懷恩堂 決定今年內仍在網上聚會,明年再作打算。這場疫情改變了大家的生活和計劃。
本期文章,Laurie寫的《教會》,衷心感謝神帶領懷恩堂在瘟疫肆虐下的網上聚會;紅梅的《半年》,分享她感恩的兩件事情;菲子的《我的禱告》 ,堅持為女兒禱告,令人感動;胡水林的《回家的路很難》,因回中國的機票一再延遲,引發他對回天國的感想;蒼靈的《無奈的力量》,細述她預備做手術的心態歷程; Wilson牧師的“ Do You Have Two Stomachs? The Bible and Social Justice”,探討基督徒面對社會問題與聖經的教導時,會否變成兩面人的困境。
懷恩堂 決定今年內仍在網上聚會,明年再作打算。這場疫情改變了大家的生活和計劃。
本期文章,Laurie寫的《教會》,衷心感謝神帶領懷恩堂在瘟疫肆虐下的網上聚會;紅梅的《半年》,分享她感恩的兩件事情;菲子的《我的禱告》 ,堅持為女兒禱告,令人感動;胡水林的《回家的路很難》,因回中國的機票一再延遲,引發他對回天國的感想;蒼靈的《無奈的力量》,細述她預備做手術的心態歷程; Wilson牧師的“ Do You Have Two Stomachs? The Bible and Social Justice”,探討基督徒面對社會問題與聖經的教導時,會否變成兩面人的困境。
(作者:Laurie Lau)
(作者:Laurie Lau)
因為疫情的關係,教會沒有開放已經很長時間了。我仍是非常感恩,藉著高科技的方法繼續在網上聚會,得到屬靈的餵養。我衷心感謝神! 神自己親自來帶領,在不同的光景給我們不同的恩典,這都是神的憐憫和預備。
我們作為基督徒,在這個非常時期,應該怎樣做呢?今期主日學查的《以斯帖記》,雖然沒有一處提到神的名字,卻處處記著神的作為,許多事情的背後都有神的安排!我們要好好學習,遵從 神的旨意,不能憑著自己的意願行事,凡事藉著禱告,尋求從上頭來的力量。
我們作為基督徒,在這個非常時期,應該怎樣做呢?今期主日學查的《以斯帖記》,雖然沒有一處提到神的名字,卻處處記著神的作為,許多事情的背後都有神的安排!我們要好好學習,遵從 神的旨意,不能憑著自己的意願行事,凡事藉著禱告,尋求從上頭來的力量。
詩篇》1: 2-3:“惟喜愛耶和華的律法,晝夜思想,這人便為有福。他要像一棵樹栽在溪水旁,按時候結果子,葉子也不枯乾。凡他所作的盡都順利。”
詩篇》1: 2-3:“惟喜愛耶和華的律法,晝夜思想,這人便為有福。他要像一棵樹栽在溪水旁,按時候結果子,葉子也不枯乾。凡他所作的盡都順利。”
(作者 胡水林)
(作者 胡水林)
回家的路真的好難!但我們是天國的子民,是神的兒女。主在聖經中告訴我們:「在世上你們有苦難,但你們可以放心,我己勝過了世界。」 堅信我們的神會眷顧。我們無論有多麼艱難,都會伴隨著我們一路平安!
世俗的人生是短暫的,無論在世曾經多麼一世輝煌,富可敵國,高高在上。或者是歲月磋砣,光陰虛度,人生悲慘。都不過是勞苦愁煩中負重前行。最終都是過雨煙雲,轉眼成空,如飛而去!正如”紅樓夢”中的好了歌:”世人都說神仙好,只有功名忘不了。古今將相在何方,荒塚一堆草沒了。” 而神恩賜的靈命是永恆的,雖然在天路中我們會常常遭遇逼迫痛苦,遇到許多艱難險阻,試驗網羅。但有主賜下的聖靈與我們一起同行。我們永遠不會跌倒。陽光總在風雨後!黎明前的至暗終會過去。最終我們一定會在主的帶領下,進入永恆的福地!
回家的路真的好難!但我們是天國的子民,是神的兒女。主在聖經中告訴我們:「在世上你們有苦難,但你們可以放心,我己勝過了世界。」 堅信我們的神會眷顧。我們無論有多麼艱難,都會伴隨著我們一路平安!
