫停鍵,平日里路上車水馬龍、人來人往,現在道路空曠,異常寧靜。整個城市處在一種恐怖的氛圍之中,電影中的場面在此刻變成了現實。在病毒強大的攻勢面前,武漢市這個有著豐富醫療資源的城市,居然到了面臨崩潰的地步。多少家庭因醫院病床的緊張而得不到及時的治療,最後在家等待死亡的來臨,我們可以想像那種等待死亡來臨而沒有任何幫助的絕望。很多家庭家破人亡,有一個小女孩的母親因被感染最後去世,在殯葬車拖走她母親的那一刻,她無法見到自己母親的最後一面,只能追在車子後面失聲痛哭地叫著媽媽、媽媽。還有湖北電影製片廠一家慘遭滅門的慘劇。
《聖經》中說:你們聽見打仗和擾亂的事,不要驚惶;因為這些事必須先有,只是末期不能立時就到。 ”當時,耶穌對他們說:“民要攻打民,國要攻打國;地要大大震動,多處必有飢荒、瘟疫,又有可怕的異象和大神蹟從天上顯現。 (路加福音21:9-11)
2019年我跟國棟都開始上班,在國外幾年我一直處於陪讀家庭主婦狀態。一開始上班很不適應,不知道該如何表達自己。每當這個時候我都求告神,求神幫助我慢慢調整自己的狀態。 2019年的第一學期都在聽課,每個老師的課都去聽至少一遍。這幾年幾乎都沒有學習過專業方面的書,很多知識點都忘光光了。只能邊聽課邊重新學習。聽了一學期課知識點基本都掌握了,心理上也轉變到工作的狀態,這個時候已經完全適應了國內的生活。 9月份開始上課。第一次上課真的很緊張,不過慢慢就上手了。上了一學期的課我也終於成為了一名真正的老師。看著學生們都努力的學習,我在思考他們的靈魂同樣需要歸宿。我自己有多麼需要神,這些學生就有多麼需要神。而我卻不能直接明白的告訴他們,只能在關心的過程中慢慢引導提示。也許我就是為神播撒種子的那個人吧。未來的生活希望神繼續引導我,讓我走他為我設定好的道路和使命。
很快到了2020年,與此同時新冠肺炎悄然在武漢蔓延開來,最開始政府完全不重視,沒有跟大眾說任何防護措施,大家跟往日的生活沒有兩樣。 1月15號學校放假了,我們邀請課題組10個學生來家裡吃飯。然後帶著家人購物買衣服,逛超市備年貨,就等著開開心心過大年。 21號新聞裡面看到鐘南山老先生說新冠肺炎確定人傳人,當天羅弟兄也給我發消息說實際情況非常嚴重,要我們千萬注意。我開始意識到事情的嚴重性,過去的5天我們天天都在外面並且沒有任何防護措施。我們想坐飛機回山西羅弟兄讓我們不要坐飛機說非常不安全,最後在他的建議下我們決定自己開車回山西,路上需要13小時車程。 22號下午我便把行李全部收拾好放在車上,23號早早醒來,一醒來便看到羅弟兄的消息問我們離開武漢沒有?我說準備今早出發,然後他發給我一則消息說當天十點以後武漢要封城,立馬叫醒老公孩子決定早點出門去試一試,我們7點半出家門,一路禱告求神保守我們平安順利出武漢。到了武漢高速路口的時候是8點半發現並沒有人檢查,我們順利出發了。在路上各種新聞鋪天蓋地而來,各大機場,火車站,高速路口逐漸都封閉了。我們內心既感恩又擔憂。我們在當天晚上8點回到山西的家裡。一回去迎接我們的便是酒精渾身噴灑。接下來便是14天的自我隔離。一天天看著疫情的嚴重不確定自己的健康狀況,很怕感染家里人。但是媽媽一直說放心吧,我們家有神保守肯定會一切平安的。自從21號我便開始頭痛,一直在持續,內心很擔心自己是不是感染了病毒,就在這種不安當中度過了最開始的一周。然後頭痛消失了家人也沒有任何不適,懸著的心才放下來。雖然我們離開了武漢但是心卻牽掛著在武漢的那些家人朋友。看到國內、世界各地的人們都在支援幫助武漢,真的很感動。這不就是神的愛嗎?
在家休息的這段時間剛好關註一個公眾號“好消息家族”,在情人節那天開始推薦煉愛40天真愛挑戰,我父母親夫妻感情一直吵吵鬧鬧,而自己面對丈夫也容易動怒。剛好藉著這段安靜時光和媽媽一起操練。每一天都可以從神的話語中學到更多關於幸福婚姻的秘訣,獲得更多心靈的安寧。今天是煉愛第5天,未來還有35天的煉愛。而我們還有一生的時間去戀愛。願每個人都能夠擁有美好、溫馨的婚姻。在愛中彼此成長,養兒育女,享受人生。最後用聖經中的話與大家共勉:凡事謙虛,溫柔,忍耐,用愛心互相寬容。並要以恩慈相待,存憐憫的心,彼此饒恕,正如上帝在基督裡饒恕了你們一樣。 (以弗所書4:2-3)
2019年我跟國棟都開始上班,在國外幾年我一直處於陪讀家庭主婦狀態。一開始上班很不適應,不知道該如何表達自己。每當這個時候我都求告神,求神幫助我慢慢調整自己的狀態。 2019年的第一學期都在聽課,每個老師的課都去聽至少一遍。這幾年幾乎都沒有學習過專業方面的書,很多知識點都忘光光了。只能邊聽課邊重新學習。聽了一學期課知識點基本都掌握了,心理上也轉變到工作的狀態,這個時候已經完全適應了國內的生活。 9月份開始上課。第一次上課真的很緊張,不過慢慢就上手了。上了一學期的課我也終於成為了一名真正的老師。看著學生們都努力的學習,我在思考他們的靈魂同樣需要歸宿。我自己有多麼需要神,這些學生就有多麼需要神。而我卻不能直接明白的告訴他們,只能在關心的過程中慢慢引導提示。也許我就是為神播撒種子的那個人吧。未來的生活希望神繼續引導我,讓我走他為我設定好的道路和使命。
很快到了2020年,與此同時新冠肺炎悄然在武漢蔓延開來,最開始政府完全不重視,沒有跟大眾說任何防護措施,大家跟往日的生活沒有兩樣。 1月15號學校放假了,我們邀請課題組10個學生來家裡吃飯。然後帶著家人購物買衣服,逛超市備年貨,就等著開開心心過大年。 21號新聞裡面看到鐘南山老先生說新冠肺炎確定人傳人,當天羅弟兄也給我發消息說實際情況非常嚴重,要我們千萬注意。我開始意識到事情的嚴重性,過去的5天我們天天都在外面並且沒有任何防護措施。我們想坐飛機回山西羅弟兄讓我們不要坐飛機說非常不安全,最後在他的建議下我們決定自己開車回山西,路上需要13小時車程。 22號下午我便把行李全部收拾好放在車上,23號早早醒來,一醒來便看到羅弟兄的消息問我們離開武漢沒有?我說準備今早出發,然後他發給我一則消息說當天十點以後武漢要封城,立馬叫醒老公孩子決定早點出門去試一試,我們7點半出家門,一路禱告求神保守我們平安順利出武漢。到了武漢高速路口的時候是8點半發現並沒有人檢查,我們順利出發了。在路上各種新聞鋪天蓋地而來,各大機場,火車站,高速路口逐漸都封閉了。我們內心既感恩又擔憂。我們在當天晚上8點回到山西的家裡。一回去迎接我們的便是酒精渾身噴灑。接下來便是14天的自我隔離。一天天看著疫情的嚴重不確定自己的健康狀況,很怕感染家里人。但是媽媽一直說放心吧,我們家有神保守肯定會一切平安的。自從21號我便開始頭痛,一直在持續,內心很擔心自己是不是感染了病毒,就在這種不安當中度過了最開始的一周。然後頭痛消失了家人也沒有任何不適,懸著的心才放下來。雖然我們離開了武漢但是心卻牽掛著在武漢的那些家人朋友。看到國內、世界各地的人們都在支援幫助武漢,真的很感動。這不就是神的愛嗎?
在家休息的這段時間剛好關註一個公眾號“好消息家族”,在情人節那天開始推薦煉愛40天真愛挑戰,我父母親夫妻感情一直吵吵鬧鬧,而自己面對丈夫也容易動怒。剛好藉著這段安靜時光和媽媽一起操練。每一天都可以從神的話語中學到更多關於幸福婚姻的秘訣,獲得更多心靈的安寧。今天是煉愛第5天,未來還有35天的煉愛。而我們還有一生的時間去戀愛。願每個人都能夠擁有美好、溫馨的婚姻。在愛中彼此成長,養兒育女,享受人生。最後用聖經中的話與大家共勉:凡事謙虛,溫柔,忍耐,用愛心互相寬容。並要以恩慈相待,存憐憫的心,彼此饒恕,正如上帝在基督裡饒恕了你們一樣。 (以弗所書4:2-3)
啟示錄(21:8)真是說〝一切說謊話的 〞都下地獄嗎?
中文成人主日學剛查完《啟示錄》,深刻最印象的是最後兩章中出現了三次類似的話,是我以前沒有註意的,就是有關謊話、謊言及虛謊的,如下(和合本) 21 :8b“一切說謊話的,他們的分就在燒著硫磺的火湖里;這是第二次的死。”21:27“凡......行可憎與虛謊之事的,總不得進那城;......”22:15“(聖)城外有......一切喜好說謊言、編造虛謊的。”
當我這次預備領查第21章時,我就留意到第8節b的問題, 不可能“一切說謊話的人都被扔在火湖里”吧?究竟在這裡的“說謊話的人”如何解釋呢?從20:11節開始是講到白色大寶座的最後審判,各人都照著他們所行的受審判(12,13)。 21:8 節說:“唯有膽怯的、不信的、可憎的、殺人的、淫亂的、行邪術的、拜偶像的,和一切說謊話的,他們的分就在燒著硫磺的火湖裡;這是第二次的死。”,“說謊話的” 跟其他所列舉的罪不應相等吧? “膽怯的” 也是罪嗎?為何不提不孝敬父母,偷盜等十誡中的罪?
於是我參看我所有的聖經譯本,包括中文聖經新譯本,英文的KJV(Kings James Version) ,NKJV ( New KJV) ,, NIV (,New International Version ) , ESV, ( English Standard Version)和NAS. ( New American Standard ) ,全部都是用"liars” (說謊的人) 。於是我查看聖經原本希臘文,那字是pseudosin,我又發現22:15和合本譯作虛謊之事的原文是pseudos,22:15中和合本譯作“謊言、虛謊的”也是同一的原文。 pseudo這字根是醫學中常用的,是假的或似是而非的意思,如pseudohyponatremia是指血中的鈉低不是真的,而是因血中其他成份,如高血糖或高血脂所引致血中的鈉似低而不是真低。又如我們常用的字pseudonym是假名不是真名。
所以上面三處經文是指傳假道的人,就是假師傅,假先知和他們的跟隨者都要下火湖,不得進新聖城。就是主耶穌在馬太福音7:22-23所說的:“當那日必有許多人對我說:'主啊,主啊,我們不是奉你的名傳道,奉你的名趕鬼,奉你的名行許多異能嗎?'我就明明地告訴他們說:'我從來不認識你們,你們這些作惡的人,離開我去吧!'所以我們要小心分辨那些是假先知,假師傅,不然我們會跟著他們下火湖。'” 。這裡“膽怯的”是指不夠勇敢信主跟隨主的人,所以跟不信的,拜偶像等人都會下火湖。也就是《希伯來書》2:15所指“那些一生因怕而死為奴僕的人”。
相對來說,主耶穌曾說過:“你們若常常遵守我的道,就真是我的門徒。你們必曉得真理,真理必叫你們得以自由。”(約8 :31-32)。約1:14說:“「道成了肉身,住在我們中間,充充滿滿的有恩典有真理。我們也見過祂的榮光,正是父獨生子的榮光。” 約17, 18又說“律法本是藉著摩西傳的,恩典和真理,都是由耶穌基督來的。從來沒有人看見神;只有在父懷裡的獨生子將祂表明出來。”
我們需要神的恩典,我們的罪才能得洗淨,才能成為神的兒女,但我們也需要真理,我們的生命才有真正的自由。真正的曉得真理是通過遵行,實踐才能經歷真正的自由正如以上在 約8 :31-32對信祂的猶太人所說的。
當我這次預備領查第21章時,我就留意到第8節b的問題, 不可能“一切說謊話的人都被扔在火湖里”吧?究竟在這裡的“說謊話的人”如何解釋呢?從20:11節開始是講到白色大寶座的最後審判,各人都照著他們所行的受審判(12,13)。 21:8 節說:“唯有膽怯的、不信的、可憎的、殺人的、淫亂的、行邪術的、拜偶像的,和一切說謊話的,他們的分就在燒著硫磺的火湖裡;這是第二次的死。”,“說謊話的” 跟其他所列舉的罪不應相等吧? “膽怯的” 也是罪嗎?為何不提不孝敬父母,偷盜等十誡中的罪?