世俗的人生是短暫的,無論在世曾經多麼一世輝煌,富可敵國,高高在上。或者是歲月磋砣,光陰虛度,人生悲慘。都不過是勞苦愁煩中負重前行。最終都是過雨煙雲,轉眼成空,如飛而去!正如”紅樓夢”中的好了歌:”世人都說神仙好,只有功名忘不了。古今將相在何方,荒塚一堆草沒了。” 而神恩賜的靈命是永恆的,雖然在天路中我們會常常遭遇逼迫痛苦,遇到許多艱難險阻,試驗網羅。但有主賜下的聖靈與我們一起同行。我們永遠不會跌倒。陽光總在風雨後!黎明前的至暗終會過去。最終我們一定會在主的帶領下,進入永恆的福地!
因疫情的原故,這幾個月宅在家裡已經完全變成常態了!我意識到人是能夠調整和適應環境的改變。在我的朋友圈中,有些人去進修, 讀一些神學的課程。我也有些朋友發掘新的興趣,例如園藝,音樂和㕑藝。總括而言,大家在非上班的時間學習,不會閒待在家沒事幹。
今年二月初時我因髖關節痛便去求醫,照了X射線後主診醫生叫我去做手術或接受物理治療。我選擇了物理治療,堅決反對做手術。雖然照片顯示我的髖關節是沒有軟骨, 基本上我是骨磨骨,所以走路,爬樓梯,坐下一段時間起來都會痛。我對痛的忍受能力頗大的,這兩年多來我一直沒有停下來,仍然教課,練功和演出。雖然神每一次都保守我,讓我能在斷斷續續的不適中,仍能好過來。回看我自己的祈禱筆記,我曾經求神徹底地醫治我的毛病,祂也確實有醫治我,但這個關節痛仍然存在,並沒有根治。
我在宅在家裡前做了三次的物理治療,這位治療師曾任職中國的奧運會,他本來今年夏天去日本當奧運會的治療師。他在跟我做第三次的治療後提議我做手術。他治療過不少做過髖關節手術的運動員,他們都恢復得很快。他跟我說趁年輕力壯時做更理想,不要等到走不動才去做這個手術。他說the quality of life (生活的質量)跟 just to maintain it (只是維持下去)是不一様。我仍堅持不做手術,五月去見了骨科專家。 2018年他給我治療過膝蓋的毛病,打了一次針後到現在還是不錯的;我沒有再打第二次。這回他說我早晚還是要做手術的,若我不想現在做,可以試打針,但髖關節遠不及膝蓋的有效,對我不一定有幫助。六月份我去了他介紹的醫生那裡打針,不到九月初,毛病又回來了。我覺得好無奈,這個關節痛甚至影響到我睡眠的質量。
前一周跟丈夫商討這個問題,他之前也是不贊成我去做手術的。但這次他改變了;最關鍵的是他那個晚上跟我講的話:”髖關節手術是美國一個很普遍的手術,一般都很成功的......。趁著你還年輕,盡快去做吧。若你再等五年十年才去做時,我也老了,沒有能力照顧你。孩子們或許有自己的家庭或工作,想幫你也不一定幫得到。” 我心裡很感動,不是做不做手術的問題,乃是他想得很周到,想到的是他要照顧我。我一直在這婚姻上只想到我比他年輕,只有我照顧他。我很感謝神給我一位如此疼愛我的丈夫!雖然我們會吵嘴,意見不合時,彼此會各不相讓,得罪了神和配偶。但神的恩典如此地祝福我倆的婚姻,我們要更加彼此相愛和彼此服侍。
從二月到如今,終於做了這個決定,是一個過程。我很感謝神給我的主診醫生,物理治療師和髖關節的專科醫生都很留心聽我的意見,他們都沒有給我壓力和嘗試說服我,並給我幾個月時間去明白我不能bandaid (治標不治本) 這個關節的毛病。讓我心裡預備好去做這手術和安排日期,心裡也是滿有平安。
在很多事情上,我們都有先入為主的觀念。我是那種抗拒做手術的人,總覺得可以用別的治療替代。基本上是不會考慮這個可能性,在嘗試用各樣的治療方法後都不成,才無奈地接受。這些醫生們看到X射線都認為我的問題只有做手術才會好轉,雖然手術後需要有一段的復原期,但長遠之計是我以後日子可以行走無痛。神是全知的,《詩篇》139:16: “我未成形的體質,祢的眼早已看見了;祢所定的日子,我尚未度一日,袮都寫在袮的冊上。” 祂在每一件事上都有所安排,然而我們有時不願意跟從,仍想按著自己的方法去解決。我亦相信神的大能是絕對可以醫治我;但手術也可以叫我得著治療。神憐憫地給我時間去接受和面對現實,祂讓我經歷過祂的醫治,也讓我有信心去接受這個手術。
一直以來我都抗拒做手術,所以也沒有研究這種手術的成功案例和去做多些的了解。我堅持這一個觀點便將其他的可行性都排出門外。我決定約見手術醫生前,上網研究,並查看舞蹈老師做這手術的成功率。其實很多人能走路不痛便滿足了!但我希望能夠繼續教課。從我研究的案例中,很多人說早些做就不用痛這麼多年了 (Pain free) !我不太認同,我覺得生命做任何一個決定,都要經過時間和過程,衡量利與弊。尤其這是一個大手術,不能輕率去決定。神知道我的恐懼和擔心,祂知道我之前還未預備好,便讓我挨痛一段時間去學習,在挨痛的過程,祂又會減輕我的不適。我很感謝神,祂按著我的承受能力去改變我的觀念。
決定做手術這事情上,看來有點無奈要走最後的一條出路(the last option), 然而這無奈中有神的安排。無奈的力量是從神的話而來,《彼得前書》5:7: “你們要將一切的憂慮卸給神,因為祂顧念你們。” :《以賽亞書》26:3: “堅心倚賴祢的,祢必保守他十分平安,因為他倚靠袮。”我知道做了手術後會有一段艱難期,並要重新適應新的髖關節。我要仰望和倚靠神給我力量勇敢地往前走。
今年二月初時我因髖關節痛便去求醫,照了X射線後主診醫生叫我去做手術或接受物理治療。我選擇了物理治療,堅決反對做手術。雖然照片顯示我的髖關節是沒有軟骨, 基本上我是骨磨骨,所以走路,爬樓梯,坐下一段時間起來都會痛。我對痛的忍受能力頗大的,這兩年多來我一直沒有停下來,仍然教課,練功和演出。雖然神每一次都保守我,讓我能在斷斷續續的不適中,仍能好過來。回看我自己的祈禱筆記,我曾經求神徹底地醫治我的毛病,祂也確實有醫治我,但這個關節痛仍然存在,並沒有根治。