於是我參看我所有的聖經譯本,包括中文聖經新譯本,英文的KJV(Kings James Version) ,NKJV ( New KJV) ,, NIV (,New International Version ) , ESV, ( English Standard Version)和NAS. ( New American Standard ) ,全部都是用"liars” (說謊的人) 。於是我查看聖經原本希臘文,那字是pseudosin,我又發現22:15和合本譯作虛謊之事的原文是pseudos,22:15中和合本譯作“謊言、虛謊的”也是同一的原文。 pseudo這字根是醫學中常用的,是假的或似是而非的意思,如pseudohyponatremia是指血中的鈉低不是真的,而是因血中其他成份,如高血糖或高血脂所引致血中的鈉似低而不是真低。又如我們常用的字pseudonym是假名不是真名。
所以上面三處經文是指傳假道的人,就是假師傅,假先知和他們的跟隨者都要下火湖,不得進新聖城。就是主耶穌在馬太福音7:22-23所說的:“當那日必有許多人對我說:'主啊,主啊,我們不是奉你的名傳道,奉你的名趕鬼,奉你的名行許多異能嗎?'我就明明地告訴他們說:'我從來不認識你們,你們這些作惡的人,離開我去吧!'所以我們要小心分辨那些是假先知,假師傅,不然我們會跟著他們下火湖。'” 。這裡“膽怯的”是指不夠勇敢信主跟隨主的人,所以跟不信的,拜偶像等人都會下火湖。也就是《希伯來書》2:15所指“那些一生因怕而死為奴僕的人”。
相對來說,主耶穌曾說過:“你們若常常遵守我的道,就真是我的門徒。你們必曉得真理,真理必叫你們得以自由。”(約8 :31-32)。約1:14說:“「道成了肉身,住在我們中間,充充滿滿的有恩典有真理。我們也見過祂的榮光,正是父獨生子的榮光。” 約17, 18又說“律法本是藉著摩西傳的,恩典和真理,都是由耶穌基督來的。從來沒有人看見神;只有在父懷裡的獨生子將祂表明出來。”
我們需要神的恩典,我們的罪才能得洗淨,才能成為神的兒女,但我們也需要真理,我們的生命才有真正的自由。真正的曉得真理是通過遵行,實踐才能經歷真正的自由正如以上在 約8 :31-32對信祂的猶太人所說的。
我還可以使用女性代詞,因為在不止一次的情況下,一位善意的姐妹告訴我,上帝告訴她,我該做她覺得我應做的事奉。多年來,我學會了提醒人們,上帝知道他需要與誰說話,並且可能會在讓別人有負擔之前設法讓他聽到。通常,當我們認為上帝在告訴我們讓別人做某些事時,上帝是在呼喚我們去做,或訓練我們自己去做。這並不意味著我不應該自己問上帝,是否有人 “被引領”來告訴我一個“信息”。這並不是說我不應該反思上帝給我的經文教訓和我在禱告中所感到的負擔。有時候,若我對祂的召喚不敏感,上帝可能會藉別人來引起我的注意力,但並非總是如此。只需記住,“上帝感動我告訴你需要做更多探訪,可能是上帝要讓你有負擔做更多的探訪。”
我也有一些神學院的同學,他們從上帝那裡得到了很有問題的“話語”。我有一位同事說他暫時要離開事奉是神的旨意。結果證明他的離開並不是暫時的。在同一個神學院中,我有一位同事,當我們有一位來自德國的新約學者作為客座講師時,他相信上帝告訴他要當一個愚蠢的人,在整個學生和教師的演講中,他站起來指責那位德國學者為希特勒鋪平道路。事實是,這位學者像魯道夫•布爾特曼(Rudolf Bultmann)一樣,從該政權成立之初就堅決反對。反而更多的基要派的牧師卻紛紛加入希特勒的政權,因為這是“上帝的旨意”。我的同事錯了。上帝不會用錯誤的消息,也不會錯誤地指責基督裡的一個兄弟(甚至在那個時候已經死了的基督裡的兄弟)。
首先,我們知道上帝不會告訴我們與耶穌的教導和榜樣不同的東西。看看《希伯來書》1:1-2:“ 1 神既在古時藉著眾先知多次多方的曉諭列祖,2 就在這末世藉著他兒子曉諭我們; 又早已立他為承受萬有的, 也曾藉著他創造諸世界。”
但這並不意味著我們可以像唸念《易經》一樣閱讀聖經,也不可以投幣式來找到符合我們需要的經文。並非每節經文都是神對我們的旨意。上帝不會告訴你去娶個妓女,就像何西阿一樣。上帝不會告訴你不要撫摸你的配偶,因為她處於每月的經期;或者因為你觸摸了親人的屍體而不可以去教堂。這樣的命令是適應對古代人們生活方式的,但它們與耶穌的榜樣不一致。 (在《馬可福音》5:25-34中,祂沒有因被血漏的婦女所觸摸或在《路加福音》7:11-17中因觸摸寡婦死去的兒子而受到污染或沒有遵守上帝的旨意。36節祂仍前往去法利賽人的家吃飯。)上帝沒有告訴我要停止吃烤豬肉三明治,像上帝禁止以色列人吃豬肉。因為彼得在《使徒行傳》10章中的異像,後來的新約聖經教導以色列人要與外邦人交往。
另一次,我有一種不可抗拒的感知/想法,我相信那是上帝的聲音。那時我不僅連續而且每天都遭受持續性偏頭痛的困擾。我確信自己患有腦瘤。一開始我很害怕,很沮喪的進去接受CAT掃描,並完全期待會得到一份有關腦腫瘤的報告以及一些預期我死亡的估計。那是在1980年代初期,你知道這是我的直覺。就在我進入CAT掃描之前,好像聽到我的大腦在說話。在如此嚴重的情況下,但這聲音似乎很愉悅。我腦海裡聽到的是:“什麼?!你不認為我會成為你生死之間的主宰嗎?” 突然,我感到平靜與安寧。上帝保證我會活著,上帝還沒有定我死亡的時間。無論發生什麼事,上帝都會與我同在,一切都是與我有益。保羅在《腓立比書》1:21-24所說的是如此真實。
21 因 我 活 著 就 是 基 督 , 我 死 了 就 有 益 處 。
22 但 我 在 肉 身 活 著 , 若 成 就 我 工 夫 的 果 子 , 我 就 不 知 道 該 挑 選 甚 麼 。
23 我 正 在 兩 難 之 間 , 情 願 離 世 與 基 督 同 在 , 因 為 這 是 好 得 無 比 的 。
24 然 而 , 我 在 肉 身 活 著 , 為 你 們 更 是 要 緊 的 。
25 我 既 然 這 樣 深 信 , 就 知 道 仍 要 住 在 世 間 , 且 與 你 們 眾 人 同 住 , 使 你 們 在 所 信 的 道 上 又 長 進 又 喜 樂 ,
26 叫 你 們 在 基 督 耶 穌 裡 的 歡 樂 , 因 我 再 到 你 們 那 裡 去 , 就 越 發 加 增 。
因此,需要小心一點 - 當“上帝告訴你” 跟你已經在想的一樣時,請多加懷疑。如果你已經集中在上帝的旨意中,為什麼上帝需要澄清他的旨意?更有可能的是上帝向我們說話是因為有一些事情我們需要改變。
還記得我之前提到過嗎?敞開的大門並不一定表示是上帝對我們的計劃,在《使徒行傳》16:7-8中,保羅和他的宣教團隊打算去庇推尼,但被帶到每西亞,特羅亞,最後到馬其頓(在腓立比建立教會)。請注意第8節中的一個奇怪的短語:“越過Mysia每西亞,下到了Troas特羅亞” 。在古希臘語中,動詞被翻譯為“越過”是指一個競爭對手在越過另一個馬或戰車。你知道別迦摩在每西亞省嗎?由於我們後來發現它是《啟示錄》中的七個教會之一,你認為大門對保羅“關門了”嗎?顯然不是!他們改變了行程和事工計劃,因為上帝改變他們的心意。
我還可以使用女性代詞,因為在不止一次的情況下,一位善意的姐妹告訴我,上帝告訴她,我該做她覺得我應做的事奉。多年來,我學會了提醒人們,上帝知道他需要與誰說話,並且可能會在讓別人有負擔之前設法讓他聽到。通常,當我們認為上帝在告訴我們讓別人做某些事時,上帝是在呼喚我們去做,或訓練我們自己去做。這並不意味著我不應該自己問上帝,是否有人 “被引領”來告訴我一個“信息”。這並不是說我不應該反思上帝給我的經文教訓和我在禱告中所感到的負擔。有時候,若我對祂的召喚不敏感,上帝可能會藉別人來引起我的注意力,但並非總是如此。只需記住,“上帝感動我告訴你需要做更多探訪,可能是上帝要讓你有負擔做更多的探訪。”
我也有一些神學院的同學,他們從上帝那裡得到了很有問題的“話語”。我有一位同事說他暫時要離開事奉是神的旨意。結果證明他的離開並不是暫時的。在同一個神學院中,我有一位同事,當我們有一位來自德國的新約學者作為客座講師時,他相信上帝告訴他要當一個愚蠢的人,在整個學生和教師的演講中,他站起來指責那位德國學者為希特勒鋪平道路。事實是,這位學者像魯道夫•布爾特曼(Rudolf Bultmann)一樣,從該政權成立之初就堅決反對。反而更多的基要派的牧師卻紛紛加入希特勒的政權,因為這是“上帝的旨意”。我的同事錯了。上帝不會用錯誤的消息,也不會錯誤地指責基督裡的一個兄弟(甚至在那個時候已經死了的基督裡的兄弟)。
首先,我們知道上帝不會告訴我們與耶穌的教導和榜樣不同的東西。看看《希伯來書》1:1-2:“ 1 神既在古時藉著眾先知多次多方的曉諭列祖,2 就在這末世藉著他兒子曉諭我們; 又早已立他為承受萬有的, 也曾藉著他創造諸世界。”
但這並不意味著我們可以像唸念《易經》一樣閱讀聖經,也不可以投幣式來找到符合我們需要的經文。並非每節經文都是神對我們的旨意。上帝不會告訴你去娶個妓女,就像何西阿一樣。上帝不會告訴你不要撫摸你的配偶,因為她處於每月的經期;或者因為你觸摸了親人的屍體而不可以去教堂。這樣的命令是適應對古代人們生活方式的,但它們與耶穌的榜樣不一致。 (在《馬可福音》5:25-34中,祂沒有因被血漏的婦女所觸摸或在《路加福音》7:11-17中因觸摸寡婦死去的兒子而受到污染或沒有遵守上帝的旨意。36節祂仍前往去法利賽人的家吃飯。)上帝沒有告訴我要停止吃烤豬肉三明治,像上帝禁止以色列人吃豬肉。因為彼得在《使徒行傳》10章中的異像,後來的新約聖經教導以色列人要與外邦人交往。
另一次,我有一種不可抗拒的感知/想法,我相信那是上帝的聲音。那時我不僅連續而且每天都遭受持續性偏頭痛的困擾。我確信自己患有腦瘤。一開始我很害怕,很沮喪的進去接受CAT掃描,並完全期待會得到一份有關腦腫瘤的報告以及一些預期我死亡的估計。那是在1980年代初期,你知道這是我的直覺。就在我進入CAT掃描之前,好像聽到我的大腦在說話。在如此嚴重的情況下,但這聲音似乎很愉悅。我腦海裡聽到的是:“什麼?!你不認為我會成為你生死之間的主宰嗎?” 突然,我感到平靜與安寧。上帝保證我會活著,上帝還沒有定我死亡的時間。無論發生什麼事,上帝都會與我同在,一切都是與我有益。保羅在《腓立比書》1:21-24所說的是如此真實。
21 因 我 活 著 就 是 基 督 , 我 死 了 就 有 益 處 。
22 但 我 在 肉 身 活 著 , 若 成 就 我 工 夫 的 果 子 , 我 就 不 知 道 該 挑 選 甚 麼 。
23 我 正 在 兩 難 之 間 , 情 願 離 世 與 基 督 同 在 , 因 為 這 是 好 得 無 比 的 。
24 然 而 , 我 在 肉 身 活 著 , 為 你 們 更 是 要 緊 的 。
25 我 既 然 這 樣 深 信 , 就 知 道 仍 要 住 在 世 間 , 且 與 你 們 眾 人 同 住 , 使 你 們 在 所 信 的 道 上 又 長 進 又 喜 樂 ,
26 叫 你 們 在 基 督 耶 穌 裡 的 歡 樂 , 因 我 再 到 你 們 那 裡 去 , 就 越 發 加 增 。
因此,需要小心一點 - 當“上帝告訴你” 跟你已經在想的一樣時,請多加懷疑。如果你已經集中在上帝的旨意中,為什麼上帝需要澄清他的旨意?更有可能的是上帝向我們說話是因為有一些事情我們需要改變。
還記得我之前提到過嗎?敞開的大門並不一定表示是上帝對我們的計劃,在《使徒行傳》16:7-8中,保羅和他的宣教團隊打算去庇推尼,但被帶到每西亞,特羅亞,最後到馬其頓(在腓立比建立教會)。請注意第8節中的一個奇怪的短語:“越過Mysia每西亞,下到了Troas特羅亞” 。在古希臘語中,動詞被翻譯為“越過”是指一個競爭對手在越過另一個馬或戰車。你知道別迦摩在每西亞省嗎?由於我們後來發現它是《啟示錄》中的七個教會之一,你認為大門對保羅“關門了”嗎?顯然不是!他們改變了行程和事工計劃,因為上帝改變他們的心意。
On Finding the Will of God
Insights from Pastor Johnny
Insights from Pastor Johnny
When I was younger, I was trying to figure out what to do about an issue, my father asked me what the Holy Spirit had to say. I said something around the sentiments of, “I think it’s okay; I’m not feeling guilty and I’m getting comfortable with the idea.” Dad responded in a way I wasn’t expecting. He said it sounded like I was relying on my conscience, and your conscience isn’t the same as the Holy Spirit. Your conscience can be educated by habit, by desires, by culture, and by rationalization. The Holy Spirit can’t be fooled.
So, that left me with a life-long question: “How do you discern between the influence of the Holy Spirit and your own (for whatever reason) self-fulfilling prophecies?” I’m not going to pretend that I’ve got all the answers. In fact, I advise you not to trust any human being, no matter what her or his position might be, to have all the answers. And just because someone says that God told her so doesn’t mean it’s so. Why am I using a feminine pronoun here? It’s because the first two examples that come to my mind were female, not because men don’t do this, as well.
She Said!
One of the first things I think of in “abusing” the priesthood of the believer is when someone announces a special word from God without confirmation. In my last church, there was a young woman who grew up with some of my leaders. They laughed because that woman had announced several years ago that God had told her that she was going to marry the youth pastor. Now, today, unless they both get divorced and remarried, that hasn’t happened (and I doubt that’s God’s will). The point is that there was no confirmation from her word. It was too specific to be confirmed by scripture, her “special word” seemed more selfish than self-giving, and her brothers and sisters in Christ just couldn’t see it as anything more than adolescent fantasy.
I could also use the feminine pronoun because on more than one occasion I’ve had a well-meaning sister tell me that God told her that I should do something in ministry that she wanted done. Over the years, I’ve learned to remind people that God knows to whom He needs to speak to and would probably attempt to get me to hear before burdening someone else. Usually, when we think God is telling us to have someone else do something, God is calling us to either do it ourselves or train to do it ourselves. That doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t ask God for myself if someone feels “led” to bring me a “word.” It doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t reflect on the lessons in scripture God has been giving me and the burdens I’ve felt in prayer. Sometimes, that might be God’s way of getting my attention, assuming I was being insensitive to His call, but not always. Just remember, “God told me to tell you to visit more might be a result of God burdening you with a need to visit more.”
He Said!
But I also had some fellow seminary students who had problematic “words” from God. I had one colleague who said it was God’s will for him to leave the ministry temporarily. It proved not to be temporary. At the same institution, I had one colleague who believed God told him to make a jerk out of himself when we had a New Testament scholar from Germany as a guest lecturer. In a lecture for the whole student body and faculty, he stood and blamed German biblical scholarship for paving the way for Hitler. The fact is that scholars like Rudolf Bultmann stood firmly against the regime from its earliest days while more fundamentalist pastors were caving-in to Hitler’s regime because it was “God’s will.” My colleague was in error. God doesn’t deal in misinformation and falsely accusing a brother in Christ (and even deceased brothers in Christ at that time).
The president of an evangelical seminary backstabbed his former mentor because “God told him to do so.” He even bragged to denominational employees in a southern state that he was going to do so before he did so. It was “God’s will” so that he could become president and set things right. And he has continued to persecute sincere professors and theologians because they didn’t conform to his views of scripture which, ironically, many of us who believe the “whole” Bible would deem “borderline heretical.” And by saying that, I’m being much nicer than he was when he proclaimed a former missionary and dedicated pastor/professor to be “heretical” when that brother was speaking straight gospel truth that was more biblical than his position.
God Said!