我在宅在家裡前做了三次的物理治療,這位治療師曾任職中國的奧運會,他本來今年夏天去日本當奧運會的治療師。他在跟我做第三次的治療後提議我做手術。他治療過不少做過髖關節手術的運動員,他們都恢復得很快。他跟我說趁年輕力壯時做更理想,不要等到走不動才去做這個手術。他說the quality of life (生活的質量)跟 just to maintain it (只是維持下去)是不一様。我仍堅持不做手術,五月去見了骨科專家。 2018年他給我治療過膝蓋的毛病,打了一次針後到現在還是不錯的;我沒有再打第二次。這回他說我早晚還是要做手術的,若我不想現在做,可以試打針,但髖關節遠不及膝蓋的有效,對我不一定有幫助。六月份我去了他介紹的醫生那裡打針,不到九月初,毛病又回來了。我覺得好無奈,這個關節痛甚至影響到我睡眠的質量。
前一周跟丈夫商討這個問題,他之前也是不贊成我去做手術的。但這次他改變了;最關鍵的是他那個晚上跟我講的話:”髖關節手術是美國一個很普遍的手術,一般都很成功的......。趁著你還年輕,盡快去做吧。若你再等五年十年才去做時,我也老了,沒有能力照顧你。孩子們或許有自己的家庭或工作,想幫你也不一定幫得到。” 我心裡很感動,不是做不做手術的問題,乃是他想得很周到,想到的是他要照顧我。我一直在這婚姻上只想到我比他年輕,只有我照顧他。我很感謝神給我一位如此疼愛我的丈夫!雖然我們會吵嘴,意見不合時,彼此會各不相讓,得罪了神和配偶。但神的恩典如此地祝福我倆的婚姻,我們要更加彼此相愛和彼此服侍。
從二月到如今,終於做了這個決定,是一個過程。我很感謝神給我的主診醫生,物理治療師和髖關節的專科醫生都很留心聽我的意見,他們都沒有給我壓力和嘗試說服我,並給我幾個月時間去明白我不能bandaid (治標不治本) 這個關節的毛病。讓我心裡預備好去做這手術和安排日期,心裡也是滿有平安。
在很多事情上,我們都有先入為主的觀念。我是那種抗拒做手術的人,總覺得可以用別的治療替代。基本上是不會考慮這個可能性,在嘗試用各樣的治療方法後都不成,才無奈地接受。這些醫生們看到X射線都認為我的問題只有做手術才會好轉,雖然手術後需要有一段的復原期,但長遠之計是我以後日子可以行走無痛。神是全知的,《詩篇》139:16: “我未成形的體質,祢的眼早已看見了;祢所定的日子,我尚未度一日,袮都寫在袮的冊上。” 祂在每一件事上都有所安排,然而我們有時不願意跟從,仍想按著自己的方法去解決。我亦相信神的大能是絕對可以醫治我;但手術也可以叫我得著治療。神憐憫地給我時間去接受和面對現實,祂讓我經歷過祂的醫治,也讓我有信心去接受這個手術。
一直以來我都抗拒做手術,所以也沒有研究這種手術的成功案例和去做多些的了解。我堅持這一個觀點便將其他的可行性都排出門外。我決定約見手術醫生前,上網研究,並查看舞蹈老師做這手術的成功率。其實很多人能走路不痛便滿足了!但我希望能夠繼續教課。從我研究的案例中,很多人說早些做就不用痛這麼多年了 (Pain free) !我不太認同,我覺得生命做任何一個決定,都要經過時間和過程,衡量利與弊。尤其這是一個大手術,不能輕率去決定。神知道我的恐懼和擔心,祂知道我之前還未預備好,便讓我挨痛一段時間去學習,在挨痛的過程,祂又會減輕我的不適。我很感謝神,祂按著我的承受能力去改變我的觀念。
決定做手術這事情上,看來有點無奈要走最後的一條出路(the last option), 然而這無奈中有神的安排。無奈的力量是從神的話而來,《彼得前書》5:7: “你們要將一切的憂慮卸給神,因為祂顧念你們。” :《以賽亞書》26:3: “堅心倚賴祢的,祢必保守他十分平安,因為他倚靠袮。”我知道做了手術後會有一段艱難期,並要重新適應新的髖關節。我要仰望和倚靠神給我力量勇敢地往前走。
Do You Have Two Stomachs?
The Bible and Social Justice
Author: Pastor Johnny Wilson
The Bible and Social Justice
Author: Pastor Johnny Wilson
A very dear friend of mine had Jewish grandparents. The grandma was a practicing Jew who kept kosher, but the grandpa was a secularized Jew who simply didn’t see any sense in keeping kosher. Whenever they ate at home, the meals were very carefully kept kosher, and the grandfather didn’t complain. But whenever the couple would eat outside the home, the grandfather would deliberately order something that he wouldn’t be able to have if he kept kosher. The grandmother would become incensed at his indulgence of non-kosher behavior, look at him in disgust, and say, “What?! You have two stomachs? One keeps kosher and the other doesn’t?” Even though I’m not Jewish and I don’t believe (especially after studying Acts and Galatians) that God intends for Christians to keep kosher, I think of my friend telling me this story whenever I hear of someone (or realize that I myself am) acting one way in one situation and doing/being something different in another situation.