But how do we KNOW if something is God’s will? First, let’s be sure we’re asking the right question. Are we seeking God’s will because we perceive it as a tightrope? Do we think God really wants us to live on the edge, trying desperately to discern some narrow and dangerous path through life? That doesn’t sound like abundant life or life eternal to me. We need to realize that God has given us freedom to discover the horizon of His will, not the constricted passage. Sometimes, we might be so busy looking for the thin line of “God’s Will” that we neglect the prayer, service, faithfulness, thanksgiving, and blessing that God wants us to allow to flow out of all of our life experiences.
First and foremost, we KNOW that God is not going to tell us something different from the teaching and example of Jesus. Look at how Hebrews 1:1-2 reads: “Formerly, God the One speaking in many ways and in many styles to the fathers by means of the prophets 2) has, in these last days, spoken to us by means of His Son, Whom He has set aside as heir of everything, and through Whom He accomplished the current reality [lit. “eon”].” [Pastor Johnny’s Translation]
But that doesn’t mean that we can read the Bible like the I Ching [易经] and throw sticks or flip coins to find a Bible verse to meet our needs. Not every verse is God’s will for us. God is not going to tell you to marry a prostitute like he did Hosea. God isn’t going to tell you not to touch your spouse because she’s in her monthly cycle or not to attend church because you touched a loved one’s corpse. Such commands were accommodations to the way people lived in ancient times, but they aren’t consistent with the example of Jesus (Who wasn’t contaminated or kept from doing God’s will by being touched by a hemorrhaging woman in Mark 5:25-34 or touching the widow’s dead son in Luke 7:11-17 before going to a Pharisee’s house for dinner in v.36). God hasn’t told me to stop eating BBQ pork sandwiches as God forbid the Israelites to eat pork because of Peter’s vision in Acts 10 and the subsequent New Testament teachings dealing with the Gentiles.
If we think God has told us something, we need to test it against both the specifics and the themes of the Bible. Jesus loved His Church, and if we are going to follow God’s Will, we are not going to willfully and stubbornly damage His church (“Church” meaning God’s total calling of believers into partnership with Himself and “church” meaning God’s calling of believers into a local fellowship.). Since the Bible is clear about sexual purity, we can be positive that God isn’t giving us a special word to become promiscuous. Since the Bible teaches stewardship, starting with the 10% tithe of the Old Testament, we can be certain that God isn’t telling us to withhold our giving until the church does what we want it to do. Since the Book of Hebrews commands us to gather together regularly for worship and service, we can KNOW that God doesn’t want us to start missing services because of convenience (recreational, social, economic, etc.).
“I Feel Led”
Some people begin their search for God’s Will in prayer and meditation, but allow themselves to succumb to personal intuition or feelings. The truth is that when God intervenes to direct us regarding specific circumstances, the message tends to be the opposite of what our personal feelings, experiences, or intuition has told us. We see this when the kings of Israel and Judah sought a “word” from the Lord and they found themselves susceptible to the false prophets who promised victory instead of warning about certain (or, perhaps, just likely) defeat.
Starting in 1 Kings 22:5, we see where Israel’s King Ahab heard from all of the court prophets and, at first Micaiah ben-Imlah that God would give him a triumph. When it sounded too good to be true, Micaiah admitted he saw a vision of total defeat (v. 17). When the King went up to do what he wanted and fight anyway, he was killed. After Jeremiah prophesies disaster in Jeremiah 19, the priest who heard what he wanted to hear puts him in the stocks in 20:2. And what happens? Jerusalem falls, according to Jeremiah’s position—the opposite of what everyone wanted.
So, be careful when you hear the “will of God” as something you want. It can lead to disaster if you don’t test it in other ways.
Can I Get a Testimony?
I even find myself using the phrase, “I feel led…” far too often. The only two times I am certain I heard the voice of God, the message contradicted what I thought. God’s Will is expressed more often as a course correction than affirmation of clear sailing. I “felt” God’s Will for my life was to become a successful attorney and parlay that into a successful political career. I rationalized that I would become the rare “honest politician.” Then, one day I was staggered (literally, I was walking across a college campus at the time) with the realization that I could never be fulfilled in the legal profession. I had a sense that I could become a lawyer, but though I would have some success, it wouldn’t be what I wanted. Contrarily, the one thing I never, ever wanted was to become a pastor. And that’s what I was told to do with an irrepressible thought in my head. I changed direction.
The other time I had that irresistible perception/thought which I believe was the voice of God. I was suffering from continuous migraine headaches, not just regularly but daily. I was convinced that I had a brain tumor. I was afraid and upset as I started into the CAT-scan and fully expected a report on the brain tumor and some estimate of my expected death. This was in the early 1980s, so you see what my intuition did. But just before I entered the CAT-scan, it was just as if a voice was speaking in my brain. And worse, for such a serious situation, the voice seemed amused. The question I heard in my brain went, “What?! You don’t think I will be your Lord in death, as well as in life?” Suddenly, I felt calm and peace. God had guaranteed that I would live and God hadn’t confirmed my expectation of death. The message was that no matter what happened, God would be with me and working out the best for me. Paul’s testimony in Philippians 1:21-24 never seemed so real to me.
21) For me, then, to live is Christ and to die is gain. 22) But if to live in the flesh, this is for me the fruit of (my) work, then I do not know what I shall choose. 23) But I am tied up between the two, having the desire toward breaking camp and being with Christ because that is much better, 24) but to persist in the flesh is more necessary for you. 25) And being confident of this, I know that I will continue to live and I remain with all of you in your progress and joy in faith. 26) in order that your boasting in Christ Jesus may be abundant because of me through my coming back for you. [Pastor Johnny’s Translation]
But one reason I know this wasn’t merely wishful thinking is that it was confirmed in scripture. And just as Paul wasn’t promised that he would definitely live or die, all I was promised was that God would be with me either way. And just as Paul believed he was still going to be needed in Philippi and in some of the other churches he founded, I rededicated myself to serving God for as long as I lived and accept death when it came.
You have probably heard me tell of my granddaddy who didn’t believe in eternal security of the believer. He and my dad debated that doctrine a lot. On his deathbed, my granddaddy said that Jesus appeared to him and taught him a lesson from the scripture. He said that Jesus had told him that once believers received Him, they were protected throughout eternity. That was the opposite of what he had always contended. And notice that he didn’t feel called to straighten out everyone else! He merely asked for my dad so he could share what he had learned and that he was finally at peace regarding Hebrews 6:4-8.
Or, you may have heard me tell of the deacon in the Kentucky church who thought it was his job to straighten out pastors. Some pastors called him a “preacher killer” because he had tormented a few pastors completely out of the ministry. Some pastors called him a “thorn in the flesh.” I preached a revival in that church and later, discovered that the man had experienced a heart attack. In his near-death experience, he believed Jesus appeared to him, touched his heart, and said, “It’s not your time, yet. I have something for you to do. Take care of my pastors.” It was the opposite of the way this man had lived his life. According to my pastor colleague, this man became the most active and supportive member in his ministry.
So, just a word of caution – be suspicious when “God tells you” what you already think. Why would God need to clarify His will if you were already centered in it? More likely, God will tell us something when we need to be changed.
Circumstantial Evidence (Open Doors)
Sometimes, I’ve overheard people pray that if something is “God’s Will” that God will open the door(s) to make it possible. That’s not a horrible idea. We should pray for God to remove obstacles and, as with the Church in Philadelphia (Revelation 2:7-13), expect God to open doors. BUT, we need to be careful not to equate opportunities as equivalent to “God’s Will.” This is a little embarrassing to admit, but when I was well-known in the magazine industry, a recruiter tried to convince me to accept the job as Vice-President of New Media at Playboy, Inc. At a time when I thought my bosses were being short-sighted as to what to do with new media, the idea of writing my own ticket and reporting to the CEO of a huge media empire was quite flatter and intoxicating. And then, I immediately had to ask myself what I would be accomplishing for God? Nothing! In fact, I would be part of the Sinful Alibi and Temptation Access Network (SATAN), in almost everything working directly against God. Did I have to pray to know this wasn’t God’s Will? Not on your life! I said “No, thanks!” before I got off the phone.
Just because the door is open doesn’t mean that it’s “God’s Will.” The door was open at one time for me to become a member of the Advisory Board of Directors for Warner Brothers New Media. Declining this opportunity wasn’t as easy as declining Playboy, but if I had accepted it, my life would have been even more complicated and chaotic than it was at the time. At the time, I was able to lead Bible Conferences, teach Bible classes, preach as guest speaker in churches of several different denominations (Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian). If I had accepted the directorship, it would have meant extra travel and demands pulling me away from my ministry.
When we were looking for a house, we looked at many houses that could have worked out for us. Yet, even when we found houses that were relatively affordable, relatively close to an “El” train line, and reasonably spacious, we didn’t act until we had prayed. And often, after the prayer, we would see how the property wouldn’t accommodate or facilitate ministry—either through hospitality or by means of an area for informal studies. Interestingly enough, the house we bought proved to be close to this church, even though we were then serving in a church within the Chicago city limits. But if we’d taken the first door that was open, we wouldn’t be where we are today.
Remember what I suggested earlier? That the existence of an open door doesn’t necessarily indicate God’s plan for us? In Acts 16:7-8, Paul and his missionary team intended to go to Bithynia, but were led to Mysia, Troas, and eventually to Macedonia (where they established the church at Philippi). But notice the strange phrase, “and passing by Mysia, they went down to Troas” [Pastor Johnny’s Translation] in verse 8. The verb translated as “passing by” was used in classical Greek for when one competitor was riding by another in a horse or chariot race. Did you know Pergamum was in the province of Mysia? Since we later discover it as one of the seven churches in Revelation, do you think the door was “closed” to Paul? Apparently not! Apparently, they changed their itinerary and ministry plans because God changed their minds.
Don’t Get “Fleeced!”
Finally, there are those who believe that they can repeat the experience of Gideon (Judges 6:36-40). We must be careful of this approach because it is easy for this to become bargaining with God. Imagine, for instance, I’m trying to decide whether to go on a summer mission trip that will be very expensive. Imagine, further, that in trying to decide, I pray, “Lord, if it is Your will to have me go on the summer mission trip, let the Chicago Bears win the Super Bowl.” Obviously, that won’t work this year because the Bears were eliminated before the playoffs. The only reason I would pray such a prayer at this point would be because I didn’t want to go and so I set an impossible result. I think such a prayer this year would be “tempting the Lord Your God” as Jesus retorted to the devil when Satan tried to get Jesus to try to get the Father to accomplish a frivolous miracle.
But even if the Bears were in the Super Bowl, there is a problem. I am using something of personal benefit as the “sign” of God’s will. That’s not faith; that’s “magic,” trying to manipulate God for what I want. It’s also reducing my relationship with God to something we’ve heard a lot about over the end of last year and the beginning of this year, quid pro quo (“something for something”). Seeking God’s will should not be a bargaining process, a quid pro quo. Gideon asked for something that was of no real benefit to him. Wet or dry, the fleece was intended as a simple sign. There are may times when God’s will does not serve our immediate benefit.
Final Thoughts
So, the next time a brother or sister says or does something because God “told” him or her to say or do it, ask them the following questions.
1) Is this something you already wanted? If so, you should probably seek confirmation in scripture and counsel from other brothers and sisters.
2) Why did God give this message to you? This is especially important when you believe God has given you a message for someone else. You might be projecting a message for you onto them.
3) Is this message consistent with God’s clear teachings in the Bible? A simple proof text is not enough, but we know for certain, for example, that stirring up trouble and anxiety within the church wouldn’t pass this test.
4) How have you tested this word? Are you sure it's not merely reproducing a direction you’re already leaning?
5) Is your “word” from God primarily for your benefit? If so, you need to act very carefully and be open to the counsel of other brothers and sisters. When God speaks, it is often to change your mind about something you think or a direction you’re going.
6) Is your “word” merely reacting to the situation you are in or taking the easy road? If so, you definitely need to seek the counsel of other brothers and sisters as confirmation.
7) Are you trying to bargain with God rather than hear Him? If so, take a step back and find a way to seek Him which doesn’t involve materialistic answers to prayer.
Asking these questions of ourselves and others won’t necessarily keep us from misreading God, but they provide good checks and balances against our human nature. Even Paul asked for his divinely called ministry to the Gentiles to be confirmed by the council at Jerusalem (Acts 15). Are we more tuned into God than Paul?
So, that left me with a life-long question: “How do you discern between the influence of the Holy Spirit and your own (for whatever reason) self-fulfilling prophecies?” I’m not going to pretend that I’ve got all the answers. In fact, I advise you not to trust any human being, no matter what her or his position might be, to have all the answers. And just because someone says that God told her so doesn’t mean it’s so. Why am I using a feminine pronoun here? It’s because the first two examples that come to my mind were female, not because men don’t do this, as well.
She Said!
One of the first things I think of in “abusing” the priesthood of the believer is when someone announces a special word from God without confirmation. In my last church, there was a young woman who grew up with some of my leaders. They laughed because that woman had announced several years ago that God had told her that she was going to marry the youth pastor. Now, today, unless they both get divorced and remarried, that hasn’t happened (and I doubt that’s God’s will). The point is that there was no confirmation from her word. It was too specific to be confirmed by scripture, her “special word” seemed more selfish than self-giving, and her brothers and sisters in Christ just couldn’t see it as anything more than adolescent fantasy.
I could also use the feminine pronoun because on more than one occasion I’ve had a well-meaning sister tell me that God told her that I should do something in ministry that she wanted done. Over the years, I’ve learned to remind people that God knows to whom He needs to speak to and would probably attempt to get me to hear before burdening someone else. Usually, when we think God is telling us to have someone else do something, God is calling us to either do it ourselves or train to do it ourselves. That doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t ask God for myself if someone feels “led” to bring me a “word.” It doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t reflect on the lessons in scripture God has been giving me and the burdens I’ve felt in prayer. Sometimes, that might be God’s way of getting my attention, assuming I was being insensitive to His call, but not always. Just remember, “God told me to tell you to visit more might be a result of God burdening you with a need to visit more.”
He Said!
But I also had some fellow seminary students who had problematic “words” from God. I had one colleague who said it was God’s will for him to leave the ministry temporarily. It proved not to be temporary. At the same institution, I had one colleague who believed God told him to make a jerk out of himself when we had a New Testament scholar from Germany as a guest lecturer. In a lecture for the whole student body and faculty, he stood and blamed German biblical scholarship for paving the way for Hitler. The fact is that scholars like Rudolf Bultmann stood firmly against the regime from its earliest days while more fundamentalist pastors were caving-in to Hitler’s regime because it was “God’s will.” My colleague was in error. God doesn’t deal in misinformation and falsely accusing a brother in Christ (and even deceased brothers in Christ at that time).
The president of an evangelical seminary backstabbed his former mentor because “God told him to do so.” He even bragged to denominational employees in a southern state that he was going to do so before he did so. It was “God’s will” so that he could become president and set things right. And he has continued to persecute sincere professors and theologians because they didn’t conform to his views of scripture which, ironically, many of us who believe the “whole” Bible would deem “borderline heretical.” And by saying that, I’m being much nicer than he was when he proclaimed a former missionary and dedicated pastor/professor to be “heretical” when that brother was speaking straight gospel truth that was more biblical than his position.
God Said!