Sometimes, we find ourselves trying to be people of two stomachs in the world situation. We have one stomach for how we act in business and another for how we act in church. We have one stomach for what we espouse in school and another for what we share in church. We have one stomach for how we vote or participate in politics and another stomach for how we express concern among our brothers and sisters in Christ. The truth is that our “two stomach” situation is a lot like Israel, as God’s people, reacting to the rival/pagan Canaanite civilization that still pervaded the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah eight centuries before Christ.
The United States is NOT Israel
Remember, though, the United States is not and is not supposed to be Israel. Israel was supposed to be a government and society run by God. Yet, Israel demanded a king to become more like the established city-states around them. They were supposed to demonstrate what obeying God and trusting God in politics, economics, health, protection, and personal relationships could be. They were promised a land where there would be plenty, fairness, and love. They were never able to obtain/attain what God really wanted for them. They were constantly, as a group, being pulled back into contamination and compromise that distanced and isolated them from the will of God.
Bear with me, please, as I promise to show where this is relevant to us in just a moment. I just want to make sure you understand what Israel’s situation was when they failed to become God’s nation on earth. Hear what an Old Testament scholar from Scotland wrote in 1946:
The prophets became profoundly alive to the historical environment of their own day and could not stand aloof, but identified themselves with the will of a God who was at once Judge and Redeemer. And, because the will of God admits no compromise, they perceived, as no one else did the glaring contrast between the way of life which God required of Israel and the way of life which resulted from compromise with the nature religion of Canaan. (Norman Porteous, “The Basis of the Ethical Teaching of the Prophets” in Rowley, H. H. (ed.) Studies in Old Testament Prophecy Presented to Professor Theodore H. Robinson, p. 152).