But how do we KNOW if something is God’s will? First, let’s be sure we’re asking the right question. Are we seeking God’s will because we perceive it as a tightrope? Do we think God really wants us to live on the edge, trying desperately to discern some narrow and dangerous path through life? That doesn’t sound like abundant life or life eternal to me. We need to realize that God has given us freedom to discover the horizon of His will, not the constricted passage. Sometimes, we might be so busy looking for the thin line of “God’s Will” that we neglect the prayer, service, faithfulness, thanksgiving, and blessing that God wants us to allow to flow out of all of our life experiences.
First and foremost, we KNOW that God is not going to tell us something different from the teaching and example of Jesus. Look at how Hebrews 1:1-2 reads: “Formerly, God the One speaking in many ways and in many styles to the fathers by means of the prophets 2) has, in these last days, spoken to us by means of His Son, Whom He has set aside as heir of everything, and through Whom He accomplished the current reality [lit. “eon”].” [Pastor Johnny’s Translation]
But that doesn’t mean that we can read the Bible like the I Ching [易经] and throw sticks or flip coins to find a Bible verse to meet our needs. Not every verse is God’s will for us. God is not going to tell you to marry a prostitute like he did Hosea. God isn’t going to tell you not to touch your spouse because she’s in her monthly cycle or not to attend church because you touched a loved one’s corpse. Such commands were accommodations to the way people lived in ancient times, but they aren’t consistent with the example of Jesus (Who wasn’t contaminated or kept from doing God’s will by being touched by a hemorrhaging woman in Mark 5:25-34 or touching the widow’s dead son in Luke 7:11-17 before going to a Pharisee’s house for dinner in v.36). God hasn’t told me to stop eating BBQ pork sandwiches as God forbid the Israelites to eat pork because of Peter’s vision in Acts 10 and the subsequent New Testament teachings dealing with the Gentiles.
If we think God has told us something, we need to test it against both the specifics and the themes of the Bible. Jesus loved His Church, and if we are going to follow God’s Will, we are not going to willfully and stubbornly damage His church (“Church” meaning God’s total calling of believers into partnership with Himself and “church” meaning God’s calling of believers into a local fellowship.). Since the Bible is clear about sexual purity, we can be positive that God isn’t giving us a special word to become promiscuous. Since the Bible teaches stewardship, starting with the 10% tithe of the Old Testament, we can be certain that God isn’t telling us to withhold our giving until the church does what we want it to do. Since the Book of Hebrews commands us to gather together regularly for worship and service, we can KNOW that God doesn’t want us to start missing services because of convenience (recreational, social, economic, etc.).
“I Feel Led”
Some people begin their search for God’s Will in prayer and meditation, but allow themselves to succumb to personal intuition or feelings. The truth is that when God intervenes to direct us regarding specific circumstances, the message tends to be the opposite of what our personal feelings, experiences, or intuition has told us. We see this when the kings of Israel and Judah sought a “word” from the Lord and they found themselves susceptible to the false prophets who promised victory instead of warning about certain (or, perhaps, just likely) defeat.
Starting in 1 Kings 22:5, we see where Israel’s King Ahab heard from all of the court prophets and, at first Micaiah ben-Imlah that God would give him a triumph. When it sounded too good to be true, Micaiah admitted he saw a vision of total defeat (v. 17). When the King went up to do what he wanted and fight anyway, he was killed. After Jeremiah prophesies disaster in Jeremiah 19, the priest who heard what he wanted to hear puts him in the stocks in 20:2. And what happens? Jerusalem falls, according to Jeremiah’s position—the opposite of what everyone wanted.
So, be careful when you hear the “will of God” as something you want. It can lead to disaster if you don’t test it in other ways.
Can I Get a Testimony?
I even find myself using the phrase, “I feel led…” far too often. The only two times I am certain I heard the voice of God, the message contradicted what I thought. God’s Will is expressed more often as a course correction than affirmation of clear sailing. I “felt” God’s Will for my life was to become a successful attorney and parlay that into a successful political career. I rationalized that I would become the rare “honest politician.” Then, one day I was staggered (literally, I was walking across a college campus at the time) with the realization that I could never be fulfilled in the legal profession. I had a sense that I could become a lawyer, but though I would have some success, it wouldn’t be what I wanted. Contrarily, the one thing I never, ever wanted was to become a pastor. And that’s what I was told to do with an irrepressible thought in my head. I changed direction.
The other time I had that irresistible perception/thought which I believe was the voice of God. I was suffering from continuous migraine headaches, not just regularly but daily. I was convinced that I had a brain tumor. I was afraid and upset as I started into the CAT-scan and fully expected a report on the brain tumor and some estimate of my expected death. This was in the early 1980s, so you see what my intuition did. But just before I entered the CAT-scan, it was just as if a voice was speaking in my brain. And worse, for such a serious situation, the voice seemed amused. The question I heard in my brain went, “What?! You don’t think I will be your Lord in death, as well as in life?” Suddenly, I felt calm and peace. God had guaranteed that I would live and God hadn’t confirmed my expectation of death. The message was that no matter what happened, God would be with me and working out the best for me. Paul’s testimony in Philippians 1:21-24 never seemed so real to me.
21) For me, then, to live is Christ and to die is gain. 22) But if to live in the flesh, this is for me the fruit of (my) work, then I do not know what I shall choose. 23) But I am tied up between the two, having the desire toward breaking camp and being with Christ because that is much better, 24) but to persist in the flesh is more necessary for you. 25) And being confident of this, I know that I will continue to live and I remain with all of you in your progress and joy in faith. 26) in order that your boasting in Christ Jesus may be abundant because of me through my coming back for you. [Pastor Johnny’s Translation]
But one reason I know this wasn’t merely wishful thinking is that it was confirmed in scripture. And just as Paul wasn’t promised that he would definitely live or die, all I was promised was that God would be with me either way. And just as Paul believed he was still going to be needed in Philippi and in some of the other churches he founded, I rededicated myself to serving God for as long as I lived and accept death when it came.
You have probably heard me tell of my granddaddy who didn’t believe in eternal security of the believer. He and my dad debated that doctrine a lot. On his deathbed, my granddaddy said that Jesus appeared to him and taught him a lesson from the scripture. He said that Jesus had told him that once believers received Him, they were protected throughout eternity. That was the opposite of what he had always contended. And notice that he didn’t feel called to straighten out everyone else! He merely asked for my dad so he could share what he had learned and that he was finally at peace regarding Hebrews 6:4-8.
Or, you may have heard me tell of the deacon in the Kentucky church who thought it was his job to straighten out pastors. Some pastors called him a “preacher killer” because he had tormented a few pastors completely out of the ministry. Some pastors called him a “thorn in the flesh.” I preached a revival in that church and later, discovered that the man had experienced a heart attack. In his near-death experience, he believed Jesus appeared to him, touched his heart, and said, “It’s not your time, yet. I have something for you to do. Take care of my pastors.” It was the opposite of the way this man had lived his life. According to my pastor colleague, this man became the most active and supportive member in his ministry.
So, just a word of caution – be suspicious when “God tells you” what you already think. Why would God need to clarify His will if you were already centered in it? More likely, God will tell us something when we need to be changed.
Circumstantial Evidence (Open Doors)
Sometimes, I’ve overheard people pray that if something is “God’s Will” that God will open the door(s) to make it possible. That’s not a horrible idea. We should pray for God to remove obstacles and, as with the Church in Philadelphia (Revelation 2:7-13), expect God to open doors. BUT, we need to be careful not to equate opportunities as equivalent to “God’s Will.” This is a little embarrassing to admit, but when I was well-known in the magazine industry, a recruiter tried to convince me to accept the job as Vice-President of New Media at Playboy, Inc. At a time when I thought my bosses were being short-sighted as to what to do with new media, the idea of writing my own ticket and reporting to the CEO of a huge media empire was quite flatter and intoxicating. And then, I immediately had to ask myself what I would be accomplishing for God? Nothing! In fact, I would be part of the Sinful Alibi and Temptation Access Network (SATAN), in almost everything working directly against God. Did I have to pray to know this wasn’t God’s Will? Not on your life! I said “No, thanks!” before I got off the phone.
Just because the door is open doesn’t mean that it’s “God’s Will.” The door was open at one time for me to become a member of the Advisory Board of Directors for Warner Brothers New Media. Declining this opportunity wasn’t as easy as declining Playboy, but if I had accepted it, my life would have been even more complicated and chaotic than it was at the time. At the time, I was able to lead Bible Conferences, teach Bible classes, preach as guest speaker in churches of several different denominations (Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian). If I had accepted the directorship, it would have meant extra travel and demands pulling me away from my ministry.
When we were looking for a house, we looked at many houses that could have worked out for us. Yet, even when we found houses that were relatively affordable, relatively close to an “El” train line, and reasonably spacious, we didn’t act until we had prayed. And often, after the prayer, we would see how the property wouldn’t accommodate or facilitate ministry—either through hospitality or by means of an area for informal studies. Interestingly enough, the house we bought proved to be close to this church, even though we were then serving in a church within the Chicago city limits. But if we’d taken the first door that was open, we wouldn’t be where we are today.
Remember what I suggested earlier? That the existence of an open door doesn’t necessarily indicate God’s plan for us? In Acts 16:7-8, Paul and his missionary team intended to go to Bithynia, but were led to Mysia, Troas, and eventually to Macedonia (where they established the church at Philippi). But notice the strange phrase, “and passing by Mysia, they went down to Troas” [Pastor Johnny’s Translation] in verse 8. The verb translated as “passing by” was used in classical Greek for when one competitor was riding by another in a horse or chariot race. Did you know Pergamum was in the province of Mysia? Since we later discover it as one of the seven churches in Revelation, do you think the door was “closed” to Paul? Apparently not! Apparently, they changed their itinerary and ministry plans because God changed their minds.
Don’t Get “Fleeced!”
Finally, there are those who believe that they can repeat the experience of Gideon (Judges 6:36-40). We must be careful of this approach because it is easy for this to become bargaining with God. Imagine, for instance, I’m trying to decide whether to go on a summer mission trip that will be very expensive. Imagine, further, that in trying to decide, I pray, “Lord, if it is Your will to have me go on the summer mission trip, let the Chicago Bears win the Super Bowl.” Obviously, that won’t work this year because the Bears were eliminated before the playoffs. The only reason I would pray such a prayer at this point would be because I didn’t want to go and so I set an impossible result. I think such a prayer this year would be “tempting the Lord Your God” as Jesus retorted to the devil when Satan tried to get Jesus to try to get the Father to accomplish a frivolous miracle.
But even if the Bears were in the Super Bowl, there is a problem. I am using something of personal benefit as the “sign” of God’s will. That’s not faith; that’s “magic,” trying to manipulate God for what I want. It’s also reducing my relationship with God to something we’ve heard a lot about over the end of last year and the beginning of this year, quid pro quo (“something for something”). Seeking God’s will should not be a bargaining process, a quid pro quo. Gideon asked for something that was of no real benefit to him. Wet or dry, the fleece was intended as a simple sign. There are may times when God’s will does not serve our immediate benefit.
Final Thoughts
So, the next time a brother or sister says or does something because God “told” him or her to say or do it, ask them the following questions.
1) Is this something you already wanted? If so, you should probably seek confirmation in scripture and counsel from other brothers and sisters.
2) Why did God give this message to you? This is especially important when you believe God has given you a message for someone else. You might be projecting a message for you onto them.
3) Is this message consistent with God’s clear teachings in the Bible? A simple proof text is not enough, but we know for certain, for example, that stirring up trouble and anxiety within the church wouldn’t pass this test.
4) How have you tested this word? Are you sure it's not merely reproducing a direction you’re already leaning?
5) Is your “word” from God primarily for your benefit? If so, you need to act very carefully and be open to the counsel of other brothers and sisters. When God speaks, it is often to change your mind about something you think or a direction you’re going.
6) Is your “word” merely reacting to the situation you are in or taking the easy road? If so, you definitely need to seek the counsel of other brothers and sisters as confirmation.
7) Are you trying to bargain with God rather than hear Him? If so, take a step back and find a way to seek Him which doesn’t involve materialistic answers to prayer.
Asking these questions of ourselves and others won’t necessarily keep us from misreading God, but they provide good checks and balances against our human nature. Even Paul asked for his divinely called ministry to the Gentiles to be confirmed by the council at Jerusalem (Acts 15). Are we more tuned into God than Paul?
How We Baked Christmas Cookies for Our Church
by Jojo Yuan, Age 13
by Jojo Yuan, Age 13
I have always been fascinated by the process of cooking and baking, and how ordinary people like us can gather a group of people together, and organize an assembly line in order to complete something quickly and efficiently. For me, baking is the thrill of being able to work together with other people and complete something quickly.
Not too long ago, some people at my church challenged my friend and me to arrange and make plans to bake cookies for the people at our church. We talked about this with our teacher and agreed on it. Entering this task, one big challenge that we faced was finding cookie recipes that we were able to use and bake. Because we only had one oven and we didn’t have a lot of time, we had to search for two recipes, one that would be baked and another that wouldn’t. Finding the recipes were hard since we couldn’t decide on which recipes would match our plan the best.
After some searching, we found out what recipes we were going to use, and we had to figure out the amount of people we were serving. Therefore, we had to find out how many batches of each type of cookie we were going to make, and calculate the amount of ingredients for each. Trying to make the numbers easier to look at and calculate, our teacher showed us Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. Spreadsheets were new to us, so we had to learn how to use them, which was another challenge. We were able to shift to Google spreadsheets in the end.
Not too long ago, some people at my church challenged my friend and me to arrange and make plans to bake cookies for the people at our church. We talked about this with our teacher and agreed on it. Entering this task, one big challenge that we faced was finding cookie recipes that we were able to use and bake. Because we only had one oven and we didn’t have a lot of time, we had to search for two recipes, one that would be baked and another that wouldn’t. Finding the recipes were hard since we couldn’t decide on which recipes would match our plan the best.
After some searching, we found out what recipes we were going to use, and we had to figure out the amount of people we were serving. Therefore, we had to find out how many batches of each type of cookie we were going to make, and calculate the amount of ingredients for each. Trying to make the numbers easier to look at and calculate, our teacher showed us Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. Spreadsheets were new to us, so we had to learn how to use them, which was another challenge. We were able to shift to Google spreadsheets in the end.
BEFORE: The ingredients are assembled and measuring starts!
After doing all the hard work, the last and easier part came, which was to do the actual baking. We had two days to bake all the cookies, Friday and Saturday, and we would be serving them on Sunday. Friday was a little bit more challenging than on Saturday. All of our helpers would be coming on Saturday, which meant that it was only my friend, our teacher, and I to work on the first day. With no helpers, we had to create two types of cookies by ourselves. We were walking all around the kitchen trying to find the ingredients and all the measurements.
Breaking Eggs: You have to break a few eggs to make all these cookies!
In the end, we still finished the cookies, but we were exhausted. Saturday was a lot more casual with all the people we had emailed and asked to come help. With more people doing specific tasks, we completed baking the cookies quickly, and efficiently.
Are David and Lex supervising here?
On Christmas Sunday, we distributed 80 apple cookies, chocolate chip cookies, and oatmeal cookies. This experience taught us how to manage time, resources, and people to achieve a goal for God's Kingdom.