Get it? Whenever Israel compromised with the nature, fertility, success religion of the “Canaanite” approach to life and society, it meant that God’s People had failed in establishing God’s kingdom of justice and righteousness on earth in general and in the land in specific. Yet, since the “Canaanite” approach to life was so established and in-grained, the only way that the “taint” could have been removed (taking into consideration human nature) would have been to annihilate all of the existing residents during the conquest and settlement of the land and to raze all of the existing buildings (and the institutions behind them) to the ground. Anyone who has read the Book of Judges with its repeated litany of failure (“…but did not utterly drive them out…” (Judges 1:19, 21, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33) and God’s consequent decision not to remove the Canaanites completely (Judges 2:3, 21, and 23) would know that Israel didn’t do that.
Where Your Nose Begins
What about us? Even though we weren’t born into Ancient Israel and even though the church, not the United States, is intended to be the New Israel, God’s People, we have ethical responsibilities. It is NOT our responsibility to make the entire nation conform to God’s laws. Our nation would be stronger if it did. We would all be better off if the entire population would. But both the strength and downside of a free society is that people are “free” to sin so long as the potential consequences of that sin (or sins) is begins” is apropos here.
A person has the freedom to use alcohol, but not the freedom to become an angry drunk and beat someone up or kill them, certainly not to drive drunk. A person has to freedom to have immoral sex, but not the freedom to create unwanted pregnancies, destroy families, and pass along sexually-transmitted diseases. A person has the freedom to launch fireworks, but not the freedom to burn down their neighbor’s house. But, as the apostle Paul taught God’s people, while anything MIGHT be permitted, not everything is useful, healthy, and beneficial to oneself and others. So, this very freedom we enjoy in our country is problematic for the believer when considering social justice.
Now, there are some believers who say, “Let’s just stick to the gospel and forget anything that might border on politics.” Sadly, we don’t have that option. The word used for “righteousness” in the Hebrew Old Testament means living with integrity and acting with complete consideration for those around us. So, for example, while many in our country are prolonging the pandemic with their refusals to wear masks and practice social distancing in the guise of “freedom,” the “righteous” person in the Old Testament sense would wear the mask and social distance out of consideration for others. To those who protest that this is an Old Testament view of “righteousness,” we must cite Jesus’ admonition to care just as much for those around us as for ourselves. If you are a Christian, I do not believe you have the right to put other people at risk and remain in God’s will.
Seven Deadly Sins?
Another denomination categorizes seven sins as being particularly vile and, without pardon, worthy of sending the sinner to hell. Of course, as evangelicals, we believe that ALL sinners are condemned to hell without accepting the intervention of Jesus death and sacrifice. But it is interesting that in his first sermon against Israel (Amos 2:6-8), the 8th century prophet uses seven (7) verbs to describe how Israel had violated the covenant with God such that they deserved to be conquered by Assyria.
Right after his standard for three breaches of contract and still one more [“Concerning three rebellions of Israel, and concerning a fourth, …” those verbs are:
Blasting the 1%?
Now, I don’t want you to consider these first two verbs as preaching that you need to go down to the financial district in the Loop and protest the one-percenters. Yet, God speaks against those who “sell” the righteous (or, at least, more honest than their creditors) for silver and, because it is in parallel, those who sell the poor for sandals. Both “sales” are talking about the ancient style of foreclosures. Can’t pay your debts? You could be sold into slavery. Can’t pay your debts? You could be sold into slavery for your land.
What?! How did shoes become land? In the 8th century, a pair of sandals often represented the title deed to the land. It was double jeopardy in the ancient world. One didn’t merely lose the land in foreclosure, but one lost one’s freedom, too. Today, that might suggest that believers should not take advantage of their economic leverage to strip people of their economic dignity. It might mean that believers should advocate continuing the moratorium on evictions during the pandemic. [NOTE: I use the term “might” here because human nature tells us that in addition to those who need a break on their rent during these hard times, there are those who could pay their rent but use the pandemic as an excuse to cheat their landlords. We can’t simply put every situation in the same bucket.]
But personally, if I was to discover that the bank with which I do business was using foreclosures and evictions as a weapon against the helpless, I believe I would need to find another bank. I once had an active member leave a church fellowship because of a similar issue. He accepted a job with a shady automobile dealership that specialized in selling cars on credit to people they knew couldn’t afford it. They knew they’d have to repossess the cars from most of them before too long, but they would make their money on down payments and high interest rates until the poor people realized they were in over their heads and defaulted. I told him that I couldn’t do that and didn’t think it was right.
Separating the Unequal?
Stomping on the heads of the poor and turning away the afflicted (v. 7) suggests both taking advantage of the less fortunate and deliberately ignoring their needs. Amos was preaching against a society where the gap between the land-owning wealthy and the “little persons” was constantly growing bigger. Indeed, I called this taking advantage of the unfortunate, but the part about stomping them into the dust may have a more sinister meaning. Since Genesis 3:19 tells us that humankind will have to return to dust in death, does this mean the wealthy were pushing the poor toward death? And it could possibly resonate with those in our country concerned about the disparity in health care between rich and poor.
As God’s people, we can vote for those trying to do something about this, we can invest in companies or non-profits trying to do something about this, but there isn’t a lot the individual can do about this. Sure, we could stop buying clothing, shoes, and electronics from firms that run Asian sweatshops (and if God convicts us of this, we definitely should stop). But as God’s people, we definitely shouldn’t take advantage of the poor or ignore the needs of those in trouble. But if nothing else, this ancient prophecy should tell us to be very fair in the way we do business and not to be indifferent when it is possible to help someone who can’t help himself or herself.
Sexual Follies
Although there are neo-pagan groups all around the U.S. as part of our diversity, there isn’t likely to be an authentic Baal cult near us. There is an idol of Baal in a museum at the University of Chicago, but I’m certainly not aware of anyone worshipping it. But Amos’ sermon concerning the father and son sexually using the same woman is about Baal worship. Why were they using the same woman? Because she was a sacred prostitute and having sex with her was part of Baal worship. To be sure, even if this were just some disgusting practice taking place in one family, it would be a circumstance that would make lives miserable.
But if we drill a little deeper into fertility religion, we see that the sex was designed to get the gods and goddesses excited which, in turn, brought rain to make the crops grow. The crops grew and made people wealthy and successful. In our society, sex is used to sell everything which, in turn, makes people wealthy and successful. Then, to go full circle, sexual adornments, attractiveness, and prowess is often used as evidence of success. Trophy wives, mistresses, “pool boys,” and lovers are like jewelry and fashion to the successful in our society, whether those in the financial or entertainment sector. Beyond the basic immorality of which every Christian should be aware, this is a problem because the prominence of this behavior in our society makes it look not only respectable, but desirable. Since Amos hasn’t addressed homosexuality specifically, I haven’t mentioned it to this point. BUT, modern believers cannot afford to become complacent about sexual sin. We cannot afford to ignore the consequences of sexual sin in personal degradation, broken relationships, unwanted pregnancies, venereal disease, etc. simply because “everybody’s doing it.”
Then, Amos talks about people partying beside the altars and getting drunk in their “temples.” But it’s even worse! The luxuries on which the wealthy partiers are reclining and even the vintages (exotic or otherwise) that they were imbibing had come from cheating (or, at least, taking advantage of) the poor. Part of the reason these sinful, pagan worshippers in ancient Israel were so successful was because the religious establishment was supporting the wealthy and successful—no matter how much lying, human trafficking, exploitation, and sexual misbehavior was going on.
Have things changed enough since then that we can simply claim to have two stomachs such that we live one way around church members and another way at work, at school, and at play? I am more convinced today than yesterday that God doesn’t want us to use two stomachs—whether we find His Word in the Old Testament or the New!
Sometimes, we find ourselves trying to be people of two stomachs in the world situation. We have one stomach for how we act in business and another for how we act in church. We have one stomach for what we espouse in school and another for what we share in church. We have one stomach for how we vote or participate in politics and another stomach for how we express concern among our brothers and sisters in Christ. The truth is that our “two stomach” situation is a lot like Israel, as God’s people, reacting to the rival/pagan Canaanite civilization that still pervaded the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah eight centuries before Christ.
The United States is NOT Israel
Remember, though, the United States is not and is not supposed to be Israel. Israel was supposed to be a government and society run by God. Yet, Israel demanded a king to become more like the established city-states around them. They were supposed to demonstrate what obeying God and trusting God in politics, economics, health, protection, and personal relationships could be. They were promised a land where there would be plenty, fairness, and love. They were never able to obtain/attain what God really wanted for them. They were constantly, as a group, being pulled back into contamination and compromise that distanced and isolated them from the will of God.
Bear with me, please, as I promise to show where this is relevant to us in just a moment. I just want to make sure you understand what Israel’s situation was when they failed to become God’s nation on earth. Hear what an Old Testament scholar from Scotland wrote in 1946:
The prophets became profoundly alive to the historical environment of their own day and could not stand aloof, but identified themselves with the will of a God who was at once Judge and Redeemer. And, because the will of God admits no compromise, they perceived, as no one else did the glaring contrast between the way of life which God required of Israel and the way of life which resulted from compromise with the nature religion of Canaan. (Norman Porteous, “The Basis of the Ethical Teaching of the Prophets” in Rowley, H. H. (ed.) Studies in Old Testament Prophecy Presented to Professor Theodore H. Robinson, p. 152).
Get it? Whenever Israel compromised with the nature, fertility, success religion of the “Canaanite” approach to life and society, it meant that God’s People had failed in establishing God’s kingdom of justice and righteousness on earth in general and in the land in specific. Yet, since the “Canaanite” approach to life was so established and in-grained, the only way that the “taint” could have been removed (taking into consideration human nature) would have been to annihilate all of the existing residents during the conquest and settlement of the land and to raze all of the existing buildings (and the institutions behind them) to the ground. Anyone who has read the Book of Judges with its repeated litany of failure (“…but did not utterly drive them out…” (Judges 1:19, 21, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33) and God’s consequent decision not to remove the Canaanites completely (Judges 2:3, 21, and 23) would know that Israel didn’t do that.
Where Your Nose Begins
What about us? Even though we weren’t born into Ancient Israel and even though the church, not the United States, is intended to be the New Israel, God’s People, we have ethical responsibilities. It is NOT our responsibility to make the entire nation conform to God’s laws. Our nation would be stronger if it did. We would all be better off if the entire population would. But both the strength and downside of a free society is that people are “free” to sin so long as the potential consequences of that sin (or sins) is begins” is apropos here.
A person has the freedom to use alcohol, but not the freedom to become an angry drunk and beat someone up or kill them, certainly not to drive drunk. A person has to freedom to have immoral sex, but not the freedom to create unwanted pregnancies, destroy families, and pass along sexually-transmitted diseases. A person has the freedom to launch fireworks, but not the freedom to burn down their neighbor’s house. But, as the apostle Paul taught God’s people, while anything MIGHT be permitted, not everything is useful, healthy, and beneficial to oneself and others. So, this very freedom we enjoy in our country is problematic for the believer when considering social justice.
Now, there are some believers who say, “Let’s just stick to the gospel and forget anything that might border on politics.” Sadly, we don’t have that option. The word used for “righteousness” in the Hebrew Old Testament means living with integrity and acting with complete consideration for those around us. So, for example, while many in our country are prolonging the pandemic with their refusals to wear masks and practice social distancing in the guise of “freedom,” the “righteous” person in the Old Testament sense would wear the mask and social distance out of consideration for others. To those who protest that this is an Old Testament view of “righteousness,” we must cite Jesus’ admonition to care just as much for those around us as for ourselves. If you are a Christian, I do not believe you have the right to put other people at risk and remain in God’s will.
Seven Deadly Sins?
Another denomination categorizes seven sins as being particularly vile and, without pardon, worthy of sending the sinner to hell. Of course, as evangelicals, we believe that ALL sinners are condemned to hell without accepting the intervention of Jesus death and sacrifice. But it is interesting that in his first sermon against Israel (Amos 2:6-8), the 8th century prophet uses seven (7) verbs to describe how Israel had violated the covenant with God such that they deserved to be conquered by Assyria.
Right after his standard for three breaches of contract and still one more [“Concerning three rebellions of Israel, and concerning a fourth, …” those verbs are:
- 1) “sell” (“the righteous for silver,” v. 6b) ,
- 2) “sell” (implied “the poor for the sake of sandals,” v. 6c),
- 3) “trample” (“the head of the poor into the dust,” v. 7a),
- 4) “turn away” (“the afflicted,” v. 7a)
- 5) “go in” (“father and son sexually use same woman,” v. 7b)
- 6) “recline” (“on garments taken in pledge,” v. 8)
- 7) “drink” (“wine from the fined in House of God/gods,” v. 8)
Blasting the 1%?
Now, I don’t want you to consider these first two verbs as preaching that you need to go down to the financial district in the Loop and protest the one-percenters. Yet, God speaks against those who “sell” the righteous (or, at least, more honest than their creditors) for silver and, because it is in parallel, those who sell the poor for sandals. Both “sales” are talking about the ancient style of foreclosures. Can’t pay your debts? You could be sold into slavery. Can’t pay your debts? You could be sold into slavery for your land.
What?! How did shoes become land? In the 8th century, a pair of sandals often represented the title deed to the land. It was double jeopardy in the ancient world. One didn’t merely lose the land in foreclosure, but one lost one’s freedom, too. Today, that might suggest that believers should not take advantage of their economic leverage to strip people of their economic dignity. It might mean that believers should advocate continuing the moratorium on evictions during the pandemic. [NOTE: I use the term “might” here because human nature tells us that in addition to those who need a break on their rent during these hard times, there are those who could pay their rent but use the pandemic as an excuse to cheat their landlords. We can’t simply put every situation in the same bucket.]
But personally, if I was to discover that the bank with which I do business was using foreclosures and evictions as a weapon against the helpless, I believe I would need to find another bank. I once had an active member leave a church fellowship because of a similar issue. He accepted a job with a shady automobile dealership that specialized in selling cars on credit to people they knew couldn’t afford it. They knew they’d have to repossess the cars from most of them before too long, but they would make their money on down payments and high interest rates until the poor people realized they were in over their heads and defaulted. I told him that I couldn’t do that and didn’t think it was right.
Separating the Unequal?
Stomping on the heads of the poor and turning away the afflicted (v. 7) suggests both taking advantage of the less fortunate and deliberately ignoring their needs. Amos was preaching against a society where the gap between the land-owning wealthy and the “little persons” was constantly growing bigger. Indeed, I called this taking advantage of the unfortunate, but the part about stomping them into the dust may have a more sinister meaning. Since Genesis 3:19 tells us that humankind will have to return to dust in death, does this mean the wealthy were pushing the poor toward death? And it could possibly resonate with those in our country concerned about the disparity in health care between rich and poor.
As God’s people, we can vote for those trying to do something about this, we can invest in companies or non-profits trying to do something about this, but there isn’t a lot the individual can do about this. Sure, we could stop buying clothing, shoes, and electronics from firms that run Asian sweatshops (and if God convicts us of this, we definitely should stop). But as God’s people, we definitely shouldn’t take advantage of the poor or ignore the needs of those in trouble. But if nothing else, this ancient prophecy should tell us to be very fair in the way we do business and not to be indifferent when it is possible to help someone who can’t help himself or herself.
Sexual Follies
Although there are neo-pagan groups all around the U.S. as part of our diversity, there isn’t likely to be an authentic Baal cult near us. There is an idol of Baal in a museum at the University of Chicago, but I’m certainly not aware of anyone worshipping it. But Amos’ sermon concerning the father and son sexually using the same woman is about Baal worship. Why were they using the same woman? Because she was a sacred prostitute and having sex with her was part of Baal worship. To be sure, even if this were just some disgusting practice taking place in one family, it would be a circumstance that would make lives miserable.
But if we drill a little deeper into fertility religion, we see that the sex was designed to get the gods and goddesses excited which, in turn, brought rain to make the crops grow. The crops grew and made people wealthy and successful. In our society, sex is used to sell everything which, in turn, makes people wealthy and successful. Then, to go full circle, sexual adornments, attractiveness, and prowess is often used as evidence of success. Trophy wives, mistresses, “pool boys,” and lovers are like jewelry and fashion to the successful in our society, whether those in the financial or entertainment sector. Beyond the basic immorality of which every Christian should be aware, this is a problem because the prominence of this behavior in our society makes it look not only respectable, but desirable. Since Amos hasn’t addressed homosexuality specifically, I haven’t mentioned it to this point. BUT, modern believers cannot afford to become complacent about sexual sin. We cannot afford to ignore the consequences of sexual sin in personal degradation, broken relationships, unwanted pregnancies, venereal disease, etc. simply because “everybody’s doing it.”
Then, Amos talks about people partying beside the altars and getting drunk in their “temples.” But it’s even worse! The luxuries on which the wealthy partiers are reclining and even the vintages (exotic or otherwise) that they were imbibing had come from cheating (or, at least, taking advantage of) the poor. Part of the reason these sinful, pagan worshippers in ancient Israel were so successful was because the religious establishment was supporting the wealthy and successful—no matter how much lying, human trafficking, exploitation, and sexual misbehavior was going on.
Have things changed enough since then that we can simply claim to have two stomachs such that we live one way around church members and another way at work, at school, and at play? I am more convinced today than yesterday that God doesn’t want us to use two stomachs—whether we find His Word in the Old Testament or the New